• Santa's little helper - every night This Scout Elf will return to the North pole to say whether your family has been naughty or nice. Santa takes that information every night until Christmas Eve when he decides if you're getting presents or coal this year.
  • Hide and seek - one of the best parts of getting an Elf is waking up each morning and trying to spy where they're hanging out for the day. Maybe they're sitting on the fridge or hanging from the light. Maybe they got into some mischief during the night!
  • Magic comes to life - once you've worn out the pages in the Elf on the shelf book, It's time to watch the magic in animation in the "an Elf story." your child will love curling up on the couch throughout December with their new holiday favorite.
  • Full story - there's so much about the elves that your family never gets to see until this tell all film has been released. Get the elves full story and see thaw they do Each night in detail. Solve the mysterious of those mischievous little Elves.
  • A new tradition - a timeless Christmas classic the whole family can enjoy! #1 National bestseller with over 2.5 million copies sold. Touted as "the best thing Since the night before Christmas" Bring it into your home today and start a new tradition!

We received all the items stated in the ad. While I can't say that it's done much to curb naughtiness, it does make our guys stop and think when we bring Marshall's name into the conversation. Our boys are 4 & 6, and they get a kick out of hunting for Marshall every morning. Our 6 (nearly 7 yr old) is a bit skeptical, but we can still divert some of his suspicions. A couple things he's noted are that his face doesn't change and he has tags, so he must be a toy. All in all, we are very happy with our purchase and glad to have begun this new tradition with our boys. I can also see us sharing this with our grandchildren some day.

This was a great buy, I had never heard of Elf On A Shelf until my Mommy Swag Facebook group started talking about it, so I went onto their website and checked it out. My boys love him, we named our elf Timmy after my childhood friend who passed away. Just being around the elf we named Timmy helped me with his passing , I felt he was around for the holidays. My boys love Timmy, every morning when we woke up my boys would look everywhere for him. It was so exciting and fun. I recommend this for everyone, I bought one for my cousin so she could do it with her son. I got the elf and book plus the movie. We watched the DVD so many times lol.

Heard about this from friends, was a little skeptical. Had to have remodeling done during holiday time so needed something for holiday effect that took up nearly no room and was easy to relocate but still let the grand kids (who live with me, ages 3,5,7) take part in the Christmas celebration and fun, as we could not put up a tree. We had the Nativity scene out but, of course, that was in a revered spot for special decoration. This was the best! Not only did it help little people stay on the NICE list but it was a great conversation piece with them. They had the best time trying to find him each morning. The movie was watched about a hundred times and they read the book at least 20 times in 2 weeks!. We let him give them each a gift on Christmas morning, along with a note reminding them that he would be back next Christmas, and giving them each a personal word of encouragement. They were thrilled! May send as a gift to my other grandchildren next year to let them in on the fun. Highly recommend this purchase!

My daughter is a Kindergarten teacher and uses the elf to help keep her children calm. This isn't easy before Christmas! :-) He poses in various places - she just has to be sure to move it each morning since this elf is supposed to fly to the North Pole each night and report back to Santa what he saw. She says the kids LOVE it. :-) It is a plastic toy but is such a cute concept! The movie kept even a 5-year-old's attention and even my 25-year-old Kindergarten Teacher daughter enjoyed it. She said she would definitely purchase this set again! I compared prices and this one seemed to be the best deal for the money- but I have Amazon Prime so got free shipping. The movie is at least $10 by itself. :-)

My son LOVES his elf. Came with book, DVD, & elf as promised. It was definitely worth his excitement every morning to see what his elf had done next. I love that I can remind my son that his elf is watching and watch his attitude turn right around!

My boys love this tradition and the fact that they can look for where the elf is hidden every morning. It puts a smile on their face and amazingly, they are usually a bit more well behaved when he's around. Although sometimes the Elf doesn't come for a day if they boys have been really bad... then they're sad... but the Elf has to catch up with Santa and tell him how disappointed he is in them before coming back! :)

I have 3 kids( 9, 6, and 5)We received this, read the book then watched the video. Really made for a nice combination. The kids loved the idea of the elf but were skeptical.(9 year old already knows about santa but played along) The video helped tell the story and show what happens to the elves back with Santa. The kids wanted to believe but as they went to bed they said, " well, if he is still in his box tomorrow then we know it's not real." I told them to believe what they want and let it go. Every morning the elf has been somewhere else and they have had a great time finding him. The book and video mention nothing of all the high jinks that i have noticed other parents talk about over the years so I went on pinterest to find what it was talking about. Found ideas and the next morning the kids found the elf in our christmas tree and their underwear all around him on the tree. They laughed and laughed and said, "maybe he did that because we didn't put our laundry away." HA! LOve it! The elf can remind them of their manners and chores and I don't have to(as much).

We love this! I wish I'd known about it a few years ago, as my older two (now 7 and 6) could have had a few more years out of it! Very cute book, and my kids instantly fell in love with the elf! Although I wish the elf were a little more easily poseable (does not bend or stay in place very easily), I highly recommend this for anyone with kids who believe in Santa Claus! You can make it as elaborate or as simple as you like or have time to, and the little short movie that came with this really helps to add to the magical nature of this. The movie is really cute with upbeat, peppy music, and a sweet storyline. My 3 year old has asked to watch it numerous times each day, and usually wants to see it back to back more than once, lol! Also, I'd highly recommend going to youtube before starting this, as there are lots of people who have uploaded video footage of their elf and it gives some creative ideas for what to do with the elf. So far, our elf has played a board game (kids "caught" him in middle of play), made snow angels out of our sugar, played with their train set, and we caught him on video last night climbing around the kitchen and peeking up into the lens...the kids are having a blast and we're having just as much fun planning and executing the elf's moves. We will be purchasing a "girl" elf to add to our collection next year! The only thing of note, which was really strange, was that our DVD case wasn't made correctly. The paper insert that usually slides into the plastic sleeve type thing on the outside was loose and just wrapped around the outside. We tried to put it in but there is no "sleeve". It won't fit on the inside either, because there is nowhere for it to go without blocking the part where the dvd goes...we found this to be poor, but are otherwise happy...

My family and myself had a blast last Christmas hiding our little elf. We gave him a name (Newell) and every time someone would find him, then they would get a turn at hiding him. He currently has found a home until this Christmas, when he last landed on top of a rooster above our kitchen cabinets lol. Have to say the movie was ok and would be great for kids, but my husband nor myself really cared too much for it. But Newell is GREAT!

My two girls ages 6 & 7 are thrilled that this little elf "showed up" at our house one night. They have named him Jolly-Scott. We split the 3 gifts up. We gave them the movie to watch, which they really loved. Later that night after they went to sleep we set out the elf for them to find the next morning. While they were acting hysterical over having a new addition to the family, I snuck and left the book laying on their bed for them to find. We have read the book about 5 times in one week. The tradition will stick in our family, my girls have never been so excited... Great purchase! Shipped extremely fast.