• 100% Plastic
  • Imported
  • BEST HEARING EARMUFFS for infants and toddlers. These baby earmuffs are perfect for newborns through 24 months and up. BABY BANZ CHILD SOUND PROTECTION continues to lead the market.
  • INDUSTRY LEADING NOISE REDUCTION RATING – NRR 31dB. These are the best hearing earmuffs on the market. Block harmful noise and protect hearing
  • SUPER SOFT PADDING FOR THE BEST COMFORT. Infants and toddlers love them! BABY BANZ INFANT EARMUFFS feature a low profile stylish design unlike other bulky earmuffs on the market.
  • LIGHTWEIGHT & DURABLE - These are perfect for sporting events, car races, music concerts, airports, wedding receptions, movies, machinery, and more!
  • The PERFECT HEARING PROTECTION for little ears. Don't be fooled by bulky competitors who repackage kids earmuffs as “baby” earmuffs. These are specifically designed for babies and toddlers.

My husband is in a band. And I am also a singer in another band. We wanted our 10 month old daughter to be able to come to our shows anytime. But concerts are very loud and can sometimes have unexpected sounds that can startle a baby such as feedback, sudden pops etc.... I did my research and I also learned that a baby actually hears about 10 dB louder than the average adult. So I began looking around for hearing protection. Once I read the reviews for this product, I was sold. They came by their estimated arrival time as promised. They are light, durable, and super cute. They fit snug to her head, so they can do their job properly. I remember when we first got them our concern was that she might not like them on her head but she hasn't tried to take them off. I also noticed during the concerts she's been to so far she was rocking to the music which tells me she was able to hear well enough to enjoy the show and yet unmoved or startled by anything that could've potentially been too loud, had she not had them on. Which shows me they work. As a mother it just gives me peace of mind to know that I am protecting my daughter's ears. She's going to need them for the rest of her life. So needless to say....."they were worth every penny". I didn't mean to make this review so long but I did wanna share my experience. Being able to read the reviews of others helped me make my decision. And I hope that my review can help you make yours.

Works like a charm! Threw a pair on my 6 month old at my sister's wedding with a VERY LOUD DJ and he slept through all the noise. He napped through music, photo booth, etc, etc...and allowed me to get a little boogie down on the dance floor. I'd recommend for anyone going to a wedding or another loud event with baby. It will save your sanity, trust me. I recommend trying them on your little one a couple times before you intend to use them, just to orient them with the idea.

Probably the best 30 bucks I've ever spent. We took her to a Dallas Cowboys game at 5 months old, she slept like a baby and when she was awake was completely unaware of the noise around her. Definitely recommend!

We bought these for air travel and they were so handy! We used them primarily during take off/landing when the plane is especially loud (and the crew's PA announcements are plentiful). On the one occasion where we took them off too soon, our little guy was so startled by the loud announcement that he started crying and it took 30 minutes to calm him down afterwards. They don't work well for nursing with them on, but he was able to sleep while wearing them with no problem.

My husband and I and a couple friends were able to go to the premiere of beauty and the beast. I cannot say how thankful I am to these headphones, after delivery I was very limited on where I could go especially with the baby, most people would think that going to the movies is out of The question but not anymore! These headphones kept my baby I sleep through the movie of course, I had to hold him in my arms and I was breast-feeding until he fell asleep and if there was a really strong sound that had a strong base he sometimes would feel it so I actually rocked him lightly while he was wearing it. I'm definitely just so thankful that we were able to go to the movies!

Great product and fit my 2.5 week old! Took her to fireworks and she didn't flinch! Just what I needed and so happy they worked and fit. It was on the smallest setting so I know they'll fit for quite a while and now I'll be able to take her to public events without worrying about disrupting her sleep or hurting her ears! Only thing was b/c they're a little big (or she's so little) she could be all the way in her carrier w/them on, but was no prob for what we needed.

We'd surely be pegged for "parent fail" blog photos if it weren't for these. Front row of a dirt bike race? No problem! Redneck firework extravaganza? Get'r done! Late night camping trip with drunk friends? Put that baby in a tent and party. You deserve it. Snoozing babies not even phased. Lightweight and works like a charm! Fit fine at 3 mo is will growing with her. Can't really breastfeed or snuggle her head close with these on, but that should probably be your cue to find a quiet place anyway. Highly recommend.

These worked perfectly for my 6 week old son. We used them during a marching band parade (24 bands with very long percussion strings) and he slept the entire time. My husband also brought him up on stage during a concert and he wasn't the least bit upset about the noise. They're very light weight too. He doesn't mind wearing them for long periods.

I bought these for my 2 month old (80% head) and they work great! He's never fought us putting them on. He's now falling asleep with them. He's slept thru a demolition derby and a roudy wedding reception. Ordering another pair for my nephew.

I have two sets of these, one for each of my kids. It's important to me to preserve my children's hearing, and they wear these at concerts, sporting events, for fireworks, etc. Love them! They are adjustable, so can work on the very young (my daughter just wore them for 4th of July fireworks at 11 weeks old), but also fit my 3 year old with room to spare. They have one of the best NRR's you can find in this size, and combined with the versatile fit, they're my recommendation for anyone who wants to protect their child's long term hearing health.