• INCREASE MUSCLE GROWTH WITH SUPPORTED TESTOSTERONE LEVELS: In a clinical study, calcium fructopyranose borate (CFB) was shown to increase total and free testosterone within 3 hours of a single dose equivalent to just over 2 scoops of Nitraflex.
  • INCREASE BLOOD FLOW AND ENERGY: This clinically tested, high-intensity pre-training formula has potent ingredients to help magnify energy, alertness, strength, stamina, pumps and free testosterone during workouts.
  • CREATINE-FREE, IDEAL FOR PRE-CONTEST PREP AND LEAN MUSCLE: Creatine causes water retention, which can make achieving a dry, hard muscular look even more difficult, so we left it out. NITRAFLEX is ideal for pre-contest prep and lean muscle physique.
  • BOOST BENCH PRESS STRENGTH IN 2 WEEKS: Increase bench press strength up to 10 lbs in just 2 weeks. Potent ingredients will increase energy for each workout while increasing strength.
  • INCREASE INTENSITY OF WORKOUT WITH MORE ENERGY: Contains unique ratios of compounds that help you remain alert, intense and focused while you’re flying from set to set with veins fully dilated and muscles pumped to the extreme.
  • May help advanced athletes maximize energy, intensity, vascularity and reactive hyperemia (pumps)^Provide long-term support of testosterone and nitric oxide levels^1-scoop potency^Helps increase testosterone^Creatine-free: no water retention bloating

Great pre workout! The first time that I used it I felt very energetic, but also very focused. I am not new to the pre workout scene and I have tried many over the years. This one is great because I received all the energy and focus that I needed without the weird tingly feeling that shoots through your hands and face when using other kinds of pre. I know that some people might enjoy that, I kinda like it myself, but having all the energy and focus without that side effect was great. It recommends 10oz of water per scoop but I think you should drink a little more. I always work out in the morning before going to work and that is when the human body tends to be the most dehydrated. So, if you are going to use this product in the morning I recommend drinking about 16oz. Extra water never hurt anyone, but lacking water can.

I have been using this for a few years now and just got my testosterone checked and it was in the high 600s compared to low 200s as it used to be. I highly recommend this product, I would start off slow and increase the amount as you go. I have read comments about ED, and I have not experienced that, but I have experienced side effects with products containing DMAA. Temporarily thank god. This is a great product. The original jet fuel is prob enough for most people. This product is for someone who is advanced in their training regimen and needs a consistent boost.

I’ve been taking pre-workouts for years and this is the only one that really seems to work. Short of taking meth, I’ll continue to stick with this.

This GAT is great stuff!! Great energy, pumps & tastes great as well. This is a must for any early bird hitting the gym (4:30) no side affects (may differ with others) IMHO one of the Best preworkouts out there

I live on pre-workout 4-5 days a week. It's get me going at 4:45am and that's not an easy task. I'm 50yrs old and worked out for over 30yrs. Few pre items have worked as well as Nitraflex. All are great flavors. Super easy to drink.

Just went through my first container of this stuff and I was amazed. I never really believe in pre-workout supplements doing all that they claim, but I needed a small boost to get me into the gym 6 days a week. I got what I wanted and more. I'm not sure it really gave me any extra strength, but it gave me focus and energy. It was a bit of a mood booster as well. It could mix a little better; if you don't keep it mixed, by the time you get the bottom of your cup it will be gritty and nasty tasting. Highly recommend trying this one out, just make sure you are near a bathroom within the first 30-60 minutes of taking this because it will clear you out.

I am a woman & love this! It gives me the best results I have ever gotten by giving me the burst or energy after a long work day to hit the gym & lift. No crazy side-effects.

I'm no fitness nut, but enjoy getting to the gym ~5x/wk. I've been looking for a new pre-workout and decided to give this a shot based on the positive reviews here and not so steep price. Holy cow! This stuff is awesome!!! ~10min after taking it, you can feel it kick in. I haven't gotten such a kick and sustained kick in any other pre-workout that I have tried. Workouts have more energy and able to squeeze out more reps before fatigue. I will def be purchasing again moving forward.

Great pre-workout! I take it exactly 30 minutes before my workout and get that itch within 5-10 minutes. I go to Camp Gladiator and sometimes want the workout to start right when I get there instead of waiting because Nitroflex gets you going quick and last the whole workout. I’m very fit and have always been very athletic and always get into competition with the few others that can hang with the harder workouts and with this stuff I’m noticing I can last longer and lift more. I may have to take it before sex too! Destroy her in bed! Lol

I have to say that this is probably one of the best pre-workout's I've tried, and I've tried many. It really gives you a nice pump for your workout. I will definitely be buying again.