• Commonly used during conditions of colic caused by sand and other materials
  • Supports removal of sand and dirt
  • Supports gut health and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract
  • Palatable apple and molasses crumbles are easy to use
  • Can be given to horses of all ages - even young foals

my new horse was having severe runny poo, and it was running down his back legs and making a mess. i read about sand clear on the internet and decided to give it a try. i fed it to my horse according to the directions and within 3 days it stopped his runny poo and no more stained back legs. i will be doing this according to directions once a month for 7 days, every month. great product!

My horse is a bit picky on the brand she gets for psyllium. I tried a few others and I have to say she eats Sand Clear up when I give it to her with no fuss. It does a great job and I don't ever have to worry about sand colic.

I buy this product on Amazon for cheaper than at some of the tack stores or feed stores. It's a good product and does its job. We give this to the horses about every 6 weeks in my area (Colorado).

Excellent seller, product, delivery. This is my first purchase of SandClear and likely won't be my last. It's now part of my horse's regular care and expect to continue it into the future.

I've used this product for years and haven't had any issues with colic. My horses and pony love the taste so it's easy to give it to them. I use it once a month for 7 days. I'll always use this because it's proved itself.

I give this to my horse once a month for seven days. Anything to help prevent him from colicing again. The price on amazon is much cheaper than at a feed store too. It almost lasts for two months.

We could not figure out why our older horses were losing weight even though their eating habits had not changed. The vet recommended this product and it really works. This is a wonderful product if you have horses that like to push their food around and some ends up on the ground and you have a high sand content in your soil. This product has improved the nutritional value for my horses because it helps them digest their food better even if they ate some sand with their food.

I have tried other psyllium products and my picky horse gobbles this up. I’ve used this for years after a fecal and x-rays showed sand in my horses colon. Since using the product, I haven’t had any issues. I feed as per instructions - once daily for 7 days each month. 5 stars!

My go to for eradicating sand from my horse's colon. I administer it daily for 7 days each month, per my veterinarian's suggestion. I have tried other psyllium products but this one gets eaten by my picky horse.

All I've ever used and all my vet recommends. The horses love it and they're doing just fine with the sandy based soil we have here. Easy to feed...just add to regular grain ration. Even the pickiest of my eaters clean their feed pans!