• Covered snap trap that is cost effective, easy to set & reusable.
  • Covered snap with tunnel entrance & sensitive trigger means no stolen bait & effective, humane kill.
  • Easy to set & no fear of snapping your fingers.
  • Designed to reduce your chance to come in contact with rodents & no risk of contact with dead mice.
  • Ideal for: kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, pantry, and living rooms.

This was the solution. The mouse did not go into my no-kill trap, and instead ignored them. The mouse ate through an entire 'one bite' bar, and did not die. The mouse invaded my medicine cabinet and ate a half a bottle of multivitamins, and then ate a few of my peppermint oil caps meant for stomach issues. I thought mice hated peppermint. This mouse then decided it would come out on to my desk, and stare at me. It was a power move. A challenge. It survived the wooden snap traps. It survived the bucket trap and escaped. It was probably bench pressing behind the walls to all the girl mice to show off too. Thankfully this trap did the business. After baiting it with premium peanut butter, and a small cracker, I set down three of the four I had gotten. No issues latching, no issues baiting. Five minutes later little Hercules the Mouse was no more. I saluted it for it was a worthy adversary, and disposed of it humanely. These traps work.

6 Mouse Dead and hoping there is no more. These Traps are fantastic in that they work quickly and easily without being too grossed out. Dead mouse and only the tail and maybe a little back end sticking out for the larger mouse. I don’t like to see the mouse so just hold straight up over a trash bag and pull the back level up and shake a little and the dead mouse falls into the trash can. Or if you are really grossed out just throw the whole trap and mouse away. If reusing check to make sure the bait is still there and reset the trap and wait for the next one. Just a pea size amount of peanut butter works great. Lift the cover and put a pea size amount of peanut butter in the little circle dish area, close the cover, pull the lever down to set, place where you see mouse droppings. Caught the first mouse the first night I put the trap down. I put 6 traps down. A couple of days later I caught the 2nd and 3rd mouse. Later a 4th, 5th mouse. Now about a month or so later caught a 6th. It is winter time now so the field mouse are trying to get in the house to find warm shelter. We have a wooded backyard. I brought 4 new traps and had 2 old traps of the same brand/make as they worked well for me before. The old traps are more square and the new traps were more curved igloos shaped. Both worked the same way. The new ones seems to latch a little better for setting but both are still trigger happy ready to catch a mouse. See the pictures. I have spent time outside looking all over the exterior of the house and sealed up every opening I could find with spray expanding foam sealer and caulking as a web article I read said a mouse can get in as small as a 1/4 inch hole. I am still not sure where they are getting in and if they are still getting in somewhere. So I am leaving the traps set in the house. These traps should be fairly safe around pets as it is covered and fairly safe around kids and adults except if they stick their finger in it would really hurt a lot. The mouse were in the walls and ceiling as I could hear them at night moving around. I wasn’t sure how I was going to catch them as they are in the walls but a web article said they will come out as they will look for food. Sure enough there was mouse dropping (little hard black rice size) under the kitchen sink as there is a wall opening cut out where the drain comes into the house. I caught one mouse there. Down in the basement area there was more mouse dropping around the shelving where we store some can and boxed foods. Around that area on the floor I placed the trap and caught 5 more mouse there. My big mistake was that I heard some noise in the walls earlier but since it was in the wall I didn’t worry about it and figured the mouse was going in and out of the house outside plus since it was in the walls I didn’t know how I was going to get it. I shouldn’t have waited to set traps as I read that a mouse or really a pair of mouse can multiple quickly to many mouses so the noise got more frequent. Hence 6 mouses so far but I don’t hear any more noises now so hoping I got them all. Will leave the 6 traps set and will see. I do a 2 minute visual check of them every morning before I go to work looking to see if the silver metal lever in the back is in the up position and if so if there is a tail sticking out. So if you hear or see a mouse moving around or see any mouse dropping the little black rice shape/size dropping around set some traps right away to avoid more mouse. One last word of advice. When you catch a mouse in a trap it doesn’t seem to catch other mouses too well as the mouse seem to go the other traps and avoid the traps that have already caught a mouse. Don’t know if there is a dead mouse scent in the trap so the other mouse stay away. When it catches a mouse it clamps down on the mouse to kill it instantly but the insides of the mouse don’t come out so no blood or stains on the trap which would gross me out. So I think it is good to get the 3 or 4 or 5 pack so you have enough fresh traps for catching the mouse as they are pretty smart so may learn to avoid the traps after a mouse has gotten caught in one. Mission Accomplished. Happy Hunting

I am very happy with this product. I've tried the Tomkat and Ortho Home Defense Kill/Contain traps in the past with mediocre success and no luck since they redesigned the product. Sadly, a bunch of money down the drain so I was looking for an alternate, better product, and I still wanted a trap where I didn't have to see the mouse. After reading the reviews for the D-Con Ultra Set Mouse Trap I thought I'd give them a try. As soon as I received the traps, I set one out near the other unsuccessful Tomkat/Ortho traps. No lie, within 15 minutes of setting and leaving the area, Success! Another mouse down for the count thanks to this D-Con trap! Since you can reuse these D-Con traps if you want to, I emptied it and reset. Caught a second mouse overnight. First mouse was completely contained inside but the second mouse was a little bigger and backside and tail was sticking out, which freaked me out so this time I tossed it and the trap. The design and bait/switch mechanism of the D-Con Ultra trap is very effective and easy to use. I had no problems setting or baiting the trap . After nearly two weeks of trying to catch the critters with the Tomkat and Ortho traps only to have the mice enjoy the peanut butter bait each time, I'm thrilled that these D-Con traps are getting the job done. Highly recommend this product for being easy to use, (mostly) no see and for getting the job done!

Let's face it, mice are smart. You put peanut butter on a traditional mouse trap, they get the PB and you get no J. You put out poison, your pets are at risk and you smell mouse death for months. These were the only traps I could find that actually worked. There's only one way to get to the bait, and it's through the pit of Hades.

This trap funnels the mouse into the trap in such a way that the mouse is forced to step on the trigger. I have the wood traps, the plastic traps, the traps that "bite" the mouse, etc. I have tried just about everything. Yes sometimes these fail but not that often. Here is what I do. Use peanut butter, forget the attractant it does not work as good as peanut butter. Put a bit in the little hole, put some on the inside top of the cover, etc. Not too much you want that mouse to be moving around on that trigger trying to reach the peanut butter in various spots. These traps catch mice at a 3 to 1 ratio over my wooden ones (which are my second best trap). Good Hunting!!

Seems all the good mouse bait I used to use 10 years ago has been deemed to hazardous to mice and all that is left is sawdust pellets sprinkled with pixie dust. My mice laughed as they crawled over all the different baits I put out and headed straight for my peanut butter cheese crackers and Frito chips bag. Escalation of the battle was called for but the prospect of hauling a mouse trap with a expired mouse looking me in the eye severely diminished the anticipated victory celebration. Then I found these little gems. They worked as I had hoped. Victory was achieved in under 8 hours and I did not have to look at my prey as I hauled out the trap. Emptying it was a snap and me and the mouse never made eye contact. That's how I wanted it to go down. Long rein the covered mouse trap!

Saw a mouse and immediately looked for traps. I wanted something where the mouse would be somewhat hidden since I didn’t really want to see the dead mouse or have my kids touch it. These traps came next day and caught the mouse the same night! Neither me or my husband wanted to shake the mouse out and clean the trap so he just threw the whole thing out so I can’t really how well it is to reuse (though it advertises as reusable). Unfortunately we live in older townhomes so mice can easily get in from either the outside or the neighbors. I don’t know when a second mouse entered but the trap got that one too! Definitely planning on keeping them out and ordering more if we need to.

I've never had a problem with the regular 'old fashion' wooden mouse traps..... until this past year. I don't know if the mice around here got smarter or my dumb luck had gotten really bad concerning catching mice. But I would bait the wooden trap with peanut butter as usual and these mice would eat the peanut butter off the trap and there was no Snap! Over and over this happened. The furnace room in my basement started getting that 'mouse' smell.... you know that musty smell that says "uh-oh" because you know what it means. It means you have more than one mouse, that you have an army that has moved in. The frustration settles in. So my friend had told me about covered traps. I found them here and was pleasantly surprised how reasonably priced they were. Well! To make a long story short (uuhhh.... too late for that I believe) these traps got 'em! I finally was able to snuff out the army! I cleaned out my furnace room and it has stayed clean with a good aroma (even a bit of musty basement smell is wonderful compared to what was). I have left the traps set and at ready juuusssttt in case and I know these will do the trick!

I didnt know I had a mouse problem until I caught a baby one in an insect sticky trap I had set in my crawl space to catch rather large spiders who like to hang out there. So I ordered these DCon traps. Nothing more caught for several months. I figured the other mouse was an outlier. Not so. I see the trap tipped over when I'm down there turning on my sprinkler system. Hmmm. Omg, there's a mouse inside with just the tail sticking out of the trap. So, be patient. These WORK

I have several of these traps and cover All over my house Just in case one does get in. And share them with my mother and mother-in-law. No one likes getting a mouse in a trap until now! . They make the perfect hiding place for mouse when they find an irresistible mound of peanut butter inside they are done.No escape because the opening don't give them much space to retreat. Until SNAP! Then push lever on outside of trap shake and they are out! But check daily they decompose and it does require you to scrape if they are in there too long. Easily cleans out with rubber gloves . Do not let pb dry out They love fresh pb, and are usually caught in the first night. THANKS Seller! Hard to find in stores anymore.