- 5 lbs of Dymatize ISO100 Smooth Banana Protein Powder (76 Servings)
- 25 grams of protein, 5.5 grams of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), & 2.7 grams of Leucine per serving
- Less than 1 gram of fat & sugar per serving
- Scientifically proven, fast-digesting, hydrolyzed, 100% whey protein isolate. If your goal is gains in muscle size and strength, ISO100 is your perfect partner
- Gluten free with less than 0.5g of Lactose
Min Thiha Kyaw
Perfect protein for maximum growth and recovery.
This product is by far one of the best whey isolate protein powder that I've ever taken. If you're someone who works out regularly, this product is the product for you. It mixes almost instantly without any lumps and powder residue at the bottom of your shaker bottle. I know some of you are afraid of protein powders that don't mix well with certain beverages like milk or juice, but ISO 100 blends in such a way that leaves no clumps in whatever you choose to mix it with. In comparison to ON's Gold Standard Whey, this product mixes way better than ON. As a person who has purchased ON for the past 2 years, I can advocate for that comparison. I've tried many other protein powders in the past, with my most purchased being ON's Gold Standard Whey, that product was my favorite before trying ISO 100 but now I think I will switch my product loyalty to this product, and I think so will you. If you're like me and you go to the gym at least 4 times a week, you might be in need of a product that contains a significant amount of BCAAs that aids recovery and BCAAs fuel your skeletal muscles during training, which can help give you the edge you need to push your limits. The 2.7grams of leucine supports the activation of protein muscle synthesis which is key to muscle growth. You also want a product that is low in calories and one that doesn't bloat you, this product only has 120 calories per serving and it doesn't bloat you at all. You will not be disappointed in this product at all, I've been taking it for a month and I've seen significant growth in my body in just the span of 4 weeks. But of course, the results vary from person to person and not everyone will notice growth in the first 4 weeks. However, you will be surprised at how this product makes your muscles leaner and your strength will improve gradually as well. As for flavors, personally, I've never strayed away from anything chocolatey tasting, but you guys might have different taste preferences. So, if you are planning to purchase this product, I would highly recommend the Gourmet Chocolate flavor as it doesn't taste too generic and it goes down easy. I would rate the Gourmet Chocolate a solid 8/10, you might feel differently about the taste but that's just my opinion. I don't do any other flavors besides chocolate for protein powders. This product surpassed my expectations by a mile, I thought it would be inferior to ON's Gold Standard Whey, but it turned out to be significantly better in my opinion. I would 10/10 recommend this product to anyone!
Les Davis
I have tried over 6 vanilla protein powders and I have truly hated them all. Everyone says chocolate powders are so much better, but I hate chocolate. A friend told me about this brand and the birthday cake flavor and I had to try it. My mind was blown. It legit tastes like the halo top birthday cake ice cream! With less than 1g of sugar and 25g of protein. I love it! I WILL be buying more! I'm addicted! :)
Natasha Lee Aiken
Found a new favorite. Dymatize does not disappoint, yay for new flavors
I have been a huge fan of dymatize for years since i started my fitness journey. I am so happy that they have expanded and created more flavors so that customers can have a variety. The first flavor i ever tired was chocolate and it was so good not as chalky and there was no weird after taste. I love how they both taste great with either water or almond milk. This is a review as well with a comparison of all the flavors i have tasted thus far. Chocolate-taste like chocolate milk Cinnamon bun- taste like the cinnamon toast crunch cereal milk or if youve ever tasted horchata(cinnamon rice water) Birthday cake- i read a review that said it tasted like halo top birthday cake, spot on! Reminds me of sweet cream ice cream from marble slab but Not too sweet! Peanut butter chocolate- my new favorite! Taste JUST like the little debby nutty bars.
Valinte Jesza
Reasons why you should buy ISO 100
I really like the Dymatize Iso 100 protein powder, ever since I started using it, I have found that it is much easier for me to stay on track with my fitness and nutrition objectives more than before. I think that consuming protein supplements has received a lot of criticism in the past because people have actually done it in the wrong way, in a sense people think that it is essential to consumer protein alone to gain muscle, other think that it actually enhances weight loss. I loved this product because it actually helped adhere to my goals, and more important than that, I used it for the purpose it was designed to serve in the first place, as a supplement. The product itself is just a regular pure protein powdered isolate that comes in a variety of tastes and different sizes. Sizes range from one and a half pounds to five-pound tubs; they all look the same, with different flavors of which I prefer, Chocolate, Vanilla, and Peanut Butter. The reason why I actually love these flavors is because I can add them to a variety of foods that I consume on a daily basis making it less stressful for me to follow a sportsman stricit nutrition regiment. I use Iso 100 powder with my Oatmeal, Pancakes, Smoothies, and other baked items that I love to make from time to time, and also, I use it raw without any addition as a normal post-workout shake, and it also tastes great by itself. However, it’s flavor is just an external expectation about the validity of this product and it’s importance to me as a sports enthusiast, one of the least talked about subjects in both fitness and bodybuilding industries nowadays is the topic of digestibility. To me as a lactose intolerant person, I have suffered a lot through my entire life with such products, and dairy derived proteins that didn’t do me any benefit except bringing a lot of stomach pain and bloating to me. This issue is very relevant in the bodybuilding industry as most of the diets consist of high protein portions, sometimes from sources that are sensitive to some people such as dairy and eggs. Dymatize have actually solved this problem not only by stripping out all of the lactose and fat from the product, but actually adding digestive enzymes to the product to help the body utilize these high amounts of protein and use it in the right way. Another reason that would make me also support this product is the fact that it is actually faster to absorb than other protein products, the reason behind this is that it is pure protein without any trace carbohydrates or fats that disrupts the absorption and utilization process to trigger muscle protein synthesis (The scientific term used to describe the actual process of muscle building). But what comes as the jewel on the crown to me from this product is something else, the actual manufacturing process of this product involves (GMP) Good manufacturing practices, which is a term in the fitness industry that guarantees the right practices at the facility of production, as well as the wellbeing for the people who are responsible for delivering this product to as, not neglecting the two facts of keeping the environment safe and sane, and the product free of banned or suspicious ingredients. At last but not least the product is actually the best bang for the buck as it delivers for products of the same quality the cheapest serving of protein isolate as in grams per dollar.
Apple Gabriel Cabading
So before my purchase, i read the reviews from 5 stars to 1 stars and viewed the images posted. I became hesitant to purchase but i had previously bought the cinnamon bun flavor at a vitaminshop and i was very satisfied. I decided to go with my gut feeling and purchase this flavor for i heard many great reviews and LET ME TELL YOU! It smells DELICIOUS. . Now i posted the tub to show everyone how this might look like a rip off because it looks half empty BUT I WEIGHED IT and it's exactly what you're buying!!! The window strip for visibility is there for helpful tricks not to show the buyers it's supposed to be completely full...i weighed the product and it does give me the 725g of protein it states, my scale indicates 880g only because it's considering the weoght of the tub as well. It even says on the product "sold by weight not by volume" IM VERY PLEASED! THANKS.
Mary Kate McFarlane Brennan
Review of Fruity Pebbles Flavor
Ive been trying Proteins for years. I use to get sick off of nearly every single one. A few even made me pass out. When i stumbled upon Dymatize it was 6 years ago. I saw fudge brownie in their old elite mass gainer. I fell in love from there. I take their super mass gainer in rich chocolate every day and have seen great results. The tastes is always great. Since they discontinued Elite Mass, i switched to Iso for an post workout. Their chocolate and vanilla are okay, not the best flavor. But, still better than other companies. THEN they released the god of all Flavors: Fruity Pebbles. I HANDS DOWN was so blown away. Never, ever ever ever ever, have i tasted a protein that is so amazing. I stood there is complete shock just taking that first sip. It tastes like Fruity Pebbles. Just like that cereal milk left behind. This is a 10 out of 5 star rating. It doubles the star count. I am bowing down to Dymatize as the King of Flavored Proteins. I swear up and down buy it or try it if you can. You will not regret this flavor.
Mirella Rahme
This taste like summer's after chasing the ice cream truck!
This is the best tasting protein (Orange Dreamsicle) I have had in a LONG time. I have had the chocolate from them and Its taste odd. But this one is AMAZING. It tastes like a melted creamsicle! A little trick--make some extra and pour it into popsicle molds and freeze...VOILA you have an amazing frozen treat that is healthy, low in sugar and offers incredible relief after a workout! (see picture)
Fando Paparoa
FINALLY a Protein Shake that does not cause GI discomfort
I have searched on and off for years for a protein shake, I have tried quite a few, even Vegan (which I found unpleasant) and this is the first one that has not caused me any GI discomfort at all. I have been drinking a shake every night for a week as a replacement for dinner after I exercise (so much easier then cooking). I am so happy. I use 1 scoop chocolate peanut powder, 6oz. fat free lactose free milk, 1/2 a banana and, a hand full of raw spinach and in my Ninja blender and it taste amazing. I look forward to it every night after exercising. FINALLY I can take part in the protein drink plan. Though it seems pricey, it breaks down to $1.30 per serving, you can not even buy a candy bar that cheap today. Thank You Dymatize!
Georgette Eid
Best Thing Ever!
This is seriously the best protein powder I’ve ever tried. How does it taste so good? I love this so much. All the flavors are amazing. It’s NOT too sweet like some reviewers said. If you’re used to flavorless protein then yeah your taste buds will be shocked at how good this is! I also love the fact that it’s hydrolyzed, I can really tell a difference between hydrolyzed and non-hydrolyzed protein after my workouts. I build muscle so much quicker. No it’s not a gimmick. Please make more flavors I will buy every single one!
Teddy Mizo
The only protein powder my system tolerates!
I thought I was not going to be able to take protein powder until I found Dymatize ISO 100 Whey Protein Powder. I am a 62 year old man that wanted a supplement to help with my workouts but, wasn't having much luck. All the others gave me weird intestinal issue or, in the case of the vegan powder, tasted horrible. At the risk of giving too much information, other Whey Powders, even the powders advertised as isolates, gave me gas and diarrhea. I am so happy with this product. Just visited my brother and he noticed how big my arms are now. I have tried the chocolate, which is not bad but, my go-to is the vanilla with fruit. I buy frozen blueberries or strawberries and mix them in to the smoothie. This is my breakfast every day and I love it. Side Note: I also make sure I rinse the frozen fruit since it too can cause issues if not rinsed even if it says its pre-washed!