• Quick relief from biting fleas
  • Kills adult fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae, ticks and repels mosquitoes
  • Contains an insect growh regulator (IGR) to kill and prevent flea development for up to 2 months
  • Kills the Deer tick which may transmit Lyme Disease
  • For use on dogs and puppies 10 weeks and older and cats and kittens 12 weeks and older

Works almost instantly to kill fleas. My barn cats roam a very large area, so treating a 'yard' is not possible. I use it on pet beds and barn perimeter . Has a medicine smell, but nothing too overpowering. For the cats, I spray it on (avoid the eyes and nose), then rub it backward into the fur for instant pet relief. By the way, I recommend wearing gloves...to keep the spray off you, and to keep from getting shredded by the cat-you know, because a cat just LOVES to be rubbed backward.

I have tried a few top brands and have settled on Adams for price/effectiveness. My dogs hate the spray session and now scram whenever I grab any spray bottle but it is a small discomfort for what they get from it. 1- I spray them outside, close and deep into the fur. I position them to use the breeze so they get fresh air into their face the whole time. On still days I use a fan on low speed. 2- I do it early in the morning so by the time they curl up to sleep at night the smell had dissipated somewhat and fur has dried completely. 3- I would rather use a product that is weak and slow as opposed to a fast one because of the concern about the effect on the animal. The more potent the poison, the more dangerous to the pet and myself. 4- The dog will continue to scratch and get fleas for the next couple of days afterwards as new ones jump on them but the fleas will not be able to reproduce so it is a short time before they die of natural death. 5- Be sure to vacuum the carpets and bedding because that's where the eggs are. I like this better than the alternatives - Pills, monthly drops on the back. The drops were too powerful and I have multiple dogs which meant they would rub on each other's face and mouth. This stuff is not as powerful and harmful to them but does the job. I recently took note that they do not attract any ticks on our walks for several days after a spray session. I only use this on my mostly indoor dogs may be once every 2-3 months when I suspect fleas (we walk the trails almost every day so it's unavoidable).

If you have dogs and fleas are an issue, just get this stuff. I've been using Adam's for more than 20 years and have never had a reason to switch.

I have one dog and two cats that live inside but frequent the outdoors during the day. After trying Adam's Plus instead of the other flea and tick sprays costing over a dollar an ounce, I can say the other's don't have anything on Adam's. We keep a flea trap in an area of our house where our pets spend a lot of time in order to catch the fleas that ride into the house on our pets and jump off before ingesting any of the treatment. Having occasionally found flea's in it in previous years, we know it works. However, since using Adams flea and tick spray for the last 18 months, we have not found any flea's in the trap and I am getting ready to order my second bottle of it.

Am using the product on dogs and cats with no adverse effects and its working to keep down any infestations. I am pleased with the product and keep it on my shelves.

I had spent SO much money on flea treatment prior to buying this bottle. We didn't have a flea problem until our cats starting coming inside due to the colder weather. That caused our dogs to get fleas. It was hell. So had I bought this lovely spray due to the reviews and also that I can use it on both cats and dogs. I don't spray the whole animal..I spray on the base of the neck and before the tail on the back and on the stomach on each animal. The trick it to spray all of your animals even if you don't think one doesn't have it. Cats are horrible flea carriers so I assume if one animal has a flea then they all have fleas. After spraying all of them twice and vacuuming really good for a week all of the fleas went away. This bottle is a larger size so it's great if you have multiple animals like I do.

I have two cats and two dogs who are scratching and chewing and chomping their bodies from a horrible flea infestation that came out of nowhere. They all have jingles on their collars so the constant jingle noises along with my empathy for their misery is enough to make me just as miserable. I finally had to take their collars off because it was driving us ABSOLUTELY INSANE, especially at night. All my animals sleep in my room, so some nights, it would feel like an earthquake from all the ferocious scratching -- let's just say I've had a lot of sleepless nights lately. I've tried to keep it all natural, but screw it.... I'm desperate. I've tried oatmeal shampoos, organic itch cloths, oils, diatomaceous earth, raging cleaning sessions in my home, brushing animals multiple times a day.... nothing was working. I Googled around looking for the best, yet most cost effective flea solution for animals. At this point, I don't care if it's all-natural or nuclear reactive, I need my sleep. This product was rated #2, so I bought it. Whoever says that this stuff "smells good" is out of their minds -- the smell is AWFUL -- I hate it. When spraying my pets, I rubbed it into their fur pretty hard so that it gets to their skin -- I also parted their fur so that this spray could penetrate their skin easier. After my dogs were treated, my hands felt cold and greasy. Spraying the cats was quite comical, I wished I had gotten it on video, because they did not like it one bit. LOL. I ended up having to spray the spray into my hand, then scrub it into their coats. Needless to say, the animals looked like they'd had a rough night when I got done with them -- greasy and tired from fighting. For the first time in several weeks, I slept more than 2 hours in a row. I also noticed they aren't itching and chomping on themselves as much as they have been. I plan on getting some flea killing aerosol spray and going nuts on my house so that I can put a halt to this flea bitten misery. Aside from the greasiness and the horrendous odor, this stuff works great. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is going out of their minds trying to stop fleas from driving your animals crazy. Sometimes, the "natural way" just doesn't cut it. .

THIS STUFF WORKS. After years of picking around with Revolution, Capstar, vets, antibiotics, steroids, flea bombs and who knows what else, I discovered this stuff accidentally on amazon - and in a little over two weeks, my moth eaten rug of a cat is happy, fluffy and flea free. After reading several reviews here, I decided to err on the side of caution and spray 4 or 5 pumps onto a water-damp terry face cloth and 'rub' it into the cat's fur, in much the same manner as I'd dry a wet cat or dog with a towel, from the hindquarters to the neck. It's a lighter application than spraying straight onto the cat, and I've reapplied in the same way every second or third day, whenever I've seen him scratching or grooming excessively.

This spray really does work. I used it on my dog, and a flea or tick , don't know which it, was died in front of my very eyes. So, if any reviewer says it does not work , I don't believe they are being very truthful. Warning. Do not apply this when you have nail polish on, or at least wear rubber gloves. My polish came off on the dog !! So, wear gloves unless you like a pink dog !

Got this to use on my five cats. They're all indoor cats and I didn't feel like continuing to spend $50 a month of topical treatments when they don't go outside. I definitely recommend reading all instructions and to NOT SPRAY DIRECTLY ON YOUR CATS. I can't stress this enough. All my cats are very nice and I still got hissed at and scratched when I sprayed directly. Definitely spray on a paper towel and rub into their fur, with a lot of treats handy! It smells like a mix of patchouli, citrus, and citronella. Which might be offputting for some, but I didn't mind. I also sprayed the carpets by the doors and the cat beds and trees as a precaution.