A sequin flapper dress stolen from the closet of Daisy Buchanan herself. Pair this with some pearls and you'll be on your way to ruining the life of a man named Gatsby.
Butterfly wings for an easy and simple costume that requires minimal effort. Throw on some leggings, grab some candy, and prepare to look ~fly~ whilst watching Freeform's 31 Nights of Halloween.
A mermaid costume because in the wise words of an old crab, the human world really is a mess. Escape the disaster that is 2020 and cosplay as an underwater creature for the night.
A PB&J set that, unfortunately, does not come with the crusts cut off. It also doesn't come with a baseball bat.
A bat costume made from a delightfully cozy material that would make even your fleece rubber duck pajama bottoms feel uncomfortable in comparison.
A retro poodle skirt dress to have you feeling like an extra on the set of Grease. (And not the subpar 2016 remake that aired on Fox, people.)
A brilliant Fun Dip number for anyone who has fond memories of ~dipping~ a flavored stick of sugar into a packet of more flavored sugar. Ah, to eat like I did in my youth. What a time.
A framed Mona Lisa to let you fix da Vinci's greatest mistake: the brows. Grab some tinted gel, fill those bad boys in, and proudly announce that you've improved a work of art.
An inflatable T. rex costume ideal for socially-distanced strolls through the park. Jurassic Park, that is.
A glow-in-the-dark catsuit that's pretty damn simple: no intricate makeup, additional accessories, or specific shoes required for this bare-bones ensemble.
A Progressive kit so you could get into the spirit of Halloween while also locking in a solid insurance rate. This costume comes with an apron, a wig, a headband, a name tag, and an "I heart insurance" button so spot-on, you can except a royalty check in the mail any day now.
A wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man that, uh, will make it look like you have some serious dance moves.
A costume kit you shouldn't purchase if you're prone to losing everything. This striped shirt, beanie, and clear glasses kit will be nearly impossible to locate once gone.
A ragdoll costume known to have a huge attitude problem. It's always a total nightmare, especially right before Christmas.
A voodoo doll costume that comes with a dress, novelty stick, heart pins, and really cool embroidered tights that I would actually want to wear again? We love a costume that can be worn more than once.
A warrior costume ideal for the mother who devotes the bulk of their social media accounts to posting about their children. We get it. You love your dragons.
A Freddy Krueger costume guaranteed to give you the *evil laughter* sweetest dreams possible. Starring in nightmares? On Elm street? That's the old Freddy Krueger. He's turned a new leaf.
An Angelica Pickles onesie so cozy, you'll feel both festive *and* comfortable as you settle in for the night — enormous amounts of candy in hand— to watch scary movie after scary movie.
A Ghostbusters jumpsuit complete with five interchangeable name tags and an inflatable backpack, meaning you'll be ready to capture ghouls the second your hotline rings.
A no-frills tee-and-cape combo for the ~Gal~ who wants a simple, inexpensive way to get into the holiday spirit this year.
A three-piece costume that'll make your Hauntober more ~bewitching~ than ever before. I'm not sure what she's up to these days, but this strikes me as something a present-day Marnie (cc Halloweentown) would wear.
OR! A Wicked Witch-inspired outfit you should absolutely NOT put near water. It will melt. Just trust me on this one.
A carrot jumpsuit for anyone who would like to provide a stark contrast to ALLLL of the candy being consumed around them.
A feline catsuit sure to have to you ~feline~ yourself this October the 31st. Yes, yes, I hear you, you were a cat last year — but this isn't just some simple ears, kiddos! This is a fully thought out ensemble!
And last but not least, a fleece knit sweatshirt that any Hocus Pocus fanatic needs to own. This super soft garment is as lit as the black flame candle and can basically act as a substitute for the Halloween costume you just...didn't want to wear.