• No SolidWorks experience necessary
  • 2 PC license, Watch on one... Follow along on another
  • SolidWorks TaskPane Intigration
  • Over 150 Examples, Excercises & Projects
  • Covers everything on the CSWA Exam

The Inspitech SolidWorks Fundamentals training videos thoroughly explain many of the basic features of SolidWorks for any user; no experience needed. I am using this set of videos to prepare for the CSWA exam. The videos show how to use each feature, what it does in machining terms, and its benefits and disadvantages. They highlight changes from previous versions and the occasional bugs and fixes. The unit tests are perfect for adapting the training for classroom use. The video format helps to identify the locations of commands and what is supposed to happen when creating a feature. This training has taught me in four months what I could have learned through the standard SolidWorks training and self teaching in about a year. A dual monitor setup is not required, but useful. If you have a laptop, simply connect a desktop monitor or small TV screen to create a dualview setup.

I'm a teacher of 25 years at Palo Alto High School teach Computer Applications, Engineering Tech/Robotics and Java Programming. I've installed this software on all my lab machines now and have at least 10 students signed up to take the CSWA Solidworks Certification Exam by June 2011. Using this software, which installs right into the Solidworks GUI, two students will be taking the exam this month after only 3 months of using the videos. I've used a lot of software tutorials over the years for programs like: Autocad, 3DStudio Max, Solidworks, MasterCAM, Maya and Microsoft Office but none compare to the quality and efficiency of these videos and preparatory exams.

I think what distinguishes this material is that it is not just a SolidWorks reference, it is a coherent training program. It provides a clear and logical path for learning that gets you up to speed with SolidWorks fast. You can always go back and search for a specific topic, but there is no substitute for having that logical path to follow. If you want to learn SolidWorks this is the way to go.

It is not often you get something that beats your expectations. But, this was one of those products. Being a little older technology doesn't come as easily to me as it does to my kids. That is what made this product so great. The pace was perfect, I never felt overwhelmed as I have with some books. But, at the same time, it the end I learned a lot and completed all the over 100 projects. I feel ready to take the SolidWorks CSWA Exam and get certification. I got a kick out of it when the narrator said "ZED" in stead of "ZEE" but all in all... it was fantastic.

I really enjoy this product. Being able to follow along with a tutorial video next to your own SolidWorks window makes learning a breeze. I couldn't imagine learning what I have learned from a book. It integrates very nicely into the SW program. In the more advanced videos the instructor can go a little quick, but the nice thing about it is you just click pause or back it up to see it again. Highly recommended for anyone learning SW from scratch.

Excellent way to learn the basics at your own time, place and pace. Can be a great reference in the future as well.

I recently purchased this and my only regret is that I did not purchase it earlier. By the way, it is compatible with Windows 7.

I am new to solidworks, been working with Alias and cinema4d for quite some time now, but have had to learn solidwork quickly for an up and coming job. This course is the most amazing tool of learning i have ever come across, It is so easy to work with and understand and within 1 month i truely beleive i am ale to model and assemble many products i see around me. Again this is a must for any new person wanting to learn soldworks fast but correctly as well. Great work. Also if you have problems with the exercise or anything to do with the review questions then the email support is again incrediable i email and within 10 minutes got a response and problem solved. Thank you

To Whom it May Concern: I have seen other things come out from the Inspirtech Company in the past and I can honestly say that the quality of these video tutorials is excellent. The gentle, well described approach used by Inspritech in the videos can take anyone with absolutetly no knowledge or experience with SolidWorks and transform them into pretty competent users with just the basic course. I tried using Inspirtech's tutorial system on a six year old once and with my being there to guide him, he was soon sending me his creations, with his eDrawings. You can learn the SolidWorks progam a number of different ways but if you want the most direct way to becoming a competent user, then I don't know of any better method. It is a hard to beat value in order to get your career going with these knowledge tools. Highly Recommended.

I am so glad I got this product to prepare myself for my CSWA exam. so easy to follow up, it teaches you pretty much everything and step by step. cant be more happy. Recommended!!