- ITALIAN FOR BEGINNERS: Online Italian language-learning course, app for iOS/Android included. Learn Italian in the most effective way possible - in your own time and at your own pace!
- INSTANT ACCESS AFTER PURCHASE: Once payment has cleared, we’ll send you redemption instructions for your Rocket Italian course (look out for a Buyer/Seller Message in your Amazon Message Center).
- LEARN ITALIAN EFFECTIVELY: Includes Interactive Audio lessons, Language & Culture lessons, voice recognition technology, flash cards, progress tracking and much more! Our method is based both on science and on the practical success strategies that polyglots (people who speak several languages) use.
- LIFETIME ONLINE ACCESS: For a one-off payment, you'll get over 120 hours of online lessons and free updates for life! You can log into your course online (through a browser) or with our mobile app.
- PROVEN TO WORK: Join over 1.2 million people who have successfully learned Italian with Rocket Italian. Like them, you will be able to proudly say "I speak Italian."
Tim Heyes
I've tried Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur...don't waste your time and money
I've tried Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur...don't waste your time and money on those, this is by far the best language program I've used. If you want a secondary program to expound with, try Duolingo concurrently while you go through this, but if you are only going to use one, stay with Rocket Languages. I would highly recommend it.
Debbie Litz
The Best I've Tried!
Granted, I am not a very disciplined student, but I have tried all of the language learning tools around I think... I like aspects of all of them, but not everything about any of them... I haven't been working with Rocket Italian for very long, but I am beginning to think that it may change all of that! I like the variety of presentations they take you through for each lesson - I originally took the stance that I didn't care about being able to write Italian, but as time goes on, I find that it not only helps you remember things, but comes in handy as you email more and more with Italian speakers. I liked that aspect of Fluenz, but other aspects bugged me... didn't really like Rosetta Stone... like Plimslur in my car, but only as practice, not really as comprehensive learning... so, I am thrilled with what I am finding with Rocket Italian!
Rotica Pickens
Great Product
We are going to Italy in 3 months and I decided to try the trail of rocket language after reading reviews of this product and others. So far I am loving it! I feel confident by trip time Ill be able to carry on some conversations in Italian and understand some or what the locals are saying. Very happy with how rocket language goes about teaching!
Janelle Williams
Chrome browser/microphone/voice recognition works great.
2 months' before a 2 week trip to Italy - time to work on language skills. Rocket came recommended on some web sites, so I tried the free offer and then plunked down the money after working the free lesson. Try it, you'll like it! I like the ability to go back to any lesson and review. The speech recognition (using Chrome browser and a microphone) is awesome.
Christine Ann Andico Arriesgado
This style is self driven but the process so far is most productive and comfortable. Purchasing Rocket Italian and now using it
Having only been with the lessons for a few weeks I feel this is going to most beneficial for my need to speak Italian by February 2019. It is rewarding to hear myself speak what I think I hear. Also, being able to repeat it for practice till I get it fits into my style exactly. I have not arrived at the Culture portion yet, but the pictures are intriguing and compelling to have one wanting to speak Italian thereby making the anticipated arrival warm and somewhat familiar. This style is self driven but the process so far is most productive and comfortable. Purchasing Rocket Italian and now using it, has confirmed to me it was the way to go.
Devin Seeker Christie
Rocket Italian è il migliore!!
I absolutely love the Rocket Italian online courses. I have tried Duo Lingo and Rosetta Stone and this is by far the most effective program I've used. This program is unique in that you hear new vocabulary and grammatical concepts in the context of a conversation and then delve in to the grammar after seeing it in context. Whoever wrote this really knew what they were doing because you will complete one lesson and then later in the lesson, or even a few lessons later, the grammatical concept will be fully laid out. This sense of "hey, I've heard that before" makes new grammar and vocab so much easier and more natural to learn. Seriously, it works. You do have to put a little work into memorizing the conversation in each lesson, but the "Practice this conversation" mode allows you to grade the task by slowly making it harder and harder by taking away words. Again, genius! My brain has been able to go back to draw on previously memorized conversation to help me remember conjugations, phrases, and grammar. I am in my mid-thirties and have a terrible memory (let's just say I make for a lousy trivia buddy), so it is shocking that I am having such success with my Italian. I love the multi-sensorial teaching style of Hear it/Write it/Know and I like that I can make flashcards to go back to challenging vocab from earlier lessons. Don't get me wrong, learning a language is never easy and happens slowly over time. But I have found that by studying little by little, I am actually able to retain so much. This was put to the test when I went to Italy last April. Given the fact that I had only completed the lessons from my Level I dashboard, I wasn't really expecting to do that great speaking to the locals. To my surprise, I was able to have full on conversations with people in Rome, Florence, and small villages in Umbria where English was not spoken. Several of the locals commented that my Italian was very good and that they could understand me well. It was one of the most satisfying things ever! I am now plugging through Level II and it's only getting easier and easier to learn the language, despite the more challenging content. I wholeheartedly recommend Rocket Italian. Just plug away at it 1-2 lessons a week and with time you will be impressed with what your brain can do.
Mohit Jain
A MUST for a language learning tool
My husband and I were planning a vacation to Italy and thought it would be helpful to learn enough Italian to get by. He started this program and and constantly raved about how useful and informative it was. The proof was apparent in Italy. He was able to use it to get around the cities we visited, ask about sites to visit and foods to eat. A few times he would ask something in Italian and the person thought he spoke fluently and would respond in rapid fire conversation. Obviously, he had to stop them and slow them down. He was great and really surprised me at how much he had learned in a relatively short time. He has now started learning Spanish. If you want to learn a language either for a visit or for in depth studies, this is the Program to buy. He also tried Pimsleur for spanish and claims that Rocket Languages is much easier and a more powerful learning tool.
Chompink Sunshine
Great way to learn Italian!
Hi, I've been using Rocket Italian for a week now and find I'm learning more Italian than in an evening class I took at college three years ago. I like that I can listen to my recorded voice and immediately compare it to the native speaker. This allows me to greatly improve my pronunciation. The pacing of the lessons is good, though I have to review often previous lessons so as not to forget difficult parts from those lessons. I'm trying to complete one lesson each day. I spend 30 minutes, then take a break before returning to finish the lesson. I practice talking aloud to myself during the day repeating the words and phrases I've learned. I will be travelling to Umbria for a month in a year. I hope to be able to have simple conversations with the local people. So far I am very pleased with Rocket Italian. The regular price is expensive, but I managed to buy it with a promo code for 60% off. At that price it is a good value for all that you get. Also the forum is an excellent way to get answers to your questions. I recommend Rocket Italian to anyone wishing to learn this language!
Mae Sophia Harsh
All You Need for Travel
For an entry level, this provides everything you’d need for a trip abroad. The interface is awesome: you listen to the audio while reading along, then you can replay whichever individual phrases you need (or the entire lesson) and practice using flash cards, quizzes, etc. I tried to learn just from Duolingo and this is like head and shoulders better! Part of it is because it gives you practical phrases and grammar, and part of it is that one of the two human hosts is from Rome, so you really hear authentic pronunciation and get cultural advice. (You may still want to download Duolingo (free) to round out your vocabulary a bit because this is just for getting down the basics—pronunciations, ordering food, saying hello, getting around town, things like that. But this is definitely worth buying and a way better foundation!)
Toky Noel Marcelin
Rocket Italian
Before our last trip to Italy we purchased Rosetta Stone, lost interest after about a month and didn't learn as much as we had hoped. We are going back this year, so I decided to try another program. Someone suggested Pimsleur, so I got a trial edition and quickly realized I would pretty much wind up illiterate but be able to speak some Italian. This may be all some people are looking for which is fine, but I wanted to be able to read and write also. After Googling Italian Language I found Rocket Italian, the reviews were great so I tried it. Rocket Italian has the best overall lessons that I've seen. They start out easy so you have some early success, then get progressively longer and harder. You can repeat as much as you'd like depending on how anal you are at getting everything right (that would be me) or move forward as fast as you want. I have a long commute each day, so I downloaded all the lessons to my Ipod and listen to them on my way to and from work. I subscribed to the RAI channel as a means keeping track of progress. At first it seemed as though native Italians speak so fast I couldn't tell when one word ended and the next started, they appeared just be making noises, lol. Now, after just one month I can make out words and some phrases, It's as though they slowed down. It's very encouraging to make progress! I also have to say that the audio lessons are interesting, Maria and Alex break the lesson up with interesting culture and language history. As I've seen before, just repeating word after word, sentence after sentence gets boring and you lose interest quickly. from NJ, USA ★★★★★