• Take complete control of your creature's fate as you guide it through the following six evolutionary phases:
  • Tidepool phase: Fight with other creatures and consume them to adjust the form and abilities of your creature. It's survival of the fittest at the most microscopic level
  • Creature phase: Venture onto dry land and help your creature learn and evolve with forays away from your safe haven. Carnivore or Herbivore? Social or Independent? The choice is yours
  • Tribal phase: Instead of controlling an individual creature, you are now caring for an entire tribe of your genetic craftwork. Give them tools and guide their interactions as you slowly upgrade their state of existence
  • City phase: Bring your creatures' race into a new golden era by building up the technology, architecture, and infrastructure of their city
  • Civilization phase: Once your city is established, your creatures begin seeking out and interacting with other cultures. You can have them do so with an olive branch or a war cry either way, the goal for your creatures is to unify the planet
  • Space phase: The time has come to move on to other worlds in your solar system. Make first-contact, colonize, or terraform, then venture further to find other solar systems scattered throughout a magnificently rendered galaxy. A 'mission' structure provides new goals and paths to follow as you begin to spread through the universe
  • A suite of flexible, intuitive creation tools leverages the creative imagination of the player. Creating an entire universe of creatures, plants, buildings, vehicles and planets has never been so easy or so fun. An infinite variety of design choices is just the beginning
  • The world you explore is populated with creatures, plants, buildings and vehicles developed by other gamers and downloaded from a central database. The server chooses creatures and civilizations that best match your chosen environment, your experience level, and your creature's ability. In turn, your creatures are uploaded to the server to be shared with other gamers
  • With procedural animation, your creatures and vehicles move based on how you construct them. They behave and interact based on your input and by their in-game encounters. That means there's no pre-determined path you must follow the game evolves based on your decisions
  • Wonder what another gamer was thinking when they created and evolved a creature? Uncover information about each creature's origin in the Sporepedia, yet another way to explore the truly endless universe of creative expression that is SPORE.

I got this for my 9-year-old this Christmas along with my old laptop. At first, it seemed like it was not going to load and when I looked on the box and compared it with her computer it did not have a video card that was supported. So, I kinda freaked out since this was the highlight gift for her for Christmas. However, it did load we just had to register it online. It REQUIRES internet access so beware of that. All that being said, my daughter love love loves this game! She even had some of her friends come over and they took turns playing it and everyone really likes it. It seems kind of addicting actually and I am glad I put parental controls on my kids laptop so it locks her out and I don't have to hear the begging.

A cool older game, I was worried this was too old to run on Windows 7, but it did just fine.

Great price, felt bad for buying so cheap, felt like someone in need coulda taken the opportunity. But it arrived on time so seller must be given a perfect score!

My kids love this game they only wish they could play during the week days. We got a good price and with Amazon prime it arrived in time for the weekend!

Like the title to my review states...this is a creative-imagination driven game, as it is game play. They give you everything you will need for each stage. You design and build your creature along the way as it grows into a more smarter, and capable creature. You start out as a microbe, and progress an improve upon your " critter " as it developes. You can check on Youtube for " how to " on all levels of the game. And how to extend an adjust limbs for ANY kind of critter. Eventually your critter will develop the ability to tribe, make fire, hunt, even war with other tribes. Once you master this, you move to where we currently are " civilized " city an nuclear capable. If you master this stage it comes to a fun stage- " Space....the final frontier,, these are the voyages of the...." you have creator modes for practicaly EVERYTHING. They provide colors, textues, and building tool that would RIVAL the Sims ( HENCE the " new " builder tools of Sims 4 THEY GOT THEM FROM SPORE ! ! THE TOOLS AREN'T NEW ! ) Spore is great ! I play it, when I am not playing my Sims 3. Give it a try...if you like the gsme, look for me, I am CassKORR-ria on Spore, hope you will make me a buddy and enjoy my creations. *** UPDATE- 03-09-15 Had several questions asked if Spore will work on Windows 8, 8.1 YES it will work..on SOME computer systems, you may have to SAVE your game, an RESUME say, after each developmental stage. I have to do this, myself once in awhile, IT DOES NOT BOTHER ME, I play the Sims 3 and with that game, you save an resume periodically as well. SUGGESTION ON SAVING; Shortly after your creature has made landfall, and you have added newer upgraded body parts ( eyes, mouths, limbs, etc ) THIS will keep you from losing ENTIRELY all your effort, should the game crash-usually in the event of your having died when you lost a fight, or an Epic ( giant monster creature ) kills you.

My 11 year old son begged me to find this game and buy it for him. He loves it. Great creative options and fun game play. Wish it was possible to get a digital download since so many computers no longer have CD drives.

Still a great game after all these years! I'm so glad I got this! I love the creativity involved! This game is about learning how to help your creations through being a microbe, to living as a land creature, to a pack hunter or social creature, to a tribal creature, ...and then on to civilization stage - where you take over the world! Finally, you reach out into space to take over the galaxy - by making friends, making deals and alliances, buying other races out, or eliminating enemies. And a surprise waits at the center of the Galaxy....

Even thought this is an older game we love it! We are pleased with how it runs on our system. The graphics aren't bad and we have a lot of fun playing online with this game as well as offline.

I got this for my 15 year old but my son who is 12 loves it as well. They like being able to pick what they want their Spore to look like and if it will eat plants, other spores or both. Once they get to playing it I have a hard time getting them to give it up. Seems like a fun family game.

Loads of fun. Be mindful that this is for an old version of Windows so you have to go to the Origin site and load it that way. Just need to enter the code from the disk.