• Black + Decker Jr. My First Toolbox is the perfect gift for your little builder!
  • Features 14 tools and accessories with handy tool box.
  • Tools included are, hammer, screw driver, kid safe saw, wrench, ruler and other assorted tools.
  • Your little one will love carrying his tools to his next project.
  • Recommended for kids ages 3 and up

My (almost) 3 year old daughter LOVES this toolbox. She carries it around everywhere. I got a slightly different tool set for her twin sister and they both fight over this one. It’s a good size and design for 2-3 year olds since it has no lid to fumble around with and the tools are right sized for tiny hands. I also appreciate that the tools are not too heavy weight because my girls like to tap on walls and windows (and each other).

This is a very realistic toy tool set. My son loves to help out his dad when he is fixing things around the house, so I got him this set so I can quit having a panic attack when he picks up my husband's screwdriver and runs through the house. Now he has his own set of much safer tools, and he can't tell the difference. Warning, the screwdriver is actually sturdy enough to remove actual screws...which we found out the hard way when my son removed a door knob with his toy!

I would definitely recommend buying this product. Unlike what other reviews stated, we received a long hammer. All of the tools look realistic. It’s handy for my two year old who likes to “repair” all of his toys. It’s a definite hit with him. It looks sturdy, but time has to tell. We have had it for close to a week and it’s played a lot with.

This is just adorable I actually expected something more like toy like. But these look so real. They come in a tool box just like his father's. And each of the 14 tools included are made with such detail it's awesome. The tools are made so strong, nothing too thin waiting to be broken . This is a perfect replica of Dad's Black &Decker tools. My grandson will love it!!!

I used this as a prop for my child's Halloween costume. He dressed up as his daddy; an appliance repairman and carried the toolbox to put candy in. Bonus is that he loves playing with it and it's sturdy and well made.

We bought this product as a Christmas gift for our 2 1/2 year old. She was so excited to receive this tool box! She "fixes" everything with it. After about 6 months the pieces are not broken and there is no damage to them. I like that the handle comes off. Sometimes my creative toddler uses the tool box as a baby crib :) This tool box comes with a saw, a screwdriver, a hammer, a wrench, pliers, 2 wood boards (one with 2 holes and 1 with 3 holes), 2 nails, 2 screws, and 2 backs for the screws. I was confused when I counted the items, The tool box is the 14th item. :) My daughter is now 3 and still plays with this toy daily. I would recommend this product to a friend.

Exactly what I was looking for at a great price. My 2 1/2 year old absolutely loves it! The tools seem sturdy and look so realistic- that’s what she needed because the “baby” looking types don’t interest her lol. Some buyers say theirs don’t look like the pics; mine did look just as they look in the description. Perfect!

We purchased this as a Christmas gift for our boy twin. He is always watching his Papi working on different things around the house and always talks about how he wants to work on things when he gets to be a big boy like his Papi. I was browsing different items and this jumped out at me. I knew that he would love it and boy was I right! As soon as he got the wrapping paper off of this, he squealed and gave it a big hug haha! Not only does it come with the actual little tool box for him to keep everything in, it comes with SO many different play tools that he gets to play with. Once he opened it and got to playing with them, I had the chance to look at the quality of the tools and the tool box. In my opinion, the tool box itself could be made out of plastic that is a little bit more sturdy. Within the first week, he dropped it while tripping and managed to step on it. It created a small crack in the tool box, but that has not stopped the function of it at all. The tools are made to look SO real and it didn't feel like he was just playing with some crappy plastic toys. He has been SO thrilled with this set and I want to purchase a few more of the Black and Decker Tool items that he can play with because they are high quality. He has had this over a year now and still plays with it every single day. I was really happy that there were no sharp edges on any of the tools. Even the little saw that comes with it has edges, but they are not sharp at all and there would be no way that he could hurt himself or anyone else while playing with these. The price of this set was right at half off of what the local store wanted for it. Overall, I highly recommend this and if we ever need another one - we will get it again!

This toy is made well and my grandson got into it right away. However, the first thing a kid will go after tends to be the hammer and since this set did not include a workbench, the walls became his target. If you order this, I recommend that you have ready something for the child to pound away on.

When my son was constantly going for mommy's real tools, I knew something had to be done. At a great price and believable shapes and makes, this tool set gave my son his own "toys" to play with while I worked on other things around the house. The little plastic wood planks it came with were great for letting him practice using a screw driver and using his favorite item, the hammer. And at night, when it's time for bed, he knows to put his tools in his own toolbox, which is awesome for keeping everything together. Definitely recommend this for parents who want to give their kids a safe alternative to the real deal. I was very pleased with this toy toolbox set!