• The only Lip Balm with 1% Hydrocortisone, specifically formulated for chapped lips.
  • Heals lips chapped by weather, cosmetics, sunburn or medications
  • Reduces Inflammation caused by cold sores. #1 Dermatologist Recommended.
  • Perfect for Accutane Patients, Allergies, Chemotherapy Patients, Cold Sores, Sensitive Skin.
  • Cortibalm is a mild hypoallergenic blend of beeswax, petroleum jelly, mineral oil and 1% Hydrocortisone.

My lips are perpetually dry on Accutane but as long as I have this near I am much more comfortable. There is little that can be done about the flakey lips, meaning there will probably never be any product that can make an Accutane user's lips completely plump and moisturized, but this is by far the best there is. The smell or "flavor" is not over powering and if anything goes away moments after application. The consistency is like any chapstick, and is worth the relief it brings. And this particular pack of 3 costs just a bit more than it costs for 1 of them at my derms office. With that being said, this product is so great it is what my doctor recommends and sells behind their counter. It also was recommended by him to put on dry cracking skin on my nose, and inside my nose when it was scabbing from dryness. I was SO happy with the results when I placed it in those areas, truly rescued me from the pain and helped heal the areas soooo quickly. I also live in Minnesota and with winters being brutally dry I think I will continue buying after I finish my accutane because it seems like a perfect longterm solution to chapped lips and skin. TLDR: If you have dry lips, are on/are preparing to go on accutane you must invest in this three pack. Put one in your car, one on your night stand and one at work/everyday bag. you won't regret it and if anything will end up buying even more so that you can always have one on hand. do it!!!!!!!!!

I had eczema in 2014 (on my eye lids, of all places) and was told to use a face cream with hydrocortisone. Tried it and it worked like a charm. So when I began to notice the same type of excessive dry skin on my lips last year (November 2015), I thought using the same cream would work. Suffice to say, it did not. Since November, I've spent well over $150 dollars on a variety of creams, ointments, oils, supplements, etc. (including Auqaphor, which would only work temporarily) trying to relieve my skin of the chronic dryness... and absolutely nothing worked. I would consistently get dry lips, that eventually cracked and bled, especially at the corners of my mouth. It looked and felt disgusting and I was extremely self-conscious about my appearance. I was just about to call my local dermatologist in the hopes that they would prescribe some extra strength medication to help me out. I even considered some type of plastic surgery, if necessary (yes, the dryness was THAT bad). Luckily, my friend who happens to be a pharmacist recommended I try Dr. Dans. I was reluctant to spend even more money on yet another balm, as I had been let down so many times. She urged me to just do it before doing anything drastic, and after reading a few positive reviews, went ahead and did it. I received the balm on last Thursday night. It is not Monday morning and my lips are as good as new. I even had an open wound on the corner of my lips that has sealed up and healed since I have used it. This stuff has been a God-send! Thank you Dr. Dan for such an amazing product. Nearly 8 months of Angular Cheilitis (I self-diagnosed this condition and it was confirmed by several pharmacists) was cured in a matter of days.I bought the 3-pack option and am glad I did. Seriously people, if you having type of dry lip condition, wheher mild or severe, you owe it yourself to give this balm a try. Life is too short to not have kiss-ready lips!

This chapstick works amazing! My son is on Accutane for his acne and this is the only chapstick that he can use that actually works. I have only found this sold here on Amazon or much more expensive at the dermatologists office. On this medication (accutane) the skin gets extremely dry and can be very uncomfortable. My son has woke up with his lips so dry that they are cracked and bleed at times. Since using Cortibalm, he has not had this issue. I did purchase the little tubs of the Cortibalm before getting the stick version here, and he prefers the stick form. It is easier to apply then having to worry about washing your hands before each application as he did with the tub form. We will continue to purchase Cortibalm as our #1 chapstick.

i am on my 4th stick now! i have been suffering from angular chilletis for about 4 years. this product works amazing! it tastes very bitter(I would not recommend wearing this before drinking or eating). perfect for people who do not want to use prescription steroid that can be too strong on the lips. this chapstick does milder version of those steroid topical creams. heals my angular chilletis in a matter of few hours. the packaging isnt very cute but it definitely does the job for me!

This lip balm has saved my lips. About two years ago, out of nowhere, my lips started getting chronically dry, itchy and eventually started splitting at the corners. My lips would be bright red, puffy, and so painful to the point that it was interfering with work and my life revolved around trying to heal them. My doctor prescribed some antifungals and other topical remedies but none of them worked. After hours of googling and searching I stumbled upon dr Dan's and never looked back. I keep one in my car, purse, nightstand, and never leave home without it. It healed my lips in a matter of days and I refuse to ever use another product on my lips. Cant say enough about how much I love it

PROS: - Lifesaver for anyone on Accutane/Isotretinoin: dry/cracked lips - Also a lifesaver for Angular Cheilitis - Has a more "normal" chapstick feel compared to other "healing" chapsticks for severely dry lips (isn't slimy in appearance and comes in normal chapstick tube) - Works great under lipstick! CONS - Slightly expensive (totally worth it IMO) - I could not find it in store, so had to order online - This is not a tasty lip balm, I was initially slightly grossed out by the taste it leaves on your lips but after a few uses it didn't phase me. My friends have used this lip balm and it didn't seem to bother them - It leaves a slight white residue/film on your lips, but it is really isn't noticeable (still better IMO than the greasy, slimy appearance of other lip balms) For as much as I use Amazon, never have I ever written a review. This will be the first, and for good reason. I hope that this ends up being helpful for someone, being that the reviews for Dr. Dans are what compelled me to purchase it myself in the first place. Dr. Dans CortiBalm Lip Balm was my saving grace throughout the course of my Accutane treatment. I do not have enough good things to say. Even despite finishing Accutane, I still find myself using this lip balm when my lips need that extra moisture. I had never dealt with dry skin or lips prior to Accutane, and just 2 weeks in I developed something called Angular Cheilitis. The corners of my mouth became cracked, infected, crusty.... it was awful. My dermatologist prescribed me a topical steroid to use, and even that did not help. No matter how much Aquaphor/chapstick I slathered on my lips (even when I was applying it every.single.hour) my lips were cracked/bleeding/peeling and the Angular Cheilitis only got worse. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon Dr. Dans CortiBalm lip balm, and after reading reviews I ordered a 3 pack. As soon as I received it in the mail, I put it on.... and I immediately felt relief. LITERALLY not even 48 hours later after using this product, the corners of my mouth were healed and my lips were smooth. Not only did it heal my lips, but this lip balm made it possible for me to go multiple hours without applying lip balm. That being said, if you are on Accutane, I do really recommend splurging on the 3-pack. I kept one in my bedside table, in my backpack, and in my purse. This product works, it lasts, and I wish I had known about it sooner.

I love this lip balm! My lips are dry, peeling and bleeding year round but they are the worst during the winter. Spicy foods would also make them burn and start cracking, too. I tried so many different lip balms over the years but they either made my lips worse or were a very temporary fix. After just 24 hours of using this lip balm, my lips were healed! They were softer and smoother than they have been in years and feel so great! I highly recommend this to anyone who has super dry cracked lips! Edit: It's been a month and a half later after using this lip balm and my lips are still soft and I have not had one problem with chapped lips. It has made a world of difference!

I love this stuff. I'm not sure what has happened over the years but my lips have become puffy and read. For some they would kill for clown lips but I just can' take it. So our DR. recommended cortibalm and it has been a dream. Dr. Dan is a life saver. Yes i could probably save a boatload of money buy just buying some medicated cream but I have had to many instances of explosions or missing caps in my purse. A little bit pricey for the active ingredients but this will not let you down. +quality +it works +great for bug bites too and behind the ear eczema +great for bags under your eyes -a bit pricey -not my favorite smell -very addictive -do not overuse can cause allergic reaction for some making your lips even worse

I never, ever write reviews...but this product truly warrants praise. I was suffering from the worst chapped lips of my entire life and this balm saved me in the matter of a couple of days!!! This is a miracle lip balm! I don't know if it was the winter air, dry air in my house, or cosmetics I was using (awesome lip primer and gloss that literally stayed on my lips the entire day and most of the evening) that dried my lips out so severely, but a few weeks ago I started developing cracks in my lips at the corners of my mouth. Very painful and very unsightly. As I researched how to remedy these, I learned that hydro-cortisone cream was most likely the way to go, as opposed to regular lip balm. I finally got those under control after a few days, then the rest of my lips became out of control dry. Like peeling, cracking, splitting, burning lips. THE WORST. I couldn't wear lipstick and I was seriously applying other types of glossy, messy, lip balm on my lips like 20 times a day. I tried carmex first (until I learned that would just make it worse). I tried vaseline. I tried Burt's Bees. I tried Blistex. Nothing seemed to help. They were not really getting any better after almost two weeks and I was at my wit's end. It seriously hurt to smile or laugh because my lips felt like the were splitting open, and the peeling in certain areas was relentless and grotesque. After doing some research this lip balm seemed to be the fix I was searching for. It was delivered to me a couple of days ago, and no joke, my lips started healing after a couple of applications. I am on day 3 of using it and they are almost 100% healed. I can even wear lipstick again. The peeling and splitting are gone. The burning is gone. My lips are almost back to normal. This balm is not greasy and actually even seems to make more a nice foundations for lip gloss. Do not hesitate to buy this lip balm. If you are having problems with dried out and irritated lips. BUY THIS. Buy this now!!!!!

I ordered this for my dry lips after starting on Accutane. The person who referred me to this product was actually a Sephora employee (who also was on Accutane). Since I’ve started using it, I’ve had to apply lip balm less times throughout the day. I’m glad I ordered the 3-Pack because that means I can leave it it multiple places where it will always be within easy reach. It doesn’t feel thick and there’s no reason to slather it in either like other lip balm products. Works great!!