• Worldwide battles and trading using WiFi.
  • Real-time clock feature changes the time of day based on the DS clock. The Pokemon you can catch vary based on the region and the time of day. Also, certain Pokemon moves' power changes based on time.
  • More elaborate Pokemon Contests. Players can use the accessories and dress up their Pokemon. Players make "Poffin" out of Berries to rasie their Pokemon's contest stats.
  • New dual-type Pokemon, new/altered moves, and new special abilities add to the already deep strategy of Pokemon battling.
  • 3-D enviornments and updated graphics.

Works and is as expected

Not much has changed over the various releases of Pokemon over the years... fight animations, backgrounds, color, etc.. This latest release brings dual screen support, WiFi play and some subtitle 3d animations, but as they say - "if it ain't broke..." Diamond and Pearl does everything that is Pokemon right. If you are absolutely sick of these games or never liked them to begin with, stay away -- there's no drastic changes to the formula. But if you are itching to play a new version on the great DS, or never put any time into a Pokemon game... what are you waiting for??? Grab one of these games now!

My teenager & I are both Pokeholics. We have done our best in this newest version to "catch them all" and thank heavens we have all the poke games that came before with the exception of one (Pokemon Rangers). This game has been very flexible and fun to play. It really can be fun for all ages. My only wish is that there would be more special events by Nintendo/Pokemon in order to catch pokemon like Manaphy, since a lot of people can't make it to New York City or missed the 3 hour event they sponsored at a toy store (and those are the only other ways other than completing Pokemon Ranger that you will be able to get Manaphy). This game provides many hours of entertainment for those who enjoy playing and the added GTS, and underground playtime are unique great fun touches as well.

More Pokemon and new places. Pick up if your a fan or a casual looking for something to play.

Pearl is the latest installment in the Pokemon Franchise. It isn't as bad as the previous ones and has more to look forward to and tons of extras. There are many 'apps' to obtain, from a berry app that lets you know your berries are ripe, to a step counter and even one that lets you view how your pokemon are in the daycare center. At least you can obtain many different kind of berries for free, from 3 people in 3 different towns. The graphics are not much better, but more so than previous games. It is fun to use the stylus to battle, find items in your 'bag' and the like. At least on the bottom screen, one can 'click' on the 'bag' where said item is. That is a good improvement over the other way. I am very dissappointed with the "Safari Zone" or more properly put "Safari Swamp"--thats right a swamp. Very hard to move around in it as you often get trapped up to your nose in a 'pit' and not many rare pokemon in it as well. At least money isn't a problem, as there is a dueling pair that have a "Chatot" and a "Roselia". With "luck Incense" or "Amulet Coin" on one of your Pokemon, one can literally rack up 24k each time you battle both. There are an occasion, walking through walls glitches, especially when coming out of the rooms from trading, chatting, etc., in the poke centers. Between raising pokemon, the water starter is pitiful and remains so, berries, making poffins (stirring a pot!!!) and having a single bike that can do the work of 2, I find this game very entertaining. I caught a shiny Spinx on my first go out in the grass!!

Good game, and the one I got has functioned for months without any conflict.

Love it!! Love It!! Love It!! Thank You So Much!!!

The Game is awesome, and in excellent condition, it looks like someone bought it played it fur 22 minutes (literally, the time was recorded on the Game) then decided they didn't want it so the game was pretty much brand new! No Damage, no noticeable wear of the game or the original container it came in. It came in the mail on time, and it was in even better condition then advertised! 5/5 Stars Meow! Totally would buy from this company again!

The shipping was fast and the game was brand new. I was concerned since the game was more than 10 years old. But it was wrapped and it is the original game. I totally recommend this game one of the best Generation 4 Pokémon games!