A spacious favola hamster cage that comes complete with a water bottle, exercise wheel, food dish and special hamster hide-out, as per their quirky yet essential habits. Make sure any habitat you get has a solid bottom like this one, as well as minimal bar and wire spacing to stop escape artists.
An absolutely bananas super soft small animal pet bed with a warm, comfy cushion pad begging to be regularly featured on your hamster baby's Instagram page. Clean every two weeks and replace after three months.
A bag of all-natural aspen bedding great for both nesting and resting. The shavings are specially processed to eliminate excess dust and wood debris. Cover their floor with one to three inches of this and be sure to remove & replace any wet or soiled bedding daily, while doing a full cage clean once a week.
An incredible 10-pack of wooden pine toys & accessories (yes, there's even a seasaw, swing and climbing ladder) that is basically Gymboree class for your critter We love a bundle of joy-inducing toys.
A premium plastic sand hamster potty providing a great way for your fur baby to relieve some stress while relieving themselves. Hamsters loves to have a sand bath as it helps them keep their fur naturally clean.
A darling two-piece set of ceramic kiwi and watermelon food dishes that takes just 30 seconds to scrub clean and helps prevent spills. Having these around may also make you crave a fruit smoothie...
A super *silent* quiet spinner hamster exercise wheel because as much as you love to watch your hammie do their daily cardio, you'd prefer if it was a quiet, peaceful process.
A one-pound bag of chicken-flavored fortified hamster pellets so you know your babies are getting the very best nutrition possible. Perfect for picky eaters, these pellets were formulated with the guidance of the top vets and nutritionists and can be nicely complemented by grass hay.
A cute wooden hamster hideaway house that promotes healthy nesting and chewing while giving your fur baby their own private compound to call home.
A secure no-drip water bottle featuring a user-friendly screw-on bracket to keep your hamsters well-hydrated without worrying about leakage into their habitat.
A long, chewable suspension bridge toy so your hamster can get their daily steps in, reach higher areas in their habitats or hide underneath it when they're in the mood to take a snooze.
A small ceramic hamster hideout designed as both shark (note the mouth full of teeth) and watermelon (the fun pattern). Truly, this belongs in some kind of post-modern pet museum.
A tasty veggie cranberry hamster treat stick baked for both crunchiness and superb flavor. The seeds contain essential vitamins and minerals, and chewing helps prevent hamster boredom (and overgrown teeth).
A spacious high-rise tank topper with strong, sturdy wires so your hamster can climb back and forth between levels while staying safe and enjoying the added space.
A coconut hamster hut your hammie will go nutty over. The coolest part? It's made from eco-friendly coconut shell materials, acting as both tropical decor and hideout.
A delightful small pet Christmas costume made from warm, soft material. The set includes a mini red wool hamster hat, mini Santa Claus hat, and two holiday scarves. Yeah, these are definitely going on the 'gram (and holiday card).
A trusty pet-safe bottle of small animal cage cleaner that both sanitizes and deodorizes your hamster's living quarters. They try to keep their room clean, but alas...they do need your help each week.
A portable, breathable (and very chic, we might add) hamster carrier bag including a shoulder strap for safe and easy transport and an ultra-adorable leash to keep your hammie from running off mid-vet visit.