• Utilizes a revolutionary method of enhanced Vitamin C delivery, Liposomal Encapsulation Technology, designed to help your body absorb more Vitamin C
  • Perfect Vitamin C to support a healthy immune system. Vitamin C can assist with muscle repair for those with active lifestyles
  • Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect cells from the damage caused by harmful freeradicals
  • Vitamin C supports collagen production for healthier, firmer skin
  • Vegan, Non GMO. Formula contains NO: Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, or Hexane. Zone/Paleo Diet Friendly. To take: Squeeze packet into 1 to 3 ounces of water or a favorite cool beverage and consume in one gulp. The product will not dissolve

Love it! Here's a great trick: Use a dab or two on your face or mixed with face serum or night cream. It lightens the skin like a charm and that's using ONE pack every 5 days. Compared to the C serums that cost a fortune, I find this works better and is literally pennies to the dollar.

I have COPD/Emphysema and have a steroid inhaler i've used daily for almost 10 years. Whenever my wife and i travel especially if flying i always get a cold and end up having to visit the doctors for antibiotics, prednisone and breathing treatments. I kid you not my Wife bought this for me and i take it first thing in the morning before anything else and last thing before i get to bed. I haven't had to use my inhaler in over a month and my breathing is so much better, i haven't caught one cold and my wife has been sick twice and we've taking a few trips on a plane. This has been a MIRACLE for me, i can't say enough good things about this product.

I got this product on Thursday and today is Monday and I’ve been taking three packs a day for the last four days and I feel absolutely 100% like a brand new person. I feel like a kid again. I have an autoimmune disease which sometimes cripples me. On Thursday I had a very bad attack and by Friday afternoon I felt 100% back to normal for the first time in months. I don’t know what the stuff is but it’s like liquid gold. I’m in a good mood again and I feel like I’m back to myself I had a thought that way in so long I forgot what it feels like to be normal.

My daughter had a compromised immune system after having mono and spent 6 years getting sick at least once a month. She also had chronic BV that nothing would cure and even had shingles twice as a teenager. She has been infection free for four months after taking one packet daily. ❤️

One of the few products that actually helps. I'm quite skeptical about most of these supplements, i have been fighting inflammation for a long time. It is absolutely helped with the inflammation. However, the biggest impact has been that I had a dental procedure 2 months ago and I know this sounds a little gross, but about a half inch of my top right gum fell off. Only bone was exposed. For 2 months it did not heal. After one week of taking this vitamin C, the gum completely covered the bone and I am 100% healed. Could be a coincidence that it just decided to heal right after I started taking this product, but I don't think that.

I love Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C and highly recommend it! I take it in some ways that are probably fairly common and some ways that are perhaps unusual. I take Bronson Vitamin C 1000 mg tablets twice a day on a regular basis but then supplement my Vitamin C as needed with Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. I take Lypo-Spheric whenever I think I may be coming down with something or just need a general boost. I also keep 10 packets in our truck in the country in case I am ever bitten by a rattlesnake I will take those 10 packets as my wife drives me to the emergency room. Then I sometimes take mega-doses (perhaps twice a year) to try and wipe out or least weaken any viruses I might have, especially CMV, which most of us have. According to the Fight Aging! website: “Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common herpesvirus present in near everyone by the time old age rolls around. In the majority of people it presents no symptoms, but it is apparently an important factor in the age-related decline of the immune system. Like all herpesviruses it cannot be effectively cleared from the body, and over the years the immune system devotes ever more of its limited resources to uselessly fighting it. An old immune system contains legions focused on cytomegalovirus and all too few cells capable of responding to other pathogens. This is one of the contributing causes of immunosenescence, the progressive failure of the immune system with age.” Then according to Dr. Thomas E. Levy’s website: “Remember that very many infections, toxin exposures, and even chronic diseases can and have been very effectively managed by taking only one type of vitamin C, usually sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid, and dosing it steadily in multi-gram doses throughout the day. Liposome-encapsulated vitamin C and intravenous vitamin C are wonderful and highly effective, but don't feel you are out of luck if you do not have sufficient money or access to use these types of vitamin C. However, many acute infections and many chronic degenerative diseases can require 50, 100 or even many more grams of regular vitamin C daily to get the results you want. Lypo-C and IVC can get you where you want to go much more quickly and effectively.” Based on these two assertions/theories I believe it is worth the time and expense to try to wipe out CMV with Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C. I can’t find any research on the dosage or timing, so I just take an entire box (30 packets) over a 3-4 day period. That works out to be 8-10 packets per day. I take a packet every two hours. Will it help? I don’t know for sure but for $30 the prospect of possibly wiping out and/or weakening CMV and keeping my aging immune system humming is certainly worth the investment. To take, I simply squeeze a packet of Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C into a small glass of water and then down the whole thing in one swallow. There is no taste to it, and it is simple to do. I’ve added a couple of pictures to show my approach. Good luck, and I hope you live long and prosper!

*Update* July 2017: I'm changing my rating from 1 star to 5. I ordered a box directly from the manufacturer and received a booklet of instructions and a shot glass. The booklet suggested exposing the contents of the packet to air for 15 minutes to allow the alcohol to evaporate. I tried it and then took the Vit C. No more headaches! I took 2/day before and after a tooth extraction. It healed very quickly. I usually get sick at least once every winter, but I didn't get so much as a cough or sniffle last winter while taking this. After finishing the box from the manufacturer I used the rest of the box I bought from Amazon- letting the alcohol evaporate. Still no headaches! I'm glad I'm noticing benefits from it! Sept 2016:This product gave me terrible headaches! I wanted so badly for it to work! I gave it 5 days, and I continued to feel worse after each dose. Perhaps it was a bad batch. Maybe I should buy directly from the manufacturer. I will most likely try that because I would love the health benefits so many other reviewers have claimed.

I bought this because I had sinus pain/pressure, a sore throat, and a cough for weeks. I had been taking a natural vitamin c, but it wasn't helping, so I decided to give this stuff a shot. I had read reviews about the gross taste and texture, but thankfully, it didn't taste too bad to me. Within two days of taking two packets per day, all my flu symptoms were gone. Oddly enough, I've experienced several unexpected positive side effects. My blurry vision of 30 years disappeared, and I could see things clearly from far away. I was dumbfounded and went to the grocery store to see if I could read the signs in the aisles. I could. I couldn't before without glasses. I thought it was a fluke and stopped taking the supplement. The next day, my vision got blurry again. I took two packets, and later in the day, clear vision returned. I don't know how that's possible, but I'm thrilled. I suffer from dry eyes, have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue. I've also found I get deep sleep since taking these packets. I have more energy and less brain fog. I bought it hoping to kick the flu's butt. It did that, and a lot more. Thanks!

I absolutely love this product. I've been doing a lot of research on vitamin C and have decided to try more than one packet at a time. I have noticed the big increase in my skin's elasticity and lines disappearing. More energy and definitely noticed my body improving on myofacial pain issues. My lymph nodes need all the help they can get. Liposomes are the way to go for autoimmune challenged individuals like myself that don't absorb nutrients and vitamins like normal people might. I'll never go back to vitamin C pills or powders the don't really get absorbed in the body. My only complaint, I just wish the price was more affordable.

This is a fantastic product. It provides the body with vitamen c as if you were getting an IV infusion . As a dentist , who removes amalgam fillings, I give this to my patients before the procedure to strengthen the body. As a consumer, I take this product daily and I believe this is what keeps me healthy!!