- Contains one (1) API LIQUID SUPER ICK CURE Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Medication 4-Ounce Bottle
- Treats "ich" white spot disease in fish and secondary bacterial fish infections
- Quickly kills ich parasite, typically within 24 hours of first dose
- Use only in freshwater and saltwater aquariums not with reef aquariums
- Dose every day for five days when symptoms first start occurring
Angela Esther Halder
Effective cure for ICK
I was a bit hesitant on buying this product from API to cure my betta's Ick disease based on the mixed reviews it had, but I am glad I made the purchase. I followed the detailed instructions provided which was to remove the carbon filter media and leave the filter running for aeration, then add 5 ML of the solution. Within just 24 hours, I noticed significant recovery on my betta's Ick symptoms, which was reduced white spots and a display of less erratic/lethargic behavior. In my opinion this product works best at the initial stages of the disease and if you think about it that statement pretty much applies to most medicine/cures out there for both humans or pets so in other words, catching it early and treating it immediately is key. If your fish is in the mid or late stages of ICK, I suggest supplementing this product along with a heater that can be adjusted on the temperature, as I have researched and found out that raising the temperature between 84-86 degrees F will be a highly effective combo.
Raluca Luiza
Worked Great!!!
There seemed to be a problem with the fish at my local pet store near the end of last year. I finally lost my Beta, and a couple guppies, and replaced them. Then the two old guppies died, and the new Beta caught ICK. I made the mistake of quarantining it (inside big tank for heat) and using Beta Revive that I already had. Lost it too! :-( Purchased the Super Ick Cure because it could be metered down to drops and first tired it in the small quarantine container. It seemed to be helping, then did more reading and found that I should be treating the entire tank (live and learn!), and also learned about heating the tank more, and aquarium salt. I thought I would first try treating the entire tank with the Super Ick Cure, and heat. Ordered an adjustable heater and one day shipped it (got it in two), and did a good bottom vacuuming, a heavy duty water change, and added a clean filter with no charcoal (now I have read that clean filters can be bad too, this fish thing is complicated!), and added the Super Ick Cure. Nearly immediately the Beta was happy as hell, and the spots were leaving, now they are all gone even before the heater arrived! Did lose one of the four guppies, but that might have been from my 50% water change that I know was too much, but thought desperate time call for desperate measures. And just wanted to get as much of the bad out as I could. Following the instructions did the second treatment 48 hours later and will do a 1/4 water change and put the charcoal back in another 48 (about 24 now). I am just an amateur but have had pretty good luck with my 10 gallon Tetra Half Moon tank over the years. Never had an Itch problem, at least that I knew about, but I have to say that this Super Ick Cure worked awesome!! Everyone looks happy and healthy, including the two dwarf frogs!
Steven Mfn Dodson
Cleared ick from my community tank
I have a 40 gallon tank and purchased some fancy guppies to add in. The guppies were infected with ick and started to spread this to my other fist. I freaked out and immediately ordered this product. It will turn you tank blue, and it may stain your clear tubing if you have a bubbler. I do have some snails, loaches, and a puffer in my tank... all of which are scaleless so it is not recommended to have them in the tank. Everyone survived and the guppies are now clear of ick. I cannot say this product is the only reason they are cured... I also raised my temperature of the tank to 81/82 degrees F which stops the reproduction of the parasite. So I recommend doing both.
Nunik Milagros Bekasi
Buy this! It saved the lives of my fish
My fish ended up getting ick from some rocks that I boiled. I initially thought they were just stressed and gave them some anti stress and immune systemmicrobe-lift artemiss to help them feel better. My fish weren't showing improvement and were getting slowly worse as time progressed. I picked up this product and got it in the mail quickly. I used the recommended doesage for my 10 gal tank and within 2 days the entire issue is clear and all of my fish are alive and well. This product works really well especially if you're using it in combination with other immune system boosters and anti stress relievers. I would portion them at different times of course but I contribute the success of the fish solely to this product. Thank you for the great product!
Ní Ghallachoir Ellí
I have to write this review after excellent results, I have a 30g tank with about 14 fishes (platies, mollies, Khuli loach, guppies and swordfish) they were unhappy and dying every day, my fish tank was not fun to watch anymore since they were at the bottom of the tank and not moving, I have tried raising the temperature and salt treatment but only worked for some time cause since the white evil spots came right back and killed more fish, 24h after the first dose all fish became happy and start eating and been more active, it was unbelievable to watch, I even have one fry that still healthy and strong after the second dose, the only thing I lost was a plant that was not doing well before treatment... hope this review help because the main recommendation is to raise the temperature and salt and that didn't work
Leathaj Cooper Degraw
Highly Recommended
Wow, works very well!. I have a salt water tank and EVERYBODY said that riding it of ick would be a problem and that my fish would die if I used anything from the internet and that I'd have to move my fish out and treat and that would take weeks. WELL, that's bollocks! I followed the directions on this product and it work like magic! Ick was gone in 24 hours and my fish were just fine to remain in the tank. I also have coral and they did find too. It did not stain my tank.
Zack Ael
Literally a life saver
I have 3 platys, a molly and several Glofish neon tetras in my tank and the ich broke out. I'm new to fish care and panicked a little at first. My tank is pretty new and was barely done cycling when it happened. I tried using Micro-lift Herbtana along with raising the temperature but after 5-6 days I saw no improvement. My platys started looking much worse and would hide on the bottom of the tank all day so I decided to try this. About 24 hours after the first dose the white spots were gone. 48 hours later, my fish were perking back up and now they're all healthy again. I'm amazed I didn't loose any fish during this process as some of them seemed quite sick but if it ever happens again I'm using this ich treatment first. It did stain some of my decorations like the clear suction cup on my thermometer, clear air pump tubing, the white stems on my glowing plant and mushroom decorations but it cured my fish so I'm happy.
Oulyme Odiug
ich gone in 48 hours but with the help of heated water
A healthy betta once more! My betta is now ich free, but it was touch and go for a little while. I'm not sure if it was the heater or this that saved my fish but the parasite was gone after 48 hours like it claimed. What worked for me was immediately putting the betta in a separate 1 gallon hospital tank. I bought a small heater and got the temp up to the mid 80s then added this product (the instructions were only for a 5 gallon tank, for 1 gallon i did 1/8 of a teaspoon). By the next day the visible ich cysts were no longer on the fish, so I put my betta in a small cup while I thoroughly cleaned the hospital tank and got totally new water. This way, even if the product didn't kill the parasite the hot water i cleaned the tank with certainly did before they went down the drain. I then put my betta back in the tank and added another 1/8 of a teaspoon. I think researching the life cycle of the parasite will greatly help you irridicate it. Also, my betta would not eat while infected with ich and also didnt eat for a few days during and after treatment. I thought he was going to die as he got really thin, and lost pieces of his fin but as of yesterday hes finally eating and has his energy back. I think we're out of the woods now. Long story short, this worked but I'm not sure of it was this or heating the water and immediately changing it when the cysts were no longer visible. (When you no longer see the cysts on your fish, the parasite hasn't necessarily died it's in the water reproducing. This is why changing the water is effective)
Hamza Khan
Works as advertised.
Worked as advertised. It's always better to avoid using chemicals if possible but when my entire tank broke out in ick this remedy solved the problem in just a few days. Follow the instructions and re-dose after 48 hours even if the ick appears gone (as was my case). Also I strongly advise raising the temperature to around 82-86 degrees if your fish can handle it as it accelerates the parasite's life cycle which more quickly brings them all to the stage where they are vulnerable to this medication. Almost all of my fish survived and were cured, as well as an apple snail i have in my tank. I am not sure how plants may tolerate this medication and i know some species of aquaria may be sensitive to methylene blue but do your research. Most species should handle it just fine.
Antoinette April Chase
Nothing short of an effing MIRACLE!!
I used this product in my downstairs 38 gallon tank but the outbreak started in my upstairs 65 gallon tank so I will start there. I'm writing this review at around 2:45 a.m. on Monday June 4th. Last Thursday at 2 a.m. I noticed that one of my two electric yellow cichlids in my upstairs 65 gallon tank was laying on his side. I proceeded to move him to a quarantine tank. Nothing else seem to be wrong with any other fish in the tank at that time. At 9 a.m. on Thursday morning the yellow cichlid I had moved to the quarantine tank was dead. Thursday evening I noted that the larger of the two yellow cichlids was covered in fuzzy white patches still no other fish appeared to be sick and I still had no idea what was going on. I moved him to a quarantine tank he died the next morning (Friday). I noticed at that time that several of my Guppies in the same tank started to show tattered fins and I knew I had a larger problem on my hands. In this same tank I have two sterbai Cory cats, two Emerald Cory cats, some cherry Barb's, some gourami, a couple silver dollar fish, and a few tetra. I spent most of Friday morning and part of the afternoon researching and scouring the internet to try and determine what was going on with my fish and what I could do to stop it. I came to the conclusion that I had an outbreak of Ich on my hands and I immediately ordered this API product to be delivered the next day (Saturday). However I felt desperate to do something in the meantime so that I wouldn't lose any more fish so I continued to research and found that using high temperatures and or salt addition to the water could be useful. So I increased the temperature of this tank from 76 to 86 degrees (gradually) I also prepared a mixture of two teaspoons of salt for every gallon of water in the tank. I didn't have aquarium salt but I did have pure pink Himalayan salt which I ground up very finely and dissolved in warm water before gradually adding the solution to the tank. And then I turn the lights off to reduce stress. I know that about 90% of the forms online indicate that you should never add salt to a tank with Cory cats. However there are some out there that have had success with using salt in tanks with certain types of Cory cats I will say that mine seem to be doing very well with the salt addition, along with everybody else in the tank. The treatment seems to be a success as everybody else in the tank is doing very well and the Guppies that were exhibiting signs of ich have since started to heal. NOW... the feedback that you really care about which is about this product. Friday evening I noticed that one of my fancy goldfish in my downstairs 38gal tank appeared to have a slight whitish film on his fins and I noted that my yellow cichlid in that same tank had one small white puffball on his fins and it was pretty clear that somehow, I still don't know how, the ich spread to my downstairs tank. But at this point there was only a very small piece on one cichlid and only a little bit on one goldfish. In this tank I have five fancy goldfish, one sterbai catfish, one yellow cichlid, and one Keyhole cichlid. Obviously goldfish being more cold water fish I knew that I couldn't use the extremely high temperature approach I did with my upstairs tank which left me in a very tough position. They're tank I usually keep at 75 degrees. I knew that my order of this API product would be here the next day (Saturday) but I still felt desperate. I raised the water temperature to 82 gradually and went to bed. The next morning all of my goldfish were covered in white film and all of their eyes were covered in a white cloudy film. By11:30am Saturday one of my goldfish had died. My Amazon order arrived at around that same day at around 2:45pm. I immediately administered the recommended dose and removed my active carbon filters and turned the lights off I kept the temperature at 82 degrees. I decided not to put this treatment in the upstairs tank since the salt water and high temps seem to be working. The recommendation was to continue the high temp therapy for 2 weeks then slowly return the tank back to normal temperature. Ok....I KID YOU NOT... at 8pm on Saturday I checked on the fish in my goldfish tank (5 hours after adding API Super Ich) and all of the goldfish had cleared up!! no white film on bodies.. no cloudy eyes and the puffball had fallen off of the yellow cichlid. 5 hours!! If I didn't see it for myself I wouldn't have believed it! It's just simply amazing. I am going to continue with the recommended application which suggests another application 48 hours from the original application and then doing a water change and resuming as normal... but I am simply in awe!