• "One of a kind, ultimate all-weather rodenticide for controlling rats and mice indoors and outdoors. "
  • Especially suited for use in wet and damp areas
  • Wax-free formula
  • One of a kind, ultimate all-weather rodenticide for controlling rats and mice indoors and outdoors.
  • Especially suited for use in wet and damp areas
  • Wax-free formula

EDIT: Ok so my initial review I had written and it wasn't working. Well, the rats are gone. COMPLETELY gone. From what I now understand, rats store their food. So, while the poison was disappearing, I still had rats destroying my house. Well, they are gone. All of them. Every single one. So, I am assuming that they had been storing it and then just recently ate it. I had rats so bad in my house. They were, literally, destroying my house. My basement, my kitchen. It was horrible and I was at my wits end. AND THEY ARE ALL GONE! I had just bought traps to put down but never even got a chance to because they all disappeared. So, I am changing my review. Because, while it took awhile they are ALL gone! Doesn't kill them. I have rats. It took them forever to eat this stuff. I even mixed it with some peanut butter after a couple days of them not eating it. They finally ate almost a whole tray of it. Hasn't killed a darn one of them. I don't know why but it does not work.

Working well for me! Had it for about a week now, and literally found 2 dead mice less than a foot away from where I had dropped nuggets. The first the day after I first put the nuggets down, and the other about 5 days after. Good riddance! 5 stars, highly recommend. Update: 8/18/18 You know, earlier today I was just thinking about how effective this product has been for me. All told, about two weeks after initially scattering the nuggets in various areas around my place, I would discover about 6,7 dead mice literally within feet from where I had placed the nuggets. It's been several weeks since I last saw any mice, and I am happy to say that I hadn't heard or seen any more rodents for a while, and I was thinking I was *finally* rid of them.... until tonight. I came home from a long day of work and found one dying, as per my experience, just feet away from where I had placed a pile of this stuff. Still very happy that this product is still working, and hoping that any others that are still alive are bringing pellets back to their nest.

Roof rats love this stuff. They carry it off to other hidden locations so just because it's gone doesn't necessarily mean they've eaten it all. They will stash as much as they can away in a location not too far from where you set it out but it'll be hidden good. So, if a big pile disappears but you still have rat-tivity for the following week it doesn't mean it isn't working, it just takes a little time for them to consume it all. Seems to take about a week to be effective for high activity areas. Afterwards it's good for "Monitoring" areas for activity. Just keep a few pieces in strategic locations and keep a watchful eye out. I've tried MANY things and this has worked the best for me for Roof Rats.

Ok, we have a major mice/rat problem due to livestock food and chicken and duck food being out. I put some of this stuff in triple plastic bags and broke it into powder using a hammer. Then I mixed it in with the livestock and chicken food, and put that in 2 places that I knew the dogs and other animals couldn't get into but was very close to were we had rodents. I was very impressed by the many comments on here that say it doesn't kill other animals. Like if another animal eats the dead mouse it shouldn't get sick, because this poison just takes out the Vitamin K from the rodent's body. I hope that is true. Anyways, comments on here say it takes several days for the poison to work, but I noticed a dramatic decrease in rodent activity in just a few days. I stopped using it after a few weeks, and now I can see how much it was working, because now the mice and rats are running all over again. It is the strangest thing, because we didn't have very many dead mice when we were using this poison, yet the rodents were suddenly 90 percent gone. It was like they all just disappeared or were laying low feeling sick someplace - - - until I stopped using it! Anyways, this stuff works!

I was being over ran by squirrels, I walk out in the backyard and see squirrels running every which way, they were digging burrows everywhere, eating all the chickens and goat pellets, just an absolute menace. I bought this product and filled 2 bait stations with it, 2 days later both are empty, refilled them both again, 3 days later both are empty, refilled them both again and several days later both were half consumed and not a squirrel to be seen, absolute squirrel Ghost Town, here it is 3 weeks later and not one squirrel to be seen, they ate 80% of the bucket of Ramik but they're gone.

Being over run with ground squirrels every couple of years, this is my only way to get them from undermining my house, sheds, and other structures around my home. I Hate having to use it, but I’ve found no other way when they breed to excess.

Being a buyer of another brand of rodent eradication, (bait block), over several years, I'm switching to a different brand with the Ramik brand for a couple of reasons first because I like the small pellet size over the rather large size blocks of "Bait Block" which prevents larger size rats from carrying off the entire blocks over night, to where, I don't know. ? My second reason for my preference of a pellet size product is due to the fact that small size mice appear to have a more difficult time breaking up pieces into consumption size edible portions. Since both products are of the family of anti-coagulant blood toxins, and are equally effective, the effectiveness of either products are about the same. The only regret I have is that faster and more effective mice and rodent control products are not allowed to be sold in California under State Law

Read some of the reviews and could not understand why people were having such trouble with this. Had been using it around the farm for years with great results. My dad always said, it can't kill em if they don't eat it, and eat it they do. When we would place some at the rat holes in the cow shed, the stuff would be gone till you would walk back through. We no longer farm but living in the old farm house I still love this stuff. I fill several bait stations in the basement and when it quits disappearing I know all the mice are gone. I just check back now and then and if it starts to disappear again I know some are back and I start the whole thing over again. I like the ease of use, just dump it on a pile in the corner and the dampness doesn't hurt it. will buy again, and I hope they never quit making this stuff.

This stuff works! I put about 10 pellets in my garage after seeing a tiny mouse scurry across my kitchen floor in the middle of the night. The next day, I noticed all the pellets were gone so I put out more in the same place. The very next day I found two dead mice. The following day I found two more dead mice. I started to feel guilty killing these mice so I contemplated returning the second bag I bought as backup and purchased the live traps. Then on the fourth day, I found a giant dead rat lying right in the spot I left the pellets in my garage!! I had no idea there was a RAT living in my garage and after finding that today, I decided to keep the second bag and I poured more pellets out in my garage. I am really impressed with this stuff. It’s easy to use, I can keep it away from my pets very easily, and it works!!! If I could give it ten stars, I would.

The demolition of an abandoned house by ours caused an unbelievable influx of mice. They were deeply ensconced by the time we realized it. We used traps, sticky paper, and other bait. We put food in mouse proof containers and did everything we could think of to discourage them. However, they could not keep up with the reproduction rate. I bought this product and set the bag down for the night. The next morning I picked up the bag and little green balls went everywhere. The mice had found it and eaten through in several places! I placed the bait out correctly and the next morning woke up to find two dead mice in middle of the hall floor! Since then the bait is disappearing and I am not hearing mice munch and scurry sounds. As long as the bait is disappearing I will keep placing it, but feel I have found the solution