• This keyboard case is only compatible with iPad 2, iPad 3rd Gen and iPad 4th Gen with Retina Display
  • Wireless iPad keyboard and protective case in one
  • Fold flat: the keyboard is only 6. Key travel: 1.6 mm; Key pitch: 17.0 mm
  • Three viewing angles with precision-hold magnets for stability
  • Large keys provide a laptop like typing experience.Key size: 14.15 mm x 14.15 mm.Key surface area: 199.9 mm2
  • Offers 160 hours of battery life between charges

This is THE best keyboard case on the market today for the I-pad. I researched the snot out of the ones from Zagg, Logitech, Belkin and also looked at CNet for any others I thought I was missing. This one hit's it out of the park in many areas: - Typing feel - almost as good as the gold standard Apple keyboards. It's obviously a little small for large hands, but any keyboard case that attaches to the Ipad will be small. - Battery life - 3400 hours of standby and 1900 hours of in use time. Yeah that's NOT a misprint. So far, I've been using for over a month and have not had to recharge it. 3400 hours is nearly 5 months!! Is there anyone else that can touch this? - Magnetic on/off - Yeah it's a smart cover but it also ONLY turns on when the keyboard slides into the magnets. Three different magnets for three different positions. Truly an awesome design. - Cover design - The keyboard can be folded under to use this like a regular tablet - for reading or game play. No one else on the market has this feature and as far as I'm concerned this is THE killer feature. Prediction: Zagg and Logitech are busy designing something like this right now. - Weight - some reviewers have called this heavy. Let me put that to rest now - NO IT'S NOT! Come on people this is 19 ounces. I've drank beer that was heavier than this thing. It's NOT too heavy to read or to play games or to hold with one hand. Come on! - Aluminum Cover - Yeah it probably will scratch. So get yourself a Zagg invisible shield and put it on the cover like I did and the problem is solved. No scratches. For $99, this is the best cover on the market. Oh yeah, I had to wait nearly 3 months to get this one because I ordered it in March and it wasn't delivered until June because it was on backorder. So my expectations were extra high on this one. Expectations exceeded in every aspect!

I L.O.V.E. This keyboard/case combo. I wish I'd found it sooner! It has breathed new life into my old iPad 2. It powers off when closed. The keys have a great feel and the keyboard has a great layout and size if fine. Wish I'd found something like it when I first got the iPad many moons ago but I don't think something like it existed back then. Very sleak, protects the ipad and helps it slide into my purse or briefcase (much better than the padded leather case I use previously. Recommend this 100%. (I'm delinquent in writing reviews for other products I've bought but this one inspired me!)

I'm a financial planner and almost everybody in my office uses iPad's in there daily business and everybody has some type of keyboard case. Up until the point I bought this Belkin, everybody had ZAGG cases and strongly recommended them. I checked out the ZAGG cases and I liked them, but I read good reviews on the Belkin and saw a flattering review on CNET so I decided to check it out. So after using the case for a few months and also having used and played with the ZAGGs I thought I would give a review to help others out who are comparing the two. Pluses for the ZAGG - The ZAGG cases is sturdier, thicker and just looks like it protects the iPad better. - The iPad is much easier removed from the ZAGG than the Belkin - The ZAGG is a not as top heavy as the Belkin which means the ZAGG sits a little better on your lap and is a bit more balanced. Pluses for the Belkin - The ZAGG looks nice, but compared to the Belkin it looks like a cheap plastic turd. The Belkin gets a lot of compliments. - The Belkin is a bit less bulky. See above, sometimes maybe this is a negative. - The Belkin has auto off auto on, so when you connect the keyboard via the magnet it turns on, disconnect it turns off. Handy so when you flip the keyboard back to lay the iPad flat (which it does lay flat pretty well and you can still use it like a pad, it doesn't accidentally start pressing keys. Also lets the battery last longer. Though battery on both is ridiculous long lasting. I think all else being equal, both keyboards are about the same from a functional perspective. I think there is a slight edge to the ZAGG as far as typing on your lap because of a little better balance. However, the more I use the Belkin the better I get at learning how to position my hands or the iPad on my lap. Both require a little bit of that learning curve. I think the Belkin wins hands down from a form perspective. It's much cleaner, and expensive looking. The leather connector is a nice touch. I normally don't care about what something looks like, but it's been surprisingly nice to have quite a few people comment on how cool the case looks, and many people just ask "What the heck is that thing? That's pretty cool looking." To give you an idea just how different the two look, a guy with a ZAGG cover asked me what my cover was and was really shocked it was the same type of thing as his ZAGG. The ZAGGs I played with were around $90 -$100 according to their owners so I think they were the PROfolio's. Again everyone I talked to loves their keyboards and strongly recommended the ZAGGs and have had them for a year or more in some cases. Now that I have tried both I do prefer the Belkin.

I ordered this on Thursday and had it overnighted for Friday. Amazon and UPS, as usual, delivered everything on time without any problems. I opened it, used it and I absolutely loved it. Installation was extremely simple and straightforward. The only quirk I noticed at first was that the home button would be on the right when I installed it. It makes no difference, but I'm used to it being on the left on my other case due to its placement. It didn't affect any rating on the stars. I couldn't believe that I actually found a proper keyboard case that lived up to the "ultimate" in its name. I contemplated trying out the Logitech keyboard for the same price, but I noticed it was a little thicker and left some areas unprotected. Nonetheless, I was ecstatic with the feel and performance of this. One thing I did notice was that the battery drained really quickly with it. My iPad normally lasts over a couple of weeks of use, mainly because I use it to read books, manuals, etc. for work. I use it for web browsing, keeping my schedule on track, email, etc. when I don't need to take out my MacBook Pro. In short, it's my go-to device for productivity and a "smart" second screen for when I'm working on my laptop. I lost track, but about the battery: within a few minutes (less than 20), it went from full charge to 95%. But, for whatever reason, the battery didn't die at the same rate afterwards. It took about 2-3 seconds to pair when the iPad is woken up from sleep. All in all, it was a great experience so far. In the process of using it, I moved it from my couch to the computer desk in my room. This distance is no more than 20 feet. Last night, I used it intermittently when I was working on my computer. This morning, everything turned on and the blue light blinked to indicate it was pairing aaaaand poof. The light turned off. I put my iPad to sleep and woke it up again and it didn't change anything. I tried un-pairing the iPad and the keyboard to pair it again to no avail. I tried restarting it in the hopes that it would do something aaaaand it did nothing. So I went into my Bluetooth settings and tried to connect it manually. It gave me an error saying that the device is not in range/could not be found (the standard BT error for devices that aren't nearby or have problems connecting). So, I removed the device from the list of previously connected devices and started again. This time, the device just could not be found. I tried on my iPhone and my Mac, but no other device with a functioning BT receiver can neither find it, let alone connect to it. For reference: it was charging the entire time since this morning, assuming that the battery might have been dead. After numerous hours of charging, I tried to pair again multiple times to no avail. For ~100 bucks, I expected something a little more functional with a longer life than this. Let's hope the exchange fixes it. Update: I started a return process with Amazon.com as I was tired of troubleshooting on Day 3 of ownership. At some point between when I posted the review, or a couple of hours ago when I last used my iPad, it started working again. I'm not sure what did the trick (the battery was charged on Day 1 and the spec sheet reports 160 hours of use which I couldn't add up in two days no matter how hard I tried), but it started working again. I'll keep the return label active in case it acts up again, but I'm extremely satisfied with the quality of the unit. I'll keep it at 5 stars as long as it works as it says it will for the duration of the ownership. Also, I really appreciate Belkin making an honest effort to reach out to me to help rectify the issue. Let's hope they don't need to go any further than reaching out to me right now.

The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case" I have to report that the Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case is extrmely well built and designed to transform our iPads into machines that are much more productive. For productivy and to create and do real work, I highly recommend this keyboard/case combination. My iPad has become more of a productivity tool now that I'm using this keyboard/case combination. I have used other keyboard/cases for iPads and this one is my favorite. It used to be well settled that the thinner the keyboard, the worse the feel of the keys would be. Belkin succeeded here where others failed. The keyboard is light, thin and does not add bulk to the iPad package once the iPad is mounted in this case. The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case keyboard feels great. The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case has aluminum alloy (bottom) and a well designed magnet construction where the keyboard draws power only when it's standing in one of the three angle options where the magnet holds up the iPad while you type and get work accomplished. In other words, the magnets holding the iPad in position (when you want to utilize the keyboard) have sensors that will turn on the keyboard when you want to use it and when the keyboard is not in position (not in one of three magnets) the keyboard is automatically turned off. The magnets will also wake up the iPad when it's opened. One more thing about the magnets: The three magnets offer three different angles for you to view the iPad screen while typing. For example, while using the The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case on one's lap, one would utilize the closest magnet. There are two other angles that would benefit the user once The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case is placed on other surfaces such as a desk or tabletop. The keyboard is only 6.4mm thick and the keys have what I consider a very nice feel and deep travel where the keyboard feels wonderful and I became immediately used to the feel of the keyboard layout. Errors are not an issue and the keyboard felt good very soon after I first tried it. The keys are large enough for those with big hands and large fingers. The keyboard has regulation TrueType keys. The whole case and keyboard weighs only 17 oz. The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case does not add bulk to the iPad. That was an important consideration to me when I compared different models. Here are some more pro's: It's easy to insert the iPad into the keyboard/case The keyboard feels good and works well. (see update below) At 421 grams this is a very lightweight (.93 pound) and thin package to add to an iPad Battery life is awesome and standby is seemingly forever. One can charge the keyboard once and forget about charging for a long, long time. Pairing is easy and efficient and I enjoy using this keyboard/case combination. The variety of materials utilized in the construction all make sense when considering the design of the whole package and carrying the closed iPad in its protective Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case feels absolutely terrific. Cons: There is not much to complain about here at all. If I had my way, I would like the keyboard to be backlit. When one wants to use it on uneven surfaces (on one's lap or on a bedsheet or cover) it's a bit of a challenge. I wish the magnets would be just a little bit more robust/stronger so that in use the keyboard/case could feel more solid on diffferent types of surfaces and on one's lap. However, I'm getting used to this and there is a way to comfortable hold/reenforce the keyboard/case/iPad while using it on one's lap. Using this combination on a bed finds part of the package gently tipping over if you gently push it back a bit. This is a minor situation that one can easily get used to and for which it can be compensated. I preferred the aluminum/white combination but ended up with the item in black. I highly recommend the The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case and I really enjoy the improved productivity, robust protection and how great it feels to carry. When you purchase this item, you'll be looking for creative ways to utilize this combination instead of lugging around a laptop. The Belkin Ultimate Keyboard Case feels amazing and works great!

Update: I've had it for a year now and I'm still in love with it. The silver back shows some minor wear-and-tear, but I take my iPad *everywhere* and just chuck it in my tote bag. I have no complaints. I have only had the case for a week, but I'm really thrilled with it. The keyboard is easy to use, and I'm a touch typist, so I care about being able to type quickly and smoothly. No problems there. I am a teacher and in the last week, I have taken my iPad with me to class, to meetings, and on family vacation in the car. It has been portable and easy to type on in all these settings, even balancing it on my lap in the car. I like how (relatively) easy it is to flip the keyboard to the back to use the iPad as a tablet, and flip it back around to type with. It is slightly unwieldy in the folding and unfolding, but I don't expect perfection with all the tradeoffs necessary to make a good keyboard case. My biggest quasi-complaint is that I sort of wish the material of the back of the keyboard and the material of the back of the iPad were switched. The slick silver back is the bottom, and the rough black back is what holds the screen up. I'm a bit neurotic and I wish the surface that touched tables, etc while typing were the tougher-looking black, and not the smooth and stylish silver. On the other hand, I have yet to scratch the silver in all my uses at home, at work and on the road, so it's probably tougher than I give it credit for. I shopped hard for a keyboard case, and I highly recommend this one. If I have any trouble with key wear and tear over time, I'll come back and update here.

I have an iPad 4, and I wanted a keyboard/case so I could work on assignments for my college classes when I am not at home. I was afraid that having an older iPad, I would not be able to find such a case. I have owned separate keyboards for my ipad, but they all end up dying for unknown reasons. Maybe because they're cheap. I love this case. The keyboard feels like a laptop keyboard, with minimal sound when you are typing. When I type, I do not miss any letters, which tells me that they are placed just like a computer keyboard would be with the correct spacing apart from each other. There is no backlight to the keyboard. The iPad stays put in whatever position on the three magnets you decide you want for a viewing angle. This case does not feel cheap. I am impressed with the aluminum front, and the "leather feel" of the back is nice for non-skidding purposes. I was surprised at the price ($68.99) being that this is an older iPad, but I am happy with my purchase. I was considering a $30 one by Jet - something...? Glad I didn't go with that one.

I previously had a leather portfolio case on my iPad, which I liked, but I wanted a keyboard because I type very fast, and prefer an actual (as opposed to on-screen) keyboard. So I tried a couple other versions of keyboards, but wanted one I could keep with the iPad at all times, without stifling inconvenience. I'll tell you, this product is a bull's-eye! This key board is awesome! If Apple's unofficial motto, as I've heard, is: "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication," then this product is worthy to be attached and associated with your apple product. The sturdy casing attaches with in iron-grip to the ipad, while not blocking any of the surface of the screen. It provides strong protection against damage from a drop or a bump, and at the same time does not add substantial bulk. The keyboard pops open as quickly as a normal portfolio case would, and slides naturally right into position with the magnetic clip. Once there, it automatically turns on and connects with your iPad surprisingly fast (it takes mine about 3 seconds), goes into sleep mode when not used for some time, but wakes up as rapidly as before (again, about 3 seconds). It is all seamless, intuitive, sleek, and elegant. While the keyboard does add some bulk to the iPad itself it's really not substantial, and my ipad now seems less bulky than it did with the portfolio case on it. This is also the only keyboard I've ever seen that can slide behind the iPad and out of the way when not in use. It's there when you want it, and hides efficiently when you don't. This is hand's down the best hybrid (case + keyboard) system I've ever seen for an iPad. Some may balk at the $70 price tag. I would remind those that do why you bought an iPad (vs. less expensive tablets) in the first place. For most of us, it's because we wanted something of high quality, with a simple, elegant design and interface that worked as it should all the time, every time. We were willing to pay the extra $ to get it. This keyboard fits that same logic to a "T". IT WILL NOT DISSAPPIONT!

I have looked far and wide for the perfect I Pad keyboard case. I have several others but they all had deficiencies. The Belkin keyboard case holds the I Pad securely in the top and gives you the option for three different screen angles. The three magnets on the top of the keyboard interact with the magnet on the I Pad and hold the unit securely in place. I can even lift the unit by the I Pad and the keyboard will stay in position. There isn't an on/off switch to fool around with. Close the unit and the I Pad goes to sleep and the keyboard automatically turns itself off. It is thin and the construction is very good with attention paid to the details. It looks like a very expensive case. Overall, this is a terrific keyboard case and I highly recommend it.

The clam-shell design keeps the device protected, and the keyboard turns on automatically when the case is open, unlike other clam-shell designs, that require you to flip a switch to turn the keyboard on. The one problem I have with this case is when I want to use the device as a pure touchscreen device. You can lay the screen flat on the keyboard, as if it were closed, but with the screen facing up (as shown in the product images). However there's an extra overlap of material in this case, and it doesn't quite lay flat. This makes it awkward to use one handed. Conversely, you can get it to lay perfectly flat by turning it around the other way, so the keyboard and screen are on opposite sides, but in this configuration, any slight sliding of the case and device triggers the magnets, and the device instantly goes to sleep, thinking the case is closed. If I'm going to be reading/drawing on the device for more than a minute or two, I now pop it out of the case altogether. However, this is easy to do, and is only a minor annoyance. The case has already saved my device from a few dents and dings, and is performing like a champ. Absolutely great for taking OneNotes in meetings, it is now my recommendation to clients looking for an ipad keyboard case.