• Classroom Chair with Sturdy Frame
  • Black Plastic Seat and Back
  • Slatted Back allows Air Circulation
  • Black Pedestal Frame
  • Adjustable Height Legs
  • Anti-Slip Floor Caps prevent chair from slipping and reduces any noise
  • Recommended for Elementary - High School Grade Students

This chair is quite solid and appears like it will last. It is easy to adjust to go along with the desk. For under $100 for the pair, I am happy. The chair was easier to assemble than the desk and didn't require any manipulation.

Surprisingly sturdy, fits my 8 year old grandson perfectly. Easy to put together. Nice black finish. Seat is perfect for a child, but I think it would be too short for an adult; the seat hits me in the middle of the underside of my thigh, so not a good fit for me; I am 5'8, with normal length legs. Under my grandson's legs is a homemade foot rest which he likes to fiddle with while we do school work. Without the foot rest, the seat is adjusted too high, however, it is now adjusted perfectly for work on his laptop for school.

I bought these for my children and my kiddos act like a bunch of circus monkeys. In particular, my son is always leaning back with his chair and constantly putting his full weight on only one end of the base of the chair. I can genuinely vouch for these as all my children use them constantly w/their desk for school projects and such. I have owned a few of these chairs for about a year and they have been sturdy. I would definitely recommend them for a student of all ages.

These chairs were exactly what I needed for my kids! I homeschool and so finding the perfect in between chair has been a challenge. Swiveling chairs with wheels were too much of a distraction but they seemed to be the only thing available outside of a school chair. I needed something sturdy and adjustable so those little feet could touch the floor and be in the right position for writing! This chair fit the bill perfectly! They were also packaged with great care to ensure that there were no scratches or dents and assembly was a breeze (just make sure to have an electric screwdriver or some very strong forearms!). These chairs adjust all the way up to regular height and are sturdy enough to support a grown adult. Also, I received great customer service when I found out that the first order had been stolen. Amazon gave me no problems and within two days we had a replacement. I am very pleased with this product and the service! Thank you!

This is the perfect chair for a child or teenager to use with their desk. It is adjustable for their height, and is extremely sturdy. I love that I found a “student style” chair with no wheels, etc. It is very easy to put together, and overall, I highly recommend it!

Love this chair. I've now bought two of them. It's comfortable and adjustable to get that perfect height. It's very sturdy and solid. My husband is 300 lbs. and he's even comfortable in it and doesn't feel like it's going to break. I use one as a vanity chair in the bathroom because I have a bad back and need the support.

Easy to assemble, strong construction with steel frame and hard plastic seat plate and back. It is sized just right for students from elementary through high school. I have my 13 years-old student assembled the chair out of the box, and he was very satisfied with the comfort, in the first day of school.

We bought one of these chairs, and after seeing how sturdy and how well made it was, bought another. It's perfect for our clumsy 6 yr old, who typically has issues with standard swiveling or rolling desk chairs. Definitely a good value.

It have a little rub damage to it. I did not return because my grandson's visit is limited and we needed to use it as I teach him during this summer so that he could sit up properly in a chair that fit him while learning and eating at a smaller table I have for him.

These seats are tremendous!! The are so strong and sturdy. I'm a large man, about 280, and I can sit in one while showing my daughter schoolwork instructions, and it feels completely solid. The install instructions were ok, not super, but follow-able. Would 100% recommend. I was looking for a metal frame chair that will last, and this fits that perfectly!