- Pedal-free beginner bike allows child to focus on learning balance
- Sturdy, light weight steel frame for durability; 12" Air Tires for a smooth ride
- Cushion seat for a comfortable ride; Adjustable seat grows with your child
- Soft touch hand grips
- Real ringing bell for added fun.Seat to Handle::9 inches
Mehdi Arabpour
Best $ spent
Best $ spent! My almost 3 yr old son can't get enough of this bike. His older sister (7 yrs older) rides her bike all the time & my son refuses to use the pedals on Radio Flyer tricycle. Plus it makes him feel like big kid. My son had the balancing part down in 2 days, hoping that having balance bike will keep him from having to use training wheels, it took forever for my daughter to ride her bike without training wheels
Robin Stricklin
High Style and Safety Forward on a Balance Bike!
Those of us who had to suffer through 'training wheels' as children probably wobbled from side-to-side, felt unstable, and begging for help, while trying uncomfortably to keep the bike in an upright position, and having the pedals go around hitting you on the back of your legs when your feet fell off the pedals. Fast forward to what has been happening in foreign countries for a long time! Why spend money on training wheels, and having overly-anxious children when they already know how to pedal a tricycle? Learning to "pedal" is learned on tricycles, and is easy to do one a child has graduated to a 2-wheeled bike, ........but "balance" doesn't come as naturally when training wheels make it a 4-wheeled bike. A good 'balance bike' is easily adjustable for the capability and the size of a child. Small tykes can sit on the seat and 'walk' their way around, while older tykes begin to realize they can choose to 'lift' their feet and feel the thrill of "coasting", with no pedals going around to hurt their legs. Recent visitors in my home (from France) brought their children's (age 2 & 4) "Balance Bikes" along on the trip, skipping the "tricycle stage" and the 'training wheels' stage. Both children were happily 'balanced' while enjoying scooting around on the balance bikes, and rarely touched the ground with their feet, except for gathering some (small amount of) speed forward, or coming to a stop. Because a balance bike won't gather more speed than a child's feet can provide, it seems that their feet seem to touch the ground less, and prevent more accidents from the beginning. Once a child has mastered true balance on their own, ...... then they will be ready for a bicycle that has pedals, gathers speed, and is more likely to make scrapes and breaks! I've since bought these for all of my grandchildren! I think they need balance before pedals, and this solved the problem for me! I chose the Radio Flyer brand because it's always had a good reputation, is reasonably priced, and Radio Flyer brand items are usually considered family keepsakes, rarely losing their value and memories through multiple generations!
Brad Wales
Good, affordable bike with air tires
This balance bike is nice, and the air tires are very nice for the price point. It was simple to assemble and is light enough that my kids can move it around without any problems. I wish that the handlebars were adjustable, and the seat post was a little longer, but this isn't an expensive bike, so you're not going to get everything you want. Both my 3 year old twins and my 4.5 year old have no trouble riding this. There are the expected minor scratches that have occurred to all the balance bikes we own, but the vinyl on the edge of the seat split the first time my son put it on the ground. It's still totally usable, but I was a bit disappointed. These have no way to stand up, so they're going to end up on their sides. It would have been nice if the design protected the more fragile components better. Our wooden Radio Flyer balance bike and our GOMO balance bike seem to be a bit better designed in that respect, but they both have their own quirks. All in all, a very decent balance bike if you want to spend under $90.
Lewis Garner
YES! Buy This
Best purchase so far this year for our little dude. He is a mini sized 2yr old who adores his new bike and struts up and down the drive like his big brothers. It’s well made, looks exactly how it should, and my little boy feels like a rock star riding it :) he is extra short for his age and this is the perfect size.
Maria Lopez
Great Bike.
I love this bike! It is great. I got it for my son (almost 3 years old) who has autism and has an issue with balance. The whole bike is not to heavy and I love the wheels and the bell is a big plus. He is slowly getting the hang of it. He is still a little to short for it which supersized me as he is a very tall toddler. But it will fit him for a long time.
Lady-Lynda Leigh McKie
Great Product!
My three year old loves it! He can go really fast, and has much better control on a bike with peddles. He almost never falls, because he is able to break his fall with his feet. He has learned balance, and can glide on it for quite a ways. It gets him playing outside, and matched his Radio Flyer wagon and wheelbarrow. It is much cheaper than the Strider Bikes, but is equally sturdy. I would recommend to anyone!
Susila Silwal
A great balance bike for a 3-4 year old
A great balance bike for a 3-4 year old, but it's too high for a 2-year-old. I purchased it for my granddaughter's 3rd birthday, and she loves it. Her 5-year-old sister also rides it. Both girls are learning to balance by lifting their feet, so I think they should transition easily to a two wheeled pedal bike. They also love to use the bell!
Charlotte Arp
Great training bike!
This bike was easy to assemble and is well made. The seat and handle bars are adjustable to change their height quickly with the release of a lever. My 4 year old daughter is extremely tall for her age (about 44 inches tall) and this bike, at its tallest setting, is borderline too small for her. I wish they came in a slightly bigger size for tall kiddos. Otherwise, this is helping her learn how to balance well in preparation for her big-girl-bike. All kids should start with this after a tricycle instead of a small bike with training wheels! It does not have pedals and is propelled by the child's feet. Training wheels do nothing to teach the balance that is needed to ride a bike, and it was terrifying to my daughter to take them off once she was used to riding with them. I highly recommend this bike for a child that is too big for a tricycle but too small for a bike without training wheels.
Rebecca Carothers
This was possibly the best purchase I have made for my son
Oh my gosh! This was possibly the best purchase I have made for my son!! I purchased it May 4, 2016 when my son was just over 2 years old. He was able to pick it up extremly fast and it was awesome to be able to go on walks while he rode this bike. I would see so many parents and kids struggling at the park to try and ride a bike with training wheels, while my son was riding circles around the park. It helped tremendously with his balance, and last month he got his first peddle bike which I took the training wheels off of and he picked that up in a day! Everyone is amazed at how a 3 year old can ride with no training wheels and I recommend this balance bike to everyone bc it was so helpful for my kiddo to understand how to balance vs relying on training wheels. Such a great purchase, a must have for all 2-3 year olds wanting to ride a bike! If you do not want to constantly have to turn a bike, or move the peddles, or stop to help the little one, this is the go to bike for beginners! they pick it up quickly and will soon be able to ride beside you as you jog or walk! At first a lot of people were skeptical of this bike, " why does he have a bike with no peddles?" then they would see him take off on it and they were shocked at how well he did on it, and now they know exactly why I got it, the balance he learned on this bike made the transition to a regular bike with no training wheels so easy!
Megha Negi
It Really Works!
Great quality; great looking bike. My four-year-old son is crazy about it and is already balancing for 10 feet at a time. I find that many people I talk to don't know what a balance bike is. In case you don't know, a balance bike is a regular bicycle without pedals. Children who can't write a bike teach themselves to balance in no time and once they are big enough, they can ride a pedal bike within a day. I used this method for my daughter by taking the petals off of her first bike after being in training wheels for over a year with no results. After about a week learning to balance, I taught her to ride a bike within an hour. I highly recommend this radio Flyer Flyer bike. It's a lot cheaper than the competition and I can't see any loss of quality. Here's a picture of my son before I told him to put on his helmet.