• Covers and protects minor wounds
  • Memory-Weave fabric moves with you
  • Wicking pad with air channels improves breathability
  • Nonstick pad for gentle removal
  • Full-width pad covers most wounds

The old kind of band-aids that aren't complete pieces of crap. I have learned over the years that while many non-brand items are just find, band-aids seem to be an exception. I have gone through so many cheap vinyl-plastic type bandaids and finally decided to stick with the originals. These are comfortable, breathable, and stay on until you want them to come off. I use these in all my first aid kits and am very pleased. This box comes with about a years worth of band-aids in different sizes.

My wife has been buying the cheap bandages. I bought these and within five minutes of her applying it she remarked on how well it stuck and how it stretched when she moved to conform to her hand. She isn't going to buy any more of the cheap ones. Skip a meal at McDonalds and you will lose weight and be able to buy these good bandages.

I started buying boxes of these individually packaged items for first aid kits. Now I'm hooked! We much prefer these individual packages over a tube of anything! It's nice because we all have Altoid Tin first aid kits for purses. I also made a little larger first aid kits with some tins purchased here on amazon that are just a bit larger than an altoid tin. Those tins are 3-3/4 x 5 x 1-1/2. (see pictures attached). We have kits in purses, cars, desk, sports bags, etc. I even give kits away for free to my girlfriends, and we plan to make mini kits with the neighborhood kids this summer excluding some of the items I have pictured which are not appropriate for kids to handle....mostly they will have bandaids, lip balm, etc - we will let their parents decide what goes in their kit.) Purchasing tubes only allows for the product to be at home in the medicine cabinet. Having these individual packets allows us to carry everything with us everywhere. If we use something, we simply replace it when we get home. I can't begin to tell you how handy this has been in just the month or so we have been carrying first aid kits. See pictures attached. I do have a few more items on order and there is plenty of room in my tin to add a few more things (additional bandages, pepto bismol, tylenol, benadryl, etc.) My 14 year old son was helping me cook and got a small burn on his hand while taking something out of the oven. We right away put cold water on it and this burn gel and it worked like a charm.

I only buy these flexible fabric adhesive Band-Aid Brand bandages. They are strong, flex, and have a good strong adhesive to keep them exactly where you place them. If they get wet when wearing, they dry out quickly and almost always stay in place. I am a Master Gardener and also an artist. My hands especially take a beating and often need a bandage that stays in place in and out of water. These are my absolute favorite serious, stay on bandage. I like that I can pull one end after applying the other, to create a quick pressure bandage for a deeper finger cut. I have them in my art studio, garage, garden shed, car glove box, medicine cabinet, kitchen cabinet, lake cabin, and all first aid kits. I also carry a few in my wallet in my purse! They are so strong that I use a pair of small scissors to cut them off rather than pulling them off. They can leave a tiny bit of adhesive behind on your skin and I use a bit of (any oil) to easily remove it. I would recommend applying baby oil to the back of any bandage on a child when removing it from their skin. The baby oil allows the stuck on bandage to lift easily off the skin without hurting the skin. No ouch! Try these very useful first aid Band-Aid bandages. You will love that they flex on a knuckle or joint as well!

I love these band-aids! I bought them a few months ago because the bandages that came in my first aid kit were running low. I didn’t have super high expectations, but I am beyond impressed with their quality. I accidentally cut myself shaving in the shower the other night. When I got out, I put on a bandage. And then forgot about it, which is unheard of for me because I have very sensitive skin and even in the teeny-tiniest little tag will drive me crazy. And THEN, three days later after two additional showers, the bandage was still there!!! I’ll admit it was a bit ratty, but I’ve never had a bandaid make it through one shower before, let alone two. I am very, very happy with this purchase and will absolutely continue to buy these after my current box runs out.

Well worth the money for a brand name. Ten times better than the knockoff brands that I unfortunately have some of that doesnt stick and come right off in the shower as these do not.

This assorted pack has everything you should need for minor cuts and scapes of every side. No more cutting Band-Aids to make them work with smaller cuts or hoping you have the right size to fit in a funny place. There's plenty of sizes and enough that you won't run out trying to heal a single wound. These fabric Band-Aids work great. They stick great, bend with ease, and stay on through hand-washing and showers without issue. They also dry out, which many of the plastic bandages never seem to do. I'm a big fan of this large assorted box and will order again if I ever reach a point where I'm running low.

Goes on easy, stays on, seems to be resistant to water (its never come off for me). Just a recommendation. We diabetics with nephropathy have problems picking up things. If you put rabbit ears on the bottom to make it easy for us to detach the protective papers, that would be great. I pick at them and then usually drop them on the floor, but ears would make it much better. Last thing, we already pay a ton for drugs, could you possibly reduce the price or help us to get medicare to carry the cost? Thanks for your product and your help. Pastor Timblin

Most bandages we've tried ... of ANY brand ... have left a great deal to be desired. For one reason or another they always fail to stay in place and protect wounded skin for more than a few minutes or hour, then fall off or move. Band-Aid Flexible Fabric Bandages have finally found the right solution to stick tight to the skin, remain flexible to both lengthwise and sideways pressures, give maximum resistance to abrasions, and last for many days without replacement. As a bonus, in my opinion, they offer much better airflow to both the wound and to the skin in contact with its adhesive to make them both more comfortable and much less skin irritating than other bandages ... especially better than the ''new'' plastic brands that block off all healing airflow. Try a box of these Flexible Fabric Bandages and I think you'll like them so well you'll be tossing out all other types you've used before.

So yes, I bought Band-Aids. I bought the 100 count assorted bunch. I didn't trust the machines, so I counted them by hand I got 40 smalls, 35 medium/regulars, and 25 bigs ones. And I used it for bandaging purposes on my little burn, and what do you know - it works!