• Clearblue is # 1 OB-GYN Recommended Brand*
  • Typically identifies 4 or more fertile days to get pregnant** – at least 2 more days than any other ovulation test
  • Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is the only ovulation test to accurately track 2 key fertility hormones
  • The Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test is easy to read – unique digital ‘smiley face’ results
  • Can adjust every day you test according to your unique hormone profile. The Clearblue Helpline 1-800-321-3279 is available for any questions or concerns
  • Note: Packaging may vary

These were a lifesaver while trying to get pregnant! I got pregnant after 2 months of use, 3 months total of trying. It really helps to know when your fertile window is.

I am not one that likes to write reviews but I believe this product deserve a review. My husband and I have been trying for a few months with no luck. I tried counting the days but I was wrong. I decided to try this product after reading the reviews online. The first day of using it i got the clear circle. Then for the next three days I got the flashing smiley face we did not try to make babies at that point. I took another test on the 5th day and I got constant smiley face. I was all dressed for work my husband was sleeping. I was so excited that I woke him up since I know I won't be seeing him that night as he works in the night. And we tried that morning. 4 weeks later I took 3 tests this weekend to be sure and it says positive! Just follow the exact direction of the box and do not give up! Good Luck to whoever else wants to give it a try!

Pregnant after 1 month using, 6 months trying before this kit. I had things pinpointed but this kit told me to bump a few days early. I listen and voila! we had an extra Christmas present this year!

This product is definitely worth the money! This is my first time using this product and it was so easy. The digital display leaves no question as to what is going on with my cycle. I had 2 miscarriages last year and have been using the cheap Easy@Home LH test strips for the last year, the last couple months have been hard to read the strips. These tests detect estrogen AND LH. I wasn’t actually sure when I was ovulating because my cycles have been all over the place but I ovulated earlier than I thought I would. My advice is follow the instructions to a T and you won’t be disappointed. If I’m not pregnant this month I’ll be sad but I’ve got enough strips to use next month before I have to order again and my stress of conceiving has lessened with the ease of this device. I highly recommend this product!! (Note: the first smiley face in the picture was actually a blinking smiley for “high fertility”. I only had 1 high fertility day prior to ovulation. It’s important to test daily with these strips because the monitor actually remembers your previous results and that’s how it detects your surges. The app I use to take pics of my tests is called Premom if anyone is interested. I also use Cycle to track my period and other symptoms/sex)

After one month of using this ovulation kit as directed, I'm pregnant!!! Just like that. I started peeing on the stick around day 9 of my cycle (please use the calendar that is included, so that you can test as accurately as possible), and as soon as we got the flashing smiley face and then the still smiley face (48 hours before ovulation), my boyfriend and I had a a lot of sex. My period has been typically early, but this month, after three days of a missed period, I took a test (see the photo) and I'm 4 weeks pregnant. Clearly, I needed further convincing, so I took three more, and all of them are clear as day. I highly recommend this product, especially for anyone who is in their 30s, has had an irregular menstrual cycle as I've had, or any other fertility issues. It worked for us.

Got pregnant on the first month of using this!!! I had been trying for 3 months after stopping birth control. I used the Ovia app during those three months to help predict my fertile window but without success, so I decided to try this out. It arrived 11 days after my period start date, and I started it that day although the recommended time to start was a few days sooner. My understanding is that it is best to start it on the start day they recommend as the stick gets a baseline measurement the first time you use it. I wonder if some of the women posting negative comments did not use it starting on the start date and perhaps that messed up the remaining recordings. Anyway, despite the fact that I should have started it sooner, I couldn't wait so I used it on day 11. As expected, on that day it was negative (baseline recording). To my surprise, on the second day, it showed a flashing smiley face. My Ovia app said I had another couple days before my fertile window would start. The next day, it was a solid smiley face, meaning peak fertility. This was 4-5 days before my ovia app predicted my peak fertility would be. So we went for it...and got pregnant! Moral of the story is, I would not rely solely on phone apps, websites or basal body temp to predict ovulation if you are having trouble. Use an ovulation test, and this one worked perfectly for me. The apps try their best to predict your window based on the information you have entered in, but in any given month, the same woman can ovulate earlier or later in their cycle. This ovulation predictor can tell you each month when it will be. That month I happened to ovulate on day 13 rather than 18 as had been predicted. I had tried using an LH cheapie stick one day during my first month using Ovia I think and had measured a surge later on in the cycle, and I think that is why Ovia kept predicting my ovulation would occur late. With these ovulation predictor kits such as this one or the LH cheapie sticks, for best results, I think you should use them as recommended in the instructions and use them each month given the ovulation timing each month can change. I also think if a predictor kit says put your urine in a cup, don't put the stick your urine stream and vice versa. This thing works when used correctly and in my case, it worked on the first month! :-)

I purchased this item hoping that it could alleviate some of the frustration I had been feeling for the past few months when looking at the Easy Home Ovulation tests. For the past two months I constantly worried that I was doing something wrong with the Easy Home tests, the line made it seem like I was ovulating everyday, and if I didn't see the results between the 3-5 minute window, I could never tell the difference between one result and the day before, making the charting process a headache. Though Clearblue was a lot more expensive especially only for 20 tests opposed to 50 or 100, I finally just decided to splurge. I can't tell you how excited I was to find out that this test wanted you to use first morning urine. I work 8-5 and I drink lots of water, not too much time to take a test in between there. It is so easy, you can get this taken care of first thing in the morning, although I am sure the testing will commence more often once I receive a smiley face. So far I am on CD 10, third CB test, and I have had no issues. Knock on wood. The tests are very easy to use, and the directions self explanatory. My only issue is I am pretty positive I ovulate late, meaning I will use a good majority of the 2 month supply in one month. This really takes the guess work out of deciphering the other ovulation tests, alleviating my stress which will hopefully make it easier to conceive. The reason for 4 stars is because I haven't made it through a whole cycle yet. I will update this after I do. Fingers crossed and wishing baby dust to all! Update 5/30/2017- So after 3 days of the blank circle, I finally received my "high" flashing smiley. I received the flashing smiley for 7 days after. I was so disheartened after reading the many reviews where women had received the flashing smiley for days on end to never receive the static smiley. Never the less I spent good money on these, I decided to keep trying. What could it hurt right? On the seventh day, in the afternoon, my ovulation pains became very noticeable. I took a cheapie test by Easy Home, within less than a minute, I received a darker line than the control. Just to confirm I used the Clearblue and sure enough, there was the static smiley. I was so excited! These tests were amazing, for those of you out there, please don't get discouraged, you will get the static smiley, believe me. Definitely worth the money!!!!!!

I had been trying to get pregnant for about four months when I bought this. I had been tracking my temperature, but wanted to identify with more certainty my ovulation day. This kit was easy to use, instructions were clear. Predicted my high fertility days as well as ovulation, just as it said it would. Confirmed I ovulated later in my cycle than most. I used this for two months - got pregnant the second month of use. Overall it took me 6 months, but this kit really helped me feel confident about ovulation so we could time sex properly. We had sex every day it said I had high fertility, and definitely made a point to have sex the day of and the day after I got the static smiley face. I also consistently used pre-seed lubricant each time we had sex during this time. I can't say this kit got me pregnant, but it sure seems to have helped!!!

Bought this product to have a better understanding of my cycle. The first two days of testing, I had low fertility circles and on the third day I got a peak fertility solid smiley. I wish I had more days to try for insemination but I guess my body didn’t release enough hormones for the test to recognize. Hubby and I baby danced a lot the next 48 hours after getting the peak fertility smiley. I won’t be testing any more until after my next period, I only used 3 strips this cycle. I noticed collecting and seeping the strip was easier for me. I’ll keep updating the review. Update: Second month using Clear Blue and we are prego. This took the guessing out of the process but make sure you are not obsessing or stressing this plays amajor role in getting pregnant. Make sure to have fun with hubby and remember that God has a plan for your family. Please don’t stress

First time user here, recently married & my husband and I were ready to start trying for our first child. I have pretty variable (not irregular) periods (29-35 days) so I was concerned that figuring out when I was ovulating would be more difficult. Based on the instructions given in the box I started testing on day 10 and got a negative (baseline) result. For 9 days after I had blinking high fertile smileys. I tested every morning right after I woke up, however that last morning of my blinking smiley day I decided to test that evening when I got home from work. What do you know, got a solid smiley, my peak! My husband & I baby danced every other day during the blinking smiley days but baby danced 3 times during my peak "48 hour" window. 1 day past AF & I've had two positive pregnancy tests!! Absolutely loved this product and helped take the guessing and stress out of the process. Will definitely use again in the future!