• Celebrate silliness with this hide & seek toy!
  • Drop, plop and chase after different colored balls
  • Monkey hides inside his barrel & pops out again
  • Light-up buttons introduce shapes, colors & songs
  • Baby can play sitting or standing

Bought this for my little one's first birthday and she loves it. Plays with it all day long for more this now. She likes to stand and lean on it and when the head trays to go back up it doesn't, makes a grinding noise like a vacuum and shuts down. All I do is remove my little one and turn it off then on and it works fine. Would buy again

A great interactive toy. Gave it to my grandson on his first birthday. He loved to put the balls in the monkey and watch the monkey go up and down!

My son played with this all time from age 1-3! Lots of ways to play. A little pricey but worth it in my opinion.

My son was in love with this thing. We purchased this for him since he was late at walking and we wanted to motivate him to stand, and it sure did. As soon as he could walk and run and put weight on this toy however, it doesn’t last very long. I didn’t mind, I felt that it served its purpose. This monkey motivated my son to walk.

My 1 year old son loves loves loves this toy. Very entertaining. He likes putting the balls in and watching the balls come out and spin around. Plus the cute sayings and buttons are great. It's fun for mom and baby. Also this toy encouraged my son to stand without holding on to anything for the first time. So overall get buy!

We purchased this for my 11month old. He loves playing with this toy. With learning motors skills and placing the balls in the top or front of the monkey barrel. He gets a kick when it drops the balls and starts spinning them around. This is by far his most favorite toy and spends hours playing with it.

ALL my kids love this, ages 20 months through 9 years. It's a clever design, except for assembly, which was a pain with a standard-sized screwdriver. You'll need a thin one, but not small, if that makes sense. You can make it so the balls roll all over or so they stay inside the toy's bottom tray. Music, lights, movement. All around a lot of fun. One of the best baby toy purchases we have made.

This toy is a total hit! My 3.5 year old even likes it. My son is 12 months and visually impaired. he can still get the balls into the top and the lights keep him engaged. He LOVES watching it spin and pour the balls out. I would say this toy is a total hit. The only flaw is that you need a long skinny screwdriver to screw the barrel together. Easy enough, but a standard would have been better.

We gave this to my one year old for Christmas. She loves it! It was easy to assemble and my kiddo picked up on how it works quickly. My 3 year old also enjoyed it, though clearly it didn’t keep her attention for long. I expect this toy will get a lot of use at our house. I really like that you can close the leaf “doors”so the balls don’t have to shoot out everywhere if you don’t want.

I became the favorite Aunt at my nephews 1st birthday party. They told me after it was hands down his favorite toy. He crams everything he can find (not just the balls) down the monkey which can be problematic but hasn't been too big of an issue yet. I have twins a couple of months younger that will probably be getting one for Easter this year. (If my husband can stand the noise it makes.)