• Encourage healthy exercise in a secure and safe way
  • Makes a great temporary holding area to keep your furry friend while you clean their home
  • Provides interactive fun for the pet and the pet owner
  • 7" diameter
  • For hamsters, gerbils, or other small animals

Reggie absolutely loves his ball. He climbs right in and is ready to roll. He actually fights me to get him out as he tries to find a claw hold and hold on to prevent from getting dumped out when roll time is over.

Bought for a friend's kids new hampster. He travels all over the house. He almost made it out the front door...

My dwarf hamster absolutely loves this ball. He has plenty of room to run and it's very durable.

My ham ham loves it and runs around all the time in it

We received a purple one. Arrived quickly. Great price.

I ordered two of these for my daughters hamsters. I ordered two pink ones but ended up with one pink and one blue luckily one of my daughters said she liked the blue so we kept it. They are good size and much cheaper then what you can buy them for in the store I priced them at the pet stores as well as at Walmart. I have been happy with this purchase.

I purchase a new ball for our hamster every 3-4 months. She runs in it nightly around our house. There have been a few times she's escaped by the cover coming off, so we always reinforce it with 2 little pieces of scotch tape. We have hard wood floors so, over time the ball gets scratched up and dull looking, so that's normally when we replace it. We're not picky about the color, so we always order from Amazon.

Perfect for our hamster. He loves running around the house in it. I've had no problems with it staying closed.

Our Syrian hamster loved his ball from the very first minute since I finally let him roam free. Now he can sniff every corner of the house without getting lost underneath the furniture. He got the concept of steering and stopping very quickly. Be sure to take your hamster out every ten minutes or so and make him have a break though - our hammy seems to be overwhelmed by the experience and gets very hyper after his excursions. :-) The lid of our ball closes perfectly and hasn't come off yet, although "Hamsti" constantly bumps into things to investigate. I am thinking about applying some kind of thin rubber lines (e.g. Sugru) to add some suspension, but 10 bucks for this hamster toy is a good deal.

This might be too big or too heavy for a dwarf hamster. I have had no issues with the lid coming off.