• Durable stainless steel interior and spray arm
  • Dish rack and silverware basket; up to 6 standard place settings capacity
  • User friendly controls; automatic detergent and rinse agent dispenser
  • Faucet adapter included for quick and simple connection
  • 6 wash cycles (heavy, normal, light, glass, speed, soak); Unit dimension (W x D x H) : 21.65 x 19.69 x 17.24 in

My dislike of doing dishes turned most of the counter space of my small Manhattan kitchen into physics-defying stacks of procrastination. This countertop dishwasher takes up about 60% of usable counter space in my apartment, a sacrifice I'm willing to make but for city dwellers, definitely measure it out. This unit is perfect for one to two people. My loaner husband no longer lives next door to me so I was apprehensive about installing the faucet adaptor myself, turns out it was a cinch. I found a helpful video online which showed the tool I needed to get: [...] Normally I don't read manuals, this one I read cover to cover. Some of the typos and wording are good for a laugh and its focus is on how to load a hypothetically uniform set of dishes no one actually owns. Fortunately, the Amazon community helped me fill in the blanks, I'm very grateful for their assistance. Here's what I learned from them and from using the machine: 1. Turn on your hot water all the way when you've got it set up and are ready to run it. The cold water will tax the motor. 2. If you're using Cascade Complete gel packs, those go in the detergent compartment on the door. There's a little basket on the left side that's for dishwashing tablets. The reason I like the Cascade Complete Gel Packs is it's got everything in it, including the rinse agent that keeps your glasses from streaking. 3. You don't have to stress out if you don't turn the faucet off immediately after the cycle is done. Water won't continue to run. I mean, I wouldn't go on vacation without turning off the faucet but you don't have to obsess that there's going to be some water pressure build-up that's going to shoot your shiny new countertop dishwasher into space if you're absorbed in another activity. 4. It doesn't dry plastic, but does dry my plates and pots. A few times I rinsed a couple of dishes again, they were super shiny so I was suspicious maybe the Cascade Gel Pack left some residue, so basically I ran them under water again because they looked too clean, starting to worry that I have trust issues. 5. The packaging is so sturdy, Wile E. Coyote could have dropped an anvil on it and it would have been fine. I've received mutilated deliveries from other companies with everything from footprints on top of the box to holes where the fork lift went through it. This can withstand whatever fury the delivery company dishes out. 6. The adaptor on your faucet takes getting used to. It produces a very strong stream of water so you only need to turn your faucet on a little to use it. I've already had a few accidental wet t-shirt contests but the good news is I won. 7. It's very quiet. Sometimes too quiet, I get paranoid it's not running but it is, it's just using its indoor voice. There's about a minute total where there's audible noise. 8. The hoses that connect from the unit to the faucet are annoyingly stiff. It's good to know that it's not going to spring a leak any time in the near future but I have to figure out some hook system to make them less obtrusive. 9. There's a plastic warning in the manual and one of my Tupperware lids didn't make it. It was probably eighteen years old so it lived a good life. I've washed plenty of other plastic items that made it out just fine. 10. Don't forget to turn the power on the dishwasher off before you unload it. If you don't, it makes this annoying beeping sound that the manual describes as "mooing". I assure you, there are no barnyard sounds with this machine. I'm very happy with my purchase. I would give it 4 and 3/4 stars because of the hose, amount of counter space it takes up and its not drying everything 100% completely. It's not perfect, but it's very close and what more could a girl ask for.

I have had this dishwasher only a week. I am using in it from Walmart - The Great Value Dishwasher Powder and The Great Value Rinse Agent. This dishwasher appears to be very well made but, as I said I have only had it a week and time will tell how durable it really is. As for cleaning a large load of dishes this dishwasher does an outstanding job! Does it hold up to six place settings? Everybody's dishes are different and it holds about four and then some for me. For those of you who are wondering if this washer drains the water by gravity or it is pumped out I believe it is pumped out but, I could not find any documentation on this. Very easy to hookup to you kitchen faucet. Does a great job drying the dishes. Update 10/26/2011: Dishwasher performs perfectly! Here are some additional thoughts - It says it in the directions that come with the dishwasher but make sure you add your dishwasher powder just before you start the wash not 2 hours earlier or it will harden. Update: 10/2/2013 Still works as great as the day I got it. Update: 10/10/2014 Still works as great as the day I got it. Update: 12/16/2018 Still works!!!

I HATE doing dishes. It's probably my least favorite chore, and two years in an apartment without a dishwasher was torture. I finally caved and decided to buy one. The only kind within my budget and size restrictions was a countertop dishwasher, and after a little research I chose this one. I bought it over a year ago, and wanted to wait a while before reviewing to see how well it held up over time. The short story is that I absolutely love it, and really have no complaints. Here are some details: -Setup was fairly simple, but I did have to have my brother lift it onto the counter (I'm not very strong). Otherwise, putting the few pieces together was a snap. -I was concerned about taking the attachment on and off the faucet, but it is extremely easy and only takes a second. -My water comes out very hot in my apartment, so I've never had an issue but I would make sure the water is hot for use. -The booklet/manual that comes with the dishwasher is actually very helpful, and I use it quite a bit. -If you overload or load things right next to each other, sometimes dishes will not get fully clean. However, this is true with any dishwasher. I have found that you can get creative with what you put in and how. Don't be afraid to experiment. -I have washed everything from tupperware to heavy pots and pans with success. -If you let food dry on dishes, it may not come off if you just put it in without presoaking/scrubbing. If you put dishes in immediately and just scrape excess food off before hand, they get squeaky clean. No pre-scrubbing needed. -It's never broken down. -Easy to clean. -It runs quietly, and beeps when it's finished. -TURN OFF THE FAUCET BEFORE DETACHING THE HOSE. May seem like common sense, but common sense hasn't stopped me from being sprayed in the face a couple times... -The setting I generally use takes about an hour and a half to finish. Honestly, I have said numerous times this dishwasher was the best $250 I ever spent in my life. I use it all the time, and it makes my life so much easier.

This is the absolute best thing I could have purchased for my home. I followed the directions and it worked like a charm. I experienced no leakage while using this and I have a separate sprayer on the right side of my sink. The dishes came perfectly clean (as you can hopefully see in my picture). It took a while for them to dry, but not a big deal. If you don't want to wait, just have a hand towel near by and give them a quick dry while putting them away. Also, for those who don't want it out all the time, I bought a chef's cart on Amazon as well and just wheel it into my closet when I am not using it. SO worth the investment.

Happy Holidays to Me!!! This was my gift to myself when I came into some unexpected cash. It arrived on 12/29/15. It's brand new and so I will come back and update after I've had it for a while, but here are my thoughts and observations so far... The Outer box did have a gouge in it, but the inner box was in perfect condition and the unit itself is well protected. The unit was in perfect condition coming out of the box. So far I love my new SPT countertop dishwasher. I've had full sized dishwashers in the past and I've lived in situations where I had to hand-wash dishes. Like most people, I prefer a dishwasher partly because doing dishes is a chore and partly because a dishwasher just gets the dishes cleaner than you ever will doing them by hand. I've been hand-washing for the last 6 months. I'm renting a small house that was built in the 1920s and there is no room in the kitchen for a full size dishwasher and so I began researching countertop options. I was pleased by the number of positive reviews for this unit, and it was on sale so I went ahead and got it. It arrived a full day before Amazon said it would - that's always nice! OK, I'm going to go through a pretty thorough review here because it seems that many people don't provide accurate or complete information. So, this is accurate and as complete as I can be... UNIT MEASUREMENTS The unit as it measures in my home: 17.25 (H) X 21.5 (W) X 19.75 (D). The power cord is about 65" long (it has many bends from how it's packaged and so it cannot be completely straightened) The hoses (which come already connected to the sink attachment and are also coiled and will not straighten completely) are about 60" long. The length of the power cord and hoses allows for some flexibility in placement relative to the sink, but you will not be able to set it up across the room from the sink unless you're planning to put it near the sink for each use. According to the product description, the unit weighs 48 lbs. I lift 30-lb bags of dog food with some regularity, and also just bought a 50-lb bag of ice melt. From comparison (without putting it on a scale), I'd say it is right around the 50-lb mark. This is empty, with no dishes and no water inside. So as you decide where you're going to put it, if you're using a portable rack or other device, make sure it can hold at least 100 lbs - 50 for the unit, plus 8 or 9 lbs for the water, plus the weight of your dishes (another 8-10 lbs) - total about 70 lbs when full and in use, plus some cushion just to be safe. UNIT NUANCES The door has a very secure snap closure and you must pull with a pretty good force to open it. I'm hoping that will loosen up just a little as time goes on because right now I have to put downward pressure on top of the unit in order to open the door - I've got my unit sitting on a thin-legged metal rack (see pics) and so the rack wobbles a bit if I pull hard without the downward support to hold the rack still. The shelf unit I'm using has metal mesh shelves. In order to create a flat surface, I also put a piece of plywood down and covered that with aluminum foil to create a moisture barrier to the wood. Then I put a towel down just be a little more attractive to look at. My dinner plates are 11 inches in diameter. Slanting them forward a bit allows them to fit just fine. The description for the unit indicates that 10-inch plates will fit without a need for slanting. I would say that's accurate. DETERGENT/DRYING AID I'm using Cascade Complete gel packets. This product has Jet Dry in it and so I do not need to add extra drying agent. This packet fits perfectly into the larger side of the detergent compartment. NOTE: because you are not using an extra/separate drying agent (if you use a product that has it already included), the light telling you that you are low on drying agent will be lit every time the power is on. Ignore it. WASH TIMES Many people have complained about the length of the cycles. I'm not sure why there is so much complaint or confusion. It takes as long as a full sized dishwasher to clean the dishes. And furthermore, the instruction manual has a page (see pics I've included) that tells you exactly how long each cycle type will take. There are several cycles: Heavy/Pots & Pans (100 minutes) Normal (85 minutes) Light (75 minutes) Glass (70 minutes) Speed (45 minutes) and Pre-wash/soak (10 minutes). The Heavy cycle has a double wash cycle. The Heavy, Normal, Light and Glass cycles all include a heated dry cycle. The speed and the pre-wash do not include any drying. The other major difference in the cycles is the temperature of the wash/rinse water: Heavy and Normal having the highest (wash 131*F and rinse 149*F) The Speed has the lowest temperatures (wash 122*F and rinse 131*F). Even the heavy and normal options are not technically reaching a temperature that is considered sterilizing (170* or hotter), but it's much closer than you could get compared to hand-washing. I've only used the Normal cycle, which according to the manual is an 85-minute wash. I've done 3 loads so far. The first I did with hot tap water. I made sure the water was at its hottest before turning off the tap to connect the hose and turning it back on. The dishwasher will heat the water to the correct temperature for the option you've chosen, but clearly starting with already hot water will shorten the time to heat the water. So, starting with very hot tap water, the Normal wash cycle from the moment I pressed the start button to the moment the end-of-cycle beep happened was 87 minutes. The next load I did, I used the cold tap water. I was curious to see if there would be a major difference. There was. This time it took 125 minutes (just over 2 hours). So using cold water is an option, but it will add a little more than 30 minutes to the process because the unit needs to first heat the water in order to properly wash the dishes. The third load I did (yesterday) I used the hot tap, though I didn't give it time to get to its absolute hottest. This load took exactly 90 minutes - just 5 minutes longer than the manual suggests. Again, this is the typical length of a full-sized dishwasher on a normal cycle as well. DRY DISHES The Normal cycle that I'm using includes dry time. I've made a point to be standing at the dishwasher when the end-of-cycle beep sounds so that I could see if the dishes are in fact dry. I've interrupted the beep to open the door. The ceramic dishes (plates, bowls), metal dog food bowls, plastic cups and silverware are all dry to the touch (and baked hot). The tupperware type pieces tend to still have some water/steam on them. But that is also typical of most full size dishwashers. Letting the dishes sit in the rack, with the door open for 20-30 minutes and all dishes are completely dry and cool enough to put away. NOISE The sound of the unit in cycle (the swish of your dishes being cleaned) is very quiet. I cannot hear it outside the kitchen, even from the adjacent room. The only time it seems loud is when it's draining water into the sink. It sounds like someone just turned on your tap to full - so if you have a metal sink, it's water hitting metal. If you have a porcelain sink, it's water hitting porcelain. If you want to assess that volume before you buy, just turn your tap on full and walk into the next room. Better yet, be in the other room and have someone else turn it on so you can hear what that initial water-hitting-surface sounds like because that's the loudest moment. The end-of-cycle beep is a repeated beep that lasts just 8 seconds. I was awake and listening for the beep from my bedroom (just 2 rooms away) and almost missed it. It definitely would not disturb sleep unless you're sleeping in the kitchen or are super, hyper-sensitive to any kind of noise while sleeping - and I'm a light sleeper. GETTING IT HOOKED UP OK, so I'm a 5'2" woman. I was able to lift the unit from the floor to a step stool and then from the stool to the rack on which it sits (see pics). It would definitely be easier with a second person because it's a bit bulky and awkward. But I didn't have anyone available to help and I was able to manage. I used the door handle and the metal lip at the top of the back of the unit for hand-holds. Remember to LIFT WITH YOUR KNEES - it is heavy enough to cause pain or injury to a back if you are already weak in that area or have a previous injury. The adapter has TWO washers - a thin one that is well-seated into the adapter and a thicker one that easily falls out. When I first connected to my faucet, I thought the thick one was from my faucet and so removed it out of the way. The test run leaked a lot around the faucet. I then put that thick washer on top of the thin one and reattached the adapter with both washers in place. NO MORE LEAKING at the faucet!!!! I connected the hoses to the back of the unit as directed. I hand-tightened both. I ran a 10-minute pre-wash cycle to test for leaks. The drain hose leaked. I disconnected it, turned the unit for better access, rather than trying to just reach behind, made sure the connection was seated properly, hand-tightened and then used a pliers to gently tighten. I got another full turn (or 2) before it felt fully tightened - careful not to over tighten as it is plastic and that can break if tightened too far. I also wrapped that connection with some plumbers tape just for good measure. I ran another pre-wash (10-minute) cycle NO LEAKS anywhere! Now I was ready to do a proper load of dishes. CLEANING THE DISHES I feed my dogs using a food puzzle toy (Kongs) which involves mixing their kibble with soft foods such as pumpkin puree or yogurt. It's difficult to get that all out and properly cleaned by hand. I had several of those that needed cleaning. I also washed their regular food bowls - the green one (in the pic) had fish oil and cranberry powder residue that I've been unable to get fully cleaned off for the last 6 months (that's 6 months of residue!). The Kongs and the bowls (and the rest of the dishes) came out looking like new! The residue was gone and there was no weird film that others have mentioned they've experienced. I think they may be using too much detergent, or not using any kind of drying aid at all. You will need to rinse off all large food particles. Remember, this portable unit is not connected to a garbage disposal and so cannot cope with large chunks of food particles. But, sauce residue, chocolate powder caked on a spoon, cheese and egg stuck on a spatula - all came off no problem. There is a 3-part filter system and you will likely need to clean it with some regularity (every few months) to keep the dishwasher from getting gummed up. BETWEEN USES The hoses are pressurized and so you only need to turn the faucet on a little to get it set. You can leave the faucet on all night if you start the dishwasher at bedtime as you will not be using/running water all night due to the pressurized hose. Be sure to TURN OFF THE FAUCET before you try to unhook the hose from the faucet. Also, be sure to PRESS THE RED BUTTON and wait for the water to drain before disconnecting the hose from the faucet. Once disconnected, you'll want to hold the end down and the length of the hose up to drain the last of the water that's in there before tucking the hose into its storage position - this is simply to avoid drips. Final note: the unit was a little damp inside as were the hoses upon arrival. I believe this is from testing at the factory before packaging. Many have mentioned it. Also, the unit and the hoses smell like new appliance. I can't smell it unless I'm right next to it, and I expect that after I've had it out and in use for a month or two, that smell will be gone. So far, I am super happy with this unit - the ease of setting up, the quality of the clean. I will check in again in few months to update.

I love this dishwasher. I live alone as a single gal in a 1 bed 1 bath apartment - and it's perfect. I run it about 2 times a week & it takes care of everything. I tell people it's like having the top rack of a dishwasher only. Before I bought this I read though a lot of the reviews... and I have a few comments regarding the critical reviews. 1. You don't have to buy anything additional to get this set up. Read the manual, it explains it. In my kitchen the little faucet end thing screwed off - and they provide another one that you screw on. Then the hoses hook up and hold on to that. You can use the sink while the dishwasher is running if you need to - just pause it & then press the red button on the side of the nozzle that hooks up to the sink. 2. It doesn't leak if the hoses are attached tightly. Be sure you screw them on TIGHT. Also, when you're ready to disconnect the dishwasher, be sure to turn the water off, then press that little red button to release the pressure.... or water will go everywhere. 3. After putting some pretty nasty dishes in there, your washer will get gunked up a bit.... but you can clean it out & it will work brand new. The manual explains this. There's this plate type thing underneath the arm and you can remove that - and a little drain trap that you'd need to clean out as well. Then you can either wash with a dishwasher cleaning packet/bottle thing OR you can use baking soda and vinegar. Run it through empty once before trying to wash dishes again. I've found that I need to do this once every 4 months or so. 4. As far as the smell goes, a bit of baking soda at the bottom of the dishwasher goes a long way - just make sure you get it out of there before doing the dishes (ie vinegar & a rinse cycle). Also, keeping the door slightly open when not in use also works. I've never had a smell in mine. 5. When the dishwasher is done it beeps.... but if you wait about 20 seconds (if that) it stops. It will not continue to beep. 6. It does pump all the water out of the hoses - but the hose that brings the water in is not drained once you turn the dishwasher off & disconnect. You'll need to drain the water out before storing.... have a bucket ready. It's not that much water, but it's enough to make a mess on the floor. I haven't had any trouble with this dishwasher - it's about the greatest thing ever - vs having to do the dishes myself. Larger pots and pans will not really fit.... so you'll still have to do those by hand. There is an artful way to getting some of them in. ;) I store mine in my spare closet on a large rolling cart (bought here). It's perfect. I've had this product for 9 months now.

Alright, many of what the reviews have already said are true. There were, however, a few things that haven't been completely confirmed or had some ambiguity that I hope to address. Overall this is an amazing dishwasher and I wish I had bought this a long time ago. First: -What you wash with makes a huge difference on how clean your dishes get. After trial and error I have found the best combination to make this washer power through anything. Proper loading is also key! Washing soda in the detergent bin and white vinegar(~5% or less) in the rinse aid bin= powerful, inexpensive, spot free clean. Both can be bought on amazon, and any should do. The top rated ones are a safe bet, I bought a cascade version that has added enzymes but didn't notice a huge difference over regular washing soda. You can see a before/after shot in photos after I switched from a liquid detergent to using the washing soda/white vinegar combo. -You can still use the sink while the dishwasher is attached. The faucet adapter has a red overide button that will allow the faucet to operate. Also ensure to press it before disconnecting or you will get soaked. -There is a heating element. You can use cold or hot water and it will bring the water very close to boiling. Hot water seems to cut the total length of the cycle time a bit, but not extremely significant. The heating element also is used in a drying cycle. -Dimensions are 17in tall, 20in front to back, 21 in side to side. Measure out the space before it's bigger than you think -Make sure the back connections have the black rubber washers installed(one of mine fell out) and that the connections are tightly secured(only by hand, no tools, do not over tighten) -The metal faucet spout has a aerator so you can leave it attached.

I just had to write a review for this dishwasher because it has made my life so much easier. We bought the dishwasher February 6, 2015- it is ow July of 2017 and we have never once had a problem. It was SO EASY for my husband to set up and I cannot believe I have not written a review til now. Its just an amazing thing for any one. Especially me as a mother of 3 and wife, you know-I cook a lot. And I also have a small business and it is hectic and this thing is like one of the most heavenly machines invented for busy people. You spend enough time and energy trying to cook decent meals for the family and then just trying to get your ids to even sit down at the table at dinner time... thats like a whole other job. Just to not have to spend nearly an hour doing the dishes after lunch and dinner-AMAZING. I am just so impressed with it and it was cheap- like really, where are you going to get something that saves you a headache, takes care of a burden and saves an hour and a half of your valuable time in life every single day for $200??? Thats like 1/20th of my life spent doing dishes-are you kidding me. Its just excellent. Really. It is doing dinner dishes right now. Does it fit the giant pots and pans-no... but all of the dishes, plates and glasses from dinner- the 20 cups a day each child uses because they 'lost' it, all of the silverware and medium sized food containers. Then every evening(every other sometimes :) ) I just wash the big pans after letting them sit and soak in soapy water for a few hours and it takes maybe 5 minutes-instead of an hour and a half. I did try to wash my Brand new-used once Wilton cake pans in there one time though-it totally ruined my pans, that it my fault for not reading the pan label though, I was bummed I did that though... Great deal. On a side note: My little pod holder or whatever it is that holds the cubes and hangs on a rack inside of the dishwasher- was broke on arrival which was not ideal of course but it is a tiny part that you cannot find a replacement for and isn't necessary so I am okay with it. Still not enough to deduct a star by any means. I just use Cascade powder anyway because its cheap and does a great job at getting them clean- a big box lasts for like 2-3 months.

I've never been so excited about an appliance. Cleans my dishes really well, saves on water (and save $ on my water bill), whisper quiet, super easy to install, and very easy to use (thanks to the sturdy sink adapter and quick attachment). The only tricky part for me was finding a permanent place to keep it in my kitchen. I didn't want it taking up counter space, but most microwave and utility carts didn't have shelves large enough to fit it. In case, you're curious, I ended up getting the Winsome Wood Utility Cart Winsome Wood Utility Cart, Natural, which fits the dishwasher in it's shelves with some work, a power drill, and careful measuring to customize its size. By widening the distance between the legs (it was just half an inch too narrow to fit the dishwasher), and installing the second shelf higher, I was able to fit the dishwasher in this very sturdy cart's shelves. Now it's always there for me to easily load and unload dishes, and I just have to roll it a few inches closer to attach it to the sink. It's a perfect set up for my favorite appliance.

This dishwasher is awesome, but I recently moved to a renovated apartment with a "fancy" faucet (see attached image - "pulloutsink") that was not easily connectable to this dishwasher. I have had this dishwasher for 2 years, and I was NOT going to buy a new one! After going to THREE hardware stores and Lowe's, I finally found the very difficult to find female hose x 66/64M aerator adapter that cost me a whopping $3.50. To save you time and headache, please read on if you have a similar fancy removable faucet. It will be the most worthwhile 5 minutes you've ever spent... *Full disclaimer* I am not a plumber or a professional in any way! I just searched the internet for hours (because I am a professional researcher) and found some links [...] and [...]... but there was no solution for the SPT. The SPT is a very special dishwasher. First: you must find the easy part (called "copper hose..." in the attached images) that connects directly to the hose of your sink (see image called "spray removed"). This copper/brass part is in all hardware stores and is usually called something like "copper hose thread adapter to 1/2 inch pipe thread." -Joe from NY Replacement Parts Co. on 95th and Lex in NYC. He is the hero of my story. But that is not the hard piece to find. Joe is my hero because he found the very difficult-to-find adapter (called "magic adapter" and "magic adapter 2" in the attached images) that attaches to the very specialized SPT parts (see image with that name) that connects to the dishwasher. Joe wrote this as "FEM HOSE x 55/64M AER ADAPTER" (AER = aerator) on my receipt. Here is the step by step: 1) screw on silver magic adapter directly to SPT silver part 2) attach copper adapter onto magic silver adapter 3) unscrew spray from faucet 4) screw copper piece onto the hose (from the sink) 5) check the image entitled "full set up" to make sure you did this correctly! Threading tape is optional. 6) turn on dishwasher, add soap, and set your program as usual VOILA! Your SPT is now hooked up to your fancy new sink! I am currently listening to my dishwasher spurt and putter away, and it sounds more beautiful than a Beethoven sonata. It's been a long week at many hardware stores. Please, if you're in NYC, just go to Joe at NY Replacement Parts on 95/Lex. It will save you a HUGE headache. And now an internet knowledge void has been filled. You're welcome.