- Lift the jump at the end of the loop to send a vehicle flying!
- Send vehicles down roller coaster ramp for lights & sounds at the end!
- See the star spin when a vehicle drives under the monkey!
- Includes park and 2 Wheelies vehicles
- Requires 3 AA batteries
Harumie Guevarra
She was a little too short to reach the top but managed to enjoy placing the cars on a lower level and have ...
My grandchild is loving this toy. She was a little too short to reach the top but managed to enjoy placing the cars on a lower level and have them loop and swoop! Then they roll a distance away causing her to toddle over to retrieve and start over. Kept her busy which makes us enjoy a few minutes to just sit and enjoy her delight.
Lori Dunn
Awesome toy that your kids can use for years!
This is such a fun toy. We bought this for my son's first birthday, but I can't tell if he loves it more or if my three year old loves it more. They both play with it daily.I like that it has two separate "tracks" and comes with two cars because my three year old can use the looping track while my one year old uses the slower, twisting one, and they don't have to fight over whose turn it is. It is very sturdy, as my one year old uses it to pull up to standing and pushes it around the room. When they're not playing with it, there are several spots you can use to park the cars so they don't get lost. The flags that come with it fall off if you barely touch them, but that doesn't affect the performance at all so we just don't use them. The only downside is that it takes up a lot of space, but that would be the case with any car ramp, I think.
Tiffany Pettitt-Porter
Great gift!
Bought this for my son's first birthday gift. It was an Amazon recommended product for boys so I went with it. He loves it! I don't think there has been a day since he got it that he hasn't played with it. His older sister also enjoys playing with him, racing the cars around.
Sam Mckay
What's with the BROWN BOX?!?!?!
This is a super product. However, the weird thing is that the pieces all just came in the brown shipping box. They were not in a Fisher-Price box. The product does appear to be Fisher-Price, and the instructions are Fisher Price. It does bother me, though, that it wasn't in a box like you'd find it at the store. Makes me wonder if something is Fishy about this (ha, pun intended). Certainly would NOT be acceptable as a gift unless you, like we did, assemble the whole thing and wrap it up that way so nobody else knows about the stupid brown box. Also, one very annoying problem is that the battery compartment screw doesn't go in right. Hubby is getting extremely annoyed. Other than these issues, I'm loving it. For the really steep ramp, the car sits at top and is released when the big button is pushed. This causes the car to roll exactly right for the loop. This would not be easy to do without the push-button feature, so great design. This hasn't been toddler tested yet, since it's a Christmas present.
Juliet Okoro
My two year old loves it.
My two year old loves it. He's satisfied, I'm satisfied. :O) All cars we've tested (the two included ones, match box cars and trucks, Chuck dump truck from the Play Doh construction set, Cat construction truck bundle, etc.) can handle the loop well. My kid dances every time the car goes down the winding ramp and activates the music. (Actually I would have liked to see more songs included.) Was very easy to put together and I saved money buying the frustration-free box (and saved time).
Kevin Robinson
Except for the cars, it is a great all in one, easy to tote, play station
We bought this and the Fisher-Price Little People Wheelies Stand 'n Play Rampway. This one is to stay at our house for our 1 year old grandson to play with when he visits. He loves it. It is almost as tall as him. He found it easy to put the cars on top and send them on their way...loop, swoosh and jump. Sound effects and all. Battery compartment is on the bottom along with the on-off switch. It comes with two cars. We bought two extra packs of cars for this..."All About Racing" and "All About Working". He loves them and the cars are the perfect size for his hands. Plus...his hot wheels and some other small cars fly down the ramp just as well. We love it because it is easy to pick up from the top and move around. Except for the cars, it is an all in one, easy to tote play station. Note: We did take two little flags away from this because he wanted to walk around with a flag sticking out of his mouth....not safe at all. I highly recommend removing the flags to prevent an accident....at least until your child is old enough to not want to keep the flag in their mouth.
Tiffany Renee Persall
Best money spent this Christmas
Best money spent this Christmas. My son is 20 months and he LOVED it. It was easy to set up (placing the stickers was the hardest part) and in a few minutes it was up and running. Its a simple toy, just two small cars that can go down either tracks, and some music that plays when a car rolls over the switch so I don't expect it will stay fresh for long but he played with it most of the day and is still enjoying it. I bought it based on all the other good reviews and they did not steer me wrong.
Alfonso Lopez Jr
but most of his other toy cars fit and work just fine. Any hotwheels size car will work more or ...
My son has spent a lot more time with this toy than I expected. Only comes with 2 cars that "fit" the tracks, but most of his other toy cars fit and work just fine. Any hotwheels size car will work more or less. This is a Little People brand toy but isn't compatible with the other Little People toy sets currently available at places like Toys R Us or Target. I paid $45 for the frustration free packaging option. Would not recommend it at the higher price.
Shqipe Llugiqi
Grandkids love it!!
When I purchased this toy, I initially thought it would be great for my 3 yr old grandson, and it was! Never in my wildest dreams did I think my 5 yr old granddaughter would like it, but she loved it and played with it for hours. She even asked to take it home with her! They both love the cars and how the music plays at the end. I would recommend this toy whole heartedly!!
Aabroo Fatima
So geeked!
I was very much looking for a car ramp race track type set that had a steep incline for my 3 1/2 year old son (who has close to 100 cars). He had the cool tracks you put together but it became an utter mess and not the best over time. We've constructed our own "ramps" with game boards and such, but this will be the best as it's slimming, fits regular die-cast cars, too. It's exactly what I was hoping for at a great price! So excited for him! It's a Christmas present, but he'll be thrilled!!!