• This product adds a great value
  • Product is highly durable and very easy to use
  • This product is manufactured in the USA
  • 5 gallon gasoline Safety can with poly yellow funnel
  • 100% leak tested, UL and ULC listed and FM Approved
  • Has flame arrestor screen
  • Patented comfort grip Trigger release with spring closing lid and fixed Handle
  • Red baked on powder coat finish over lead free galvanized steel construction

This a great value for the price, especially when compared to those with the flexible spout (Type II). If you need to fill side opening tanks (e.g.; cars and trucks), you may be better served by a Type II can (I love my Eagle Type II) because with this one you will typically have to put the funnel into the tank opening and then pour into the funnel. Type I cans, like this one, don't have a second opening so the thing is going to go glug-glug-glug and possibly splash a little unless you pour very carefully. Type II cans have a second opening (for filling) that is partly opened when you operate the valve, allowing for a smooth and fast flow through the spout. Having said that, these are about 1/2 the price of a Type II and are ideal for bulk storage of gas. If you are filling something that has the fill spot on top, then this works great. For me, it's about having gas available during winter - mainly storage - rather than pouring, so this fits my needs perfectly. Twice a season I change the gas out and I can put up with the funnel on my equipment. Note that the handle that opens the cap is plastic - I was a little surprised, but it seems durable enough if taken care of. It's apparently changed from a red color to a yellow color in recent production. If you're sick of gimicky and stupid CARB-certifiied cans, this is for you. It's federally approved which exempts it from CARB standards.

I should have ordered a couple of the Eagle Fuel Cans a long time ago! I hate the safety oriented spouts on the cheep plastic containers. I've never found one that is convenient and isn't a pain in the rear. Who ever came up with the dispenser design on the cheep plastic containers was way overpaid and a total waste of our time. Plastic swells, and shrinks with gas in them, depending on temperature. This is a tough container which will do neither. Fumes/pressure can release through the lid, if necessary. Great! If I knew then, what I know now, I'd have more of these Eagle containers in my arsenal. The container is solid and even galvanized under the paint. A much safer bet! The funnel that attaches is solid and made of thick plastic. After closer inspection, one can see it will last a long time. Just take the funnel off, hold the spring loaded handle back and fill with the gas hose at the pump. There is a snap-in strainer in the inlet, appears installed at the factory. It looks to be non removable, but regardless... It is a good idea to keep from getting any foreign particles into the container while filling. After filling, attach the funnel and pour into your gas operated device. (funnels can be purchased separately) No spilling and no mess! This is a given. Amazon was the best price I could find and I do shop around. I'm truly ready to order a couple more and throw my plastic containers. Sure I'll be handing these down to the next generation.

I ordered two of these metal cans after years of plastic gas container "childproof" nightmares. I read the reviews stating customers had received dented cans, and I was a little concerned mine would be also. They arrive, and I open the first box, it's dented (8" diameter dent). I open the second box, it is also dented. I pull on the yellow plastic handle, and WHOOSH/POP. Air rushes in the can, and the dent pops out. I repeat on the second "less dented" can, same result. Both cans are now perfect, no dents. The dented cans were dented because warmer air was trapped inside the can at the factory. These cans seal so well, the cans held the dent. If you don't believe this, fill a two or three liter soda bottle with hot water, and let it sit for a minute or two. Then pour the hot water from the bottle and immediately screw on the bottle cap. Instant contraction, same result.

Has built in Spark arrester for safety in the throat of the can. Removal funell, great for filling mowers, weed eater and anything you can fill vertically, you would need a different funnel for filling cars however. The base is wide so I don't see it tipping over in a truck bed if you drive conservative. And if it did tip over, I believe that the spring loaded cap with gasket would prevent leaking. I would not say the same thing about a plastic can! Priced right and you don't get fuel on your hands like you do with setting up the spout on some of the plastic cans designs! Consistent pour with out the "glug-glug" you get from plastic no- vented cans. Can you tell I hate plastic fuel cans?

After mulling over reviews for plastic 5 gallon gas cans, I bought this as a way to keep a few gallons of gas sitting around long term without having to worry about the container breaking. So far I am satisfied with this can. It isn't too heavy when empty and, when full, the handle is convenient to carry it with. Since its not plastic, it doesn't warp or deform under the weight of gas. I can stick this in my garage and not worry about it. Because of the spring-tensioned spout cover it doesn't leak fumes but also isn't going to explode if it becomes overpressurized for any reason. I have to say, where it excels at storing gas, when it comes to pouring gas...eh, it just good enough. Pouring is slow since it has no vent. Its kind of awkward and requires strong hands to hold the can, hold the lid open, and pour at the same time. An average adult will find it annoying but will not have problems. When its nearly empty is has to be turned upside down while pouring to get the last of the gas out, otherwise there will be a bit left. This could be a problem when filling some vehicles so consider that carefully. The included yellow funnel worked fine for filling cars for me.

The can arrived in perfect condition. When i opened the lid on it i could tell it had a vacuum on it. Some have said theirs has dents when it arrived. One person suggested a scientific reason explaining how a vacuum in the manufacturing process could suck the sides in and said his dents popped out when he opened the lid. I can believe that. I was very impressed with the thickness of the metal and the sturdiness of the can. Even the yellow plastic handle at the top is very well made and i am satisfied that it will last along time. It DOES come with a funnel. In the fine print of the listing it said this does not come with a funnel. It does. Initially, getting the funnel off and on is a little bit of a hassle but not nearly as much of a hassle as those spouts are on new gas cans. I put my can up on the table before putting gas in it and kinda practiced putting the funnel on and taking it off so i can learn the trick to it. I also would twist it side to side while i had it on to kinda break it into the metal spout it fits onto. The more you do these things the easier it gets to get it off and on. This can sells for 50$ at my local hardware so the price here is a good deal. I am Satisfied with this purchase and i am sure you will be too!

After reading a couple reviews that said this was flimsy steel and cheap plastic, I was a little hesitant to purchase this. However, I took the chance and am glad I did. I want to say first and foremost, this is NOT flimsy steel and is of solid construction. The spring mechanism for the handle that raises the cap is also very well made and I have no concerns about that. Also, after filling this the first time, the funnel feature is REALLY handy. You pull the handle back to disengage the cap, insert the funnel, and let the cap rest on the funnel to keep it in place (it stays in place very well). The funnel works great and made no drips when filling my lawn mower. My only minor gripe is that I wish the can had a feature to stow the funnel on it when not in use.

Love these cans first class!! I have bought a total of 7 of these gas cans over the years and about to by another. I have a generator that requires a total of 6 1/2 gallons of fuel to run for 17 hours. Where we live the power goes out frequently from storms that take down trees and power lines. You can't buy these cans in the stores for some legal reason related to lawsuits. I like to keep a generous supply of the fuel on hand always. I don't like or trust plastic poly cans, they leach chemicals into the gasoline, I don't have faith in storing fuel up to a year in them besides most are made in China. As for EAGLE I have NEVER received a dented or defective can and I have never had a can leak! I pump 5 gallons of gas into them and guess what my cans hold 5 gallons. I don't know what people are talking about when they say these cans don't hold exactly 5 gallons?? I have no problems with filling them to and I don't need an attendant to help. Yes people there is a spark arrestor screen it is the law it must be there but I still can pump gas into it without any problems. To the customer who was trying to put the yellow funnel on the end of the pump nozzle saying it was cutting the pump off because it was creating backpressure being narrow and gas was splashing up and out sir that's not what it is intended for! Why would you do that? That error was on you Not Eagle. To the customer who complained the gas spilled when puring gas, try pouring slower or into another funnel. I would have gladly taken that can. You have to hold the handle open and pump the gas into it that's all, no funnels needed. As for those who complained about the funnel being difficult putting them on and removing them deal with it. If they didn't fit tight then you'll be yelling the funnel leaks because it's to loose. If the can is dented just return it then don't cry. But I think the people complaining should just stay with the cheap plastic cans you can pickup at and auto parts store.

I purchased one of these cans to replace an aging safety can for which I can no longer purchase replacement parts. The funnel is perfect for fueling the majority of my power equipment, and not too difficult to remove and replace for filling. If I need to put fuel in a vehicle, I have to remove the funnel and use a longer narrow one, but I don't mind that at all. The can arrived in perfect condition, no dents or paint peeling off, unlike some other reviewers have mentioned. I think that for the price I paid, it is an incredible value, and plan on buying a couple more in the near future. I buy steel safety cans because gasoline seems to keep much longer in them, and always use some stabilizer if I plan on keeping it for more that a month or so. The plastic junk they sell in the big box stores have those cumbersome safety valves in the spout which end up spilling fuel when they fall apart. These steel cans are actually more economical in the long run, as they last for years. My only concern is the plastic handle on the spout, but if it is kept out of direct sunlight it should be okay. I can always fabricate a new handle if it breaks, and the can will still be good to go.

If you just want a can that works, this is the one. It has the government mandated safety features and they mostly work but stay out of the way. If you try to open the lid slowly, fuel kind of sprays out because the lid is in the way. Just yank the handle back to get the lid out of the way and you'll get a clean pour. The funnel being attached is actually useful and is pretty much required. You'll get used to it. There are no funky plastic bits to break (I know the trigger handle is plastic, but it's BEEFY), no wierd contortions you have to go through to get the fuel to flow or anything like that. It just works. If I need another can for any reason, I'll be buying another one of these. If it helps to know, I use this to fill a push mower, a 6500 watt generator, a DR 650 motorcycle and once had to help a Hyundai Sonata. It works on all of them. Also... it's fast. No "glug-glug" burbling or anything, just a fast pour. Be prepared to yank it back up as your tiny lawnmower tank fills up in 20 seconds.