A pet hair remover for anyone who's tired of getting fur all over their clothes. Roll it over your couch, bed, favorite blanket, you name it, and watch it lift the fur away faster than Fluffy can shed. See, we can own nice things!!
An immunity-boosting allergy supplement so you can calm your dog's skin sensitivities ASAP and put an end to the licking and scratching. These soft chews deliver a dose of probiotics and other nutrients to help improve immune function, aide digestion, promote healthy skin, and add shine to a dog's coat.
An antibacterial toothpaste that's safe to swallow, because you love your precious, cuddly lap dog but you hate their overpoweringly bad breath. Preventing plaque buildup can keep your dog's breath smelling fresh.
An anti-fungal antibacterial spray made with cooling aloe to quickly treat a range of skin conditions, including allergies, cuts, hot spots, infections, rashes, and scrapes.
A joint support chew with turmeric, curcumin, bone broth, and taurine, a blend of ingredients that'll help your pup's hips and joints function optimally so they can engage in zoomies without pain.
A liquid tartar remover (think of it as doggy mouthwash!) if your dog desperately needs their teeth cleaned but also won't let you near them with a toothbrush. Just add this to their water and you'll notice your dog's plaque and bad breath subside. Let the snuggles and face licks commence!
A nail grinder for trimming your pup's claws so you can cuddle without getting scratches all over your legs and arms. It's super quiet and smooth, which is ideal for dogs who get spooked by regular nail clippers.
A snout soother so you can ensure their snoot is always soft, moisturized, and oh-so boopable.
A pack of paw protection cream you'll use year round to guard against ice and salt in the winter and scorching hot sidewalks and sand in the summer. It's made with vitamin E to keep the paw pads moisturized, but some reviewers use it on their own dry, cracked heels as well as their tattoos.
An ear treatment to clean your poor pet's ears of buildup and prevent inflammation and irritation. These ear drops are designed to protect against a variety of fungal and bacterial infections, like yeast and staph infections.
A pet brush that'll do the hard work of detangling your pet's matted fur while also removing dead hair to reduce shedding and keep your vacuumed floors fur-free. The stainless steel blade is packed with tiny teeth that are long enough to grasp loose hairs in your dog's or cat's undercoat.
A bottle of Burt's Bees dander-reducing spray if you want your cat's coat soft, shiny, and free of dander and flakes. It's made with aloe vera and oatmeal to condition dry skin and reduce redness.
An eye rinse for clearing away debris that could be irritating your dog's eyes. Plus, it'll help get rid of tear stains — AKA those annoying reddish streaks some dogs have around their eyes.
A wood polish so you can hide the scratch marks from your dog's overgrown nails along the bottom of your doors and on your wood floor.
A set of mini combs because it gently detangles the fur around your pet's eyes that's been crusted with eye boogers. This stainless steel brush delicately picks out the goop so you don't have to touch it yourself.
A devastatingly effective handheld vacuum to suck up pet hair. It has a special rubber nozzle that picks up fur with ease, especially on hard-to-vacuum areas like stairs. There's no bag, so simply pop off the canister when you're done vacuuming and dump the contents in the trash.
A cleansing wrinkle cream that'll wash away tear stains and prevent moisture from building up in skin folds. This is especially useful for squishy-faced breeds — like Frenchies, bulldogs, and pugs — but long-haired breeds can also benefit too.
A purring cat toy if you're looking for a quick fix to your kitty's anxiety. This purple guy has a built-in purring mechanism so your feline can enjoy the sensation of curling up to another purring "cat." It also plays calming, comforting sounds.
An electric pet shaver for trimming your pet's fur faster than it takes to make an appointment at the groomer. This set comes with four guard combs so you don't accidentally nick the skin, as well as a set of clippers. Reviewers say it's quiet — a plus if your pets are sensitive to noise.
A slow feeder bowl so you can put a fast stop to your dog inhaling their meal in a minute flat. These ridged bowls can help improve digestion, reduce bloating, and encourage your dog's foraging skills by slowing down their eating.
A Bissell SpotBot, because who wants to spend hours on their hands and knees scrubbing cat vomit from the carpet? The answer: no one.
An odor-eliminating spray so you can lift stains and odors fast. Each spray releases bacteria that feeds on the ammonia left behind after your pet's accidents, eliminating the urine completely and deterring your pet from peeing in the same spot again.
The longest wait will be the time between submitting your order and when it arrives at your door.