• Odor control guaranteed
  • 99.9% Dust Free for a Cleaner Cage
  • Absorbs 6x its Weight in Liquid
  • Safe for your Pet
  • Absorbs 2x more liquid than wood shavings

We've used this stuff for a few years now and can't rave enough about it. It absorbs great and is all natural and non toxic, etc.. So if some of it gets eaten by any of your animals, no big deal. So much better than the scented pine shavings which are bad for your pets and a lot less comfortable for their soft feet. This bedding is just fantastic! Not much more to say! It doesn't mask or cover any smells, you still have to keep their bedding changed.. But we change ours every so often and never smell our gerbils so it works and does what it should!

Clean & Cozy Original is what I use in my Robo Dwarf's tank. She absolutely loves this stuff. It's so soft and fluffy and she loves burrowing in it. I had been using the carefresh but switched to this because it was a better deal. It's my first time using a Kaytee bedding but I am very happy with it. I'm surprised I like it more than the carefresh but it's so much softer (sometimes carefresh gets these hard pieces, and she wouldn't burrow in it as much). I don't know how well it is at keeping odors away as my little ham doesn't smell ever but I will be buying more of it in the future.

I use this is all three of my cages/enclosures, and they all enjoy it. It's very nicely packed, so I put chunks into the gerbils' cage and they love to fluff it up and distribute it around their cage. They make tunnels, hop around, and generally seem to enjoy it. I love this because it absorbs really well. I do have to use lavender bedding in my male hamsters enclosure because he gets smelly, bless his heart. Otherwise, I never really notice a smell and only change the bedding of my gerbil's huge cage every month. My female hamster doesn't like a lot of depth to her bedding so she gets a change a little more often. I've used a couple of other brands that were a little cheaper, but none of the aforementioned parties were happy about those experiences

We have 2 cute guinni pigs named Bubbles and Daisy. We were purchasing their bedding at pet stores and it's quite expensive. I looked on Amazon and they sell the same exact bedding at a much lower cost. They make the bedding with all natural paper. It expands twice the size. It's fluffy and cushiony for them,and it's safe ! When we put it in their cage, their isn't any dust. They enjoy playing and digging in it. I'm happy with this product !

This review is for the unscented white bedding, otherwise known as original. I wouldn't recommend getting anything scented as bedding for rodents. I always purchased CareFresh in the past as it was recommended by everyone, but all of my my five gerbils LOVE Kaytee Original bedding. Kaytee Original is much softer and fluffier than the other brand. The gerbils burrow in this and they never burrowed in the other brand, no matter how much I put in their cage. Kaytee is fantastic for small animals who like to make nests or who like to burrow, like mice, hamsters, gerbils. I bet rats and guinea pigs as well as other pets would enjoy the softness as well. CF is way bulkier in comparison and Kaytee seems perfect for the gerbils tiny paws. It gets very fluffy if the rodents like to play in their bedding so I had to raise the water bottle to avoid the bedding from touching the spout. The nicest surprise about this bedding was that when I filled the cage with about four inches of bedding after fluffing it up with my hands, it rose to about six inches after about three days of my gerbil playing in it. The other brand never did that!

This is a great, more affordable alternative to carefresh bedding. Here is my full breakdown of the product: What I love: - The white color makes it easy to spot-clean more soiled areas, making individual bags last longer because a full dump-out cage clean is not always necessary. - This product is the only bedding I've tried for my mice that seems truly dust-free. This is very important, as small pets have delicate respiratory systems and absolutely must be provided with dust-free bedding if you wish to provide them with a long, healthy life. - This bedding is soft and comfortable and provides my pets with excellent nesting and tunnel-making material, which enriches the lives of hamsters and mice, who naturally tunnel and build nests. - This bedding expands a lot! I have five mice in three different cages, and can easily provide them with 2-3 complete dump-and-fill changes per bag, which is as good a return as one can expect for a set up like mine. - I feel this product is reasonable priced, especially on sale. What I'm not crazy about: - Odor absorption is low, though I am not as concerned about this as some people, since I find a light mouse-smell pleasant. People who house male rodents, who give off a stronger scent, may not find this aspect adequate. All in all, I love this product. It keeps my girls healthy, happy and tunneling. They like to rearrange it into big nests. I can sleep easy knowing my cherished pets have a safe, clean environment to live in.

I'm giving 5 stars on this product because it IS a decent product. Fluffs up well, non-toxic, easy to see a mess etc... However, any moisture whatsoever will ruin the bedding. So if your lil'critter likes to dig like my Phineas & Ferb do (gerbils), you may want to reconsider. I have to change the bedding every day vs every week with other types of bedding. Once the bedding gets moist (either from the water bottle or critter tinkle) it puts off an awful odor. Maybe it is just the combination of water, bedding, and natural Gerbil smell, but it takes no time at all to become overwhelming. The photo I included is the bedding that was replaced approximately 9 hours ago, and it has begun to clump. This bedding would probably be best if you have a habitat with separations or different levels, so as to keep it away from the water bottle. Certainly, can't keep the critters from going tinkle wherever they please, and if anyone figures out how, please share!

This is my absolute favorite bedding for my winter white hybrid hamster and my two gerbils. I usually toss in some Carefresh as well as some Kaytee Aspen in the bottom, but for the bulk of it I like the Clean & Cozy and my rodents do too. It's a lot more cost-effective than Carefresh -- this expands a LOT more. I find it to be virtually dust-free. It holds shape really well for my gerbils' tunnels. When I had rats I used this for digging baskets as well (most of the cage was fleece). One bag lasts me a long time, and I've got a 20L for the gerbils with a topper and I pretty much fill the bottom, as well as a 40G for the hamster. As long as I have rodents I'll buy this.

I’ve been buying this product for several years now. We have 3 guinea pigs and 3 gerbils. This stuff is great. While I buy the white primarily, I’ll also buy the lavender when it’s on sale. I’ve had no issues with this product and the quality is consistent. I’ll buy 2-3 at a time to simply stock up. It expands well, holds moisture, Isn’t dusty, etc. I’ve noticed that several other reviewers have commented on the lack of consistency and other issues, I have had no such problems and would recommend the product.

Amazing! When it says that it expands up 3x, it means it. I have a 55 gallon long tank = a lot of bedding needed! As any pet owner knows, bedding adds up quickly. I love how this fills my tank up 2/3 of the way without any extra needed, though I add aspen or kilt dried pine (sold by Kaytee) for added odor control. White isn't my favorite color because you can see droppings/wee easier, however it gives you the best deal on the price. It does help to keep things cleaner...no one wants to see droppings! My hammy approves 100%.