• Bamboo knitting needles
  • Circular 36"

My stitches slide easily over the bamboo and plastic tubing, yet don't slide off as I've experienced with metal and plastic needles. The circular needles allow me to flatten my work to examine for size or flaws in stitching. The bamboo is also warm in my arthritic hands.

The Takumi Clover needles are some of the best I've worked with. I'm sure there are better ones out there were I to want to spend quite a bit per pair, but these are wonderful. The length of these was perfect, as the pair I had with a shorter solid needle portion caused a lot of hand strain, specifically for my ring and pinkie fingers. I've also found with a pair of straight bamboo needles that just the material seems to decrease hand strain a bit. I'm not sure if its the texture of the finish or what, but bamboo needles seem to be significantly more comfortable to work with. There were no nicks or other blemishes to catch yarn, and they seem quite sturdy. They're exceptionally lightweight. The cord will get a bit turned around, but then you just twist one or the other needle without twisting your work and it will lay down again. This will probably be an issue with any set of circulars that doesn't have something to let the connector spin, which look to be much more expensive.

These are my favorite circular needles thus far. I am a beginning knitter and it was suggested I use circular needles. I went with bamboo and couldn't be happier. These are the best! They are sturdy and your work won't get caught like on other circular needles because the transition from needle to cable is seamless!! The length is great for the baby blanket I am knitting and the ease and comfort of the needles make knitting such a joy. I highly recommend these! :-)

The bamboo makes it easy to regulate stitch size. I was concerned about splinters but the wood is very smooth and straight. I made two baby blankets using these and enjoyed using these needles.

I originally got a pair of these because they also come in the 48-inch length, which I needed to do Mobius knitting, and I loved them so much I've been getting more of them to fill in the sizes of double pointed circular needles I lack. I like the bamboo, which is tough and has a smooth surface that is as slick as plastic needles but not so slick as metal needles, which I think is just the right slickness. They hold up well to normal wear and tear. I also like that bamboo is a renewable resource, which plastic and metal aren't. They're good value for the money. I do have to say that I have broken one of the needle points, but it was a size 2 needle, which are very slender. I had so many stitches on the needle that it was difficult to move the stitches around to the other side and the way I was holding the needle as I pushed the stitches around, I would probably have broken a plastic one as well.

I have always preferred using the Clover Bamboo Circular needles over others. The allow work to stay in place and on the needles even with hand problems. Not like the others where they slip or fall off by putting them down or from the hands jerking because of the muscles or the stiffness. Just move work to the middle and stick the ends in your yarn ball and store.

Great quality needles. I love working with these bamboo needles. After snapping an acrylic needle mid-sweater I was happy to have these shipped prime.

love bamboo knitting needles and the Clover brand is my favorite...For knitting socks, I prefer this brand because the needles are short enough to work intricate patterns without breaking them....I have other sizes and a set of interchangeable needles by Clover and highly recommend these products to any one looking for bamboo needles

I needed a pair of circular needles for a baby blanket that was too wide to knit on straight needles. These are very comfortable to work with, and I was happy to see that the 'bend' in the cable from being packaged straightened out quickly. The bamboo points were smooth and did not snag my yarn at all.

I used to use aluminum circular knitting needles until I tried a bamboo one. What a difference! So light and so smooth. I replaced my aluminum needles with Clover Takumi circular needles and so very glad I did. They make knitting a real pleasure for me now. I have had the aluminum circular needles come apart in the past also but never once had the Clover bamboo circular needles do that. A great product!!!!