• Animated sequences combine hand-drawn style visuals with computer graphics
  • Enhanced widescreen presentation, new jobs and new characters
  • Challenge friends in head-to-head battles with the multiplayer function
  • team up in the co-operative mode and try to outwit the game's computer opponents

Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite game of all time. I still remember playing it on the Playstation One, and I've beaten it more times than I can count. I still remember laughing playing the Playstation One version, when my save-file reached 99 hours of play and couldn't record a number higher than that. Apparently the designers didn't anticipate that someone would play more than 99 hours on a single playthrough! With that said, this port is fantastic. It's still the same game, and the extras are awesome! If you loved FFT, or if you love any tactical RPG, you won't be disappointed. The only downside for me was the changed sound effects. One of the coolest sword skills in the PS One version was Gafgarion's blood sword. When it hit, it made this brutal clang sound that was really awesome. Hard to describe verbally. In this version, for whatever reason they decided it should sound more like a fish being stepped on. Minor gripe but it was still weird to me why they would bother to change such a minor thing.

Final Fantasy Tactics was one of the best games for the Playstation, eating up hours upon hours of my life, both in the initial play through and in all future plays. All this had to do to be excellent was be the exact same experience in a portable form, but it's improved with the addition of a new translation of the plot that makes it much more comprehensible and engaging, wonderfully stylistic and cool cinemas, and new classes (one of which isn't worth much, but the Dark Knight makes up for this big time). If you have a PSP, and you enjoyed FFT or just like tactical games with immensely deep customization, there's no reason not to buy this game. If you loved the original, it's worth it to buy a PSP *just* to play this game on the go.

This game has been one of my favorites since 1990 something. I'm glad they chose to port this timeless clasic from the ps1 to psp. The graphics are smaller and kinda blurry and take a little while to get used to if you've played the original but the plane of veiw is much larger to accommodate for psps panoramic display screen. On the plus side they did add some beautiful cell shaded and sketches cutscenes between certain main events. They also added two new classes that I know of including the onion knight at squire and chemist level 6 who has no abbilities or moves but can equipt anything regardless of class. They also added the dark knight class which I haven't achieved yet but requires master level knight and black mage to unlock. Once you get to chapter for I suggest you look up what events to trigger to find cloud and get him to join your party and where to find his blade as long as you have Mustadio in your party. They also added two player link for exclusive coop missions and vs. which I have yet to try. Overall a great game that will burn hours of your life away with tremendous replay value.

I can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. I WILL say,however,that this is a wonderful game and worth every penny,especially now that it's so cheap to get brand-new. I was a huge fan of the ps1 version as well and this one is actually superior to that one. I really don't get the whole "slow down" thing because it was present in the ps1 version as well. I guess the people who are complaining about it didn't actually play it on the ps1 system,or they just forgot. Both versions are great and worth purchasing. You want to talk about some awful slow down? Try the ps1 version of Chrono Trigger.

Excellent game for the PSP. A little over the top with its medieval language, but the game has a robust battle system that you can really dive in to. Cinematic scenes are beautifully rendered though a bit cheesy. I would recommend legend of heroes trails in the sky first, then FF tactics.

Great game, i've already bought it digital, but i had to get the physical version. The tactics gamplay and story are the strength of this game, and you will not be disappointed (if you still have a psp)

I first picked up this game for the Playstation 1. I didn't like it at first, because of the difficulty of the game. Don't expect this game to be your "run-of-the-mill" Final Fantasy. Not by a long shot. Many clones of this game have cropped up, and Final Fantasy Tactics certainly is a clone (in it's own right); because it clones many of the earlier games (Final Fantasy 3 and 5 respectively). The most famous of these is Vandal Hearts. Atlus game company came out with some worthy successors, but this game remains the best. Now, don't get me wrong, this game is very good. The original story still holds up in many repects. Gameplay: The gameplay is still there from the original. You move, you attack, you try not to get killed. And believe me, you will lose characters along the way. I lost one character in the second battle, because I thought I had the dude, and my guy had less HP. You still have the base classes, and many classes have been renamed from the PSX version. The Job system has been re-vamped, and you will find that many of the original abilities have been changed or made more expensive. Don't expect to sit down and finish this game in 20 hours. This will take you a while. Story: Along with this, the original scenes in the PSX version (which were good, even by PSX standards and sprite animation) have been either updated with dialogue, or re-done in cell-shaded CGI animated, full-voice acted scenes. And the scenes are terrific. The opening CGI animation is re-done as well, replaced with Delita going along with the 5 characters (who create the diversionary battle that you fight the first time). The second animation (showing the kidnapping of Ovelia), is dynamite. You really get to see Delita's emotional -SPOILERS- ties to the princess begin to form. You also get to see Ramza's ties to Delita, and his torn duty to protect the princess and find out if Delita is really there. -END SPOILERS- The story is one of the highlights, and if you haven't played either Final Fantasy Tactics Advance or Final Fantasy XII, this game will introduce you to the world of Ivalice in a huge way. Political intrigue, betrayal and romance just scratches the surface. There is a brand new translation, written much the same way as Final Fantasy XII was written. Old style english with many new phrases and old phrases stuck in for good measure. Overall: This game just rocks. From the music to the plot; character development, job classes, added features (including Balthier from FF12, Dark knight classes and Cloud from FF7) this game just rocks. Get it, and you won't be disappointed.

Love this game final fantasy is a series that I've played my entire life, I love the gameplay the story is great I highly recommend this game for anybody who's a final fantasy fan and hasn't played it. And the new rendered graphics are awesome.

If you remember playing through the first Final Fantasy Tactics on PS1, then you have a fond memory for all the game contained, both good and bad. Remember the text when you went on a mission? "I had a good feeling" "I guess this job was a big success". Or even shoddy translations in the middle of story battles. "What's a cellar? A cellar is a rat's nest..." Though nothing as horrible as the infamous Zero Wing (Ssome one set up us the bomb! All your base are belong to us!) Despite the translation and total lack of challenge vs the last boss, this was a fantastic game. Worthy of being mentioned among the five best PS1 RPGs and strategy RPGs. So how does this game fare with the PSP release? Well... better in some ways... not really an improvement in others... and just a couple of weird cases where it is not quite up to the PS1 version. I still have my PS1 version of FF Tactics, and have been recently playing it when this appeared for $9.99 on amazon. I figured why not. Improvements include the addition of multiplayer, though I am not a fan of multiplayer in RPGs or Tactical RPGs. But the missions are optional, so not a big loss. Though it would be fun to take these on, sadly you may only do so with another person (boo...). The translation has been massively improved. Also due to ease on censorship in video games (mainly with regards to games like this and Xenogears, where mentions of 'God' were often changed to appease those who might have been offended), the story holds truer to the original. The root of the game remains unchanged though, and that is a good thing. The game is tough. You will probably die. Or like me, restart a few missions because you're pissed one of your characters got 'crystal-ed' and lost forever... But it's a difficult game, especially if you are not regularly engaging in random battles to beef up experience and JP. This wasn't nerfed like the Final Fantasy remake for PSP. Thank goodness! The screen has been expanded, but it works. As other reviews mention, it has a softer look to the background, but I think that may have been intentional. Playing the (original) game on my PS3 on a 56" LCD you really see the pixellated character of the PS1 graphics. Perhaps the programmers for this version wanted a softer look and used the very advanced PSP graphics engine to give a better effect? There are some issues with sound effects, but it's minor. Some were changed, but it's not a big deal, even for someone like me who has played through the original several times. So in my opinion, there is nothing that really detracts from the remake, but nothing really to be overly excited about if you have the original, other than a vastly improved translation and the ability to go portable. There are a couple of new classes, and that is a bit of an addition. Oh, and you can download the original on the PS Network, so you can actually play the original on the PSP, bad translations and all.

Final Fantasy Tactics is inarguably one of my top three favorite games of all-time, and I've played thousands of games. The story, audio, gameplay, and more are the epitome of the Strategy RPG genre. I find the game extremely satisfying, and it's the type of game that you can play through several times. I recently purchased the PSP version, which is somewhat of a remake, and have had some good and bad experiences. For one, the added cutscenes bring some great new flavor to the title, and make the story much more tangible. I haven't played with the new classes, but they're a great addition from what I hear, and the multiplayer adds plenty of play value to an already jam-packed game. The only gripe I have is that when an ability is used during gameplay, the game speed and framerate drop noticeably while the audio plays normally. This issue doesn't make much sense because the original FFT plays perfectly fine on the PSP. For whatever reason, Square Enix dropped the ball during coding (they've been screwing up for a decade now). With that said, this is in my opinion one of the best games of all-time, and one that you won't soon forget. It works extremely well as a portable title, and will bring you plenty of enjoyment for years to come.