• Contains two one-month applications of Bayer Advantage II topical flea prevention and treatment for small cats 5-9 lbs.
  • Advantage II works through contact, so fleas don’t have to bite your cat to die
  • This effective flea treatment kills fleas in multiple life stages — eggs, larvae and adults — to break the flea life cycle
  • Easy-to-apply cat flea treatment starts working within 12 hours and protects for up to 30 days
  • Advantage II is vet-recommended, fragrance-free and designed specifically to treat and prevent fleas on cats

I have multiple cats, and I've had times when Frontline didn't seem to work, and Revolution made 5 out of the 10 cats very ill. That being said, I was wary of using this product (Advantage II.) My fears of a bad reaction, however, were unwarranted. This stuff works well. I decided to use a low dose. Most of my cats are large to very large, but I stuck with the "Small Cat 5-9 lbs" dose. I'm very satisfied with the results. I applied the liquid in a fairly long strip from the base of the skull to between the shoulder blades. Any lower and cats can twist around enough to lick it. It wasn't a drastic "all fleas died in one day" effect, but within a week all of the cats were flea free other than the occasional hitchhiker. And none of them got sick, our acted "off" in any way. So I'm going to call this a win. I bought doses for my daughter's cats, and it worked fine in her house as well.

For some time I noticed my cats were constantly scratching themselves, and upon investigation I found fleas all over them. I tried Pet Armour multiple times for it -- that stuff didn't do anything at all.... complete garbage. So I needed a new flea treatment. I did a lot of research before choosing this product. I chose this one because of reviews here -- all consistently good, none or very few toxicity mentions. Most importantly, even though one of my cats is 10 lbs, I did not get the large cat version. Based on reviews, it seems that version is far too much product, or far too strong, for any size cat. I didn't want to burn or poison my cats, so I opted for the small cat version even though it's meant for up to 9lb cats. When I applied it, my cats had no reaction to the smell, and showed no signs of discomfort whatsoever. Monitoring them all day, I noticed fleas 'jumping ship' within 2 hours of application. The fleas seemed to be in a weakened state, crawling slowly. When poking through kitty fur, I could see the fleas on their skin moving similarly lethargically. Not once did my cats try to lick at the treatment spot -- they used to do that when I used Pet Armour. About 2 weeks have passed I believe, and the cats haven't been scratching anymore. Seems this product has worked just fine for my larger than 9lb cat. I haven't been able to spot any fleas, either. I am very pleased!

Works great! I waited to make sure I wasn't imagining things before I reviewed this product but it's awesome. My indoor cat picked up fleas from my parents hound after we went to visit for the weekend. Within a day or two my cat was starting to get scabby places on her neck from the fleas and scratching. Last time our vet prescribed Comfortis but it's expensive and we only ever need one dose. So I tried this stuff and within a day I stopped noticing any abnormal scratching (the cat has really long hair, some scratching is part of life) and her neck started healing up. Guess what product I'll buy next time before visiting my folks. . . Advantage II.

Worked Fine! Was a little nervous purchasing this after reading a bunch of the bad reviews. But ended up buying it from Advantage here on Amazon for our two female teenage kitties. We've been using the advantage II kitten flea formula up until now. They are both around 6.5 lbs. The pack comes with four, we tried two last month and two yesterday. We watched them carefully ALL day both times being we don't want them to lick or clean the stuff off of each other (they're best buddies). They had no reaction other than being irritated that we were putting the stuff on them. We make sure to take off their collars and let them run around without them for whole day and one night to make sure it dries. It takes a long time to dry- kind of makes their hair greasy in that spot and if you pet them there it makes it spread the greasiness. So be careful- we put it in one spot on neck right on skin not hair (still hard because the liquid sometimes runs). I find it easier to keep from running if there's one person to pet and hold them down (try to get them while they're sleepy or napping so it's calmer) while other person dispenses the stuff on back of their neck. They haven't had fleas (they're indoor cats) but we are doing this every month because we know that fleas can come in from outside via people's clothing. I didn't know this when I moved here to Southern CA and sadly my 16 yr old cat (as well as apartment) got infested with fleas this way even though she had never set foot outside for a year, and passed away from being older and weak from blood loss. SO after experiencing the horror of cleaning up previously (I've never experienced anything else like it- flea bombing house, hundreds of loads of laundry, etc.) I am trying to be super careful with these new kitties, much to my husband's chagrin (he's never experienced it before- and hopefully never will!!!) Here's to hoping this medicine continues to work great!!

My indoor cats came into contact with flea's when I watched a friends dog for a few nights in our home. No big deal. When I noticed my cats were scratching and twitching, I got a flea comb and quickly discovered the little bugs. I got them flea medicine right away at a local pet store after talking with the knowledgeable staff over the different options they carried to get rid of the fleas and eggs. I tried this brand for the first month, then bought more on Amazon. After the third month, I took them into the vet to get thoroughly checked through for fleas. This product was a success! I have continued to keep my cats on this product by buying it on amazon. I really did not notice any strange odors on my cats after applying this product. I suppose I could have if I put my face down into their fur where I placed the medicine, but I do not see any logic in doing this, so I did not. Overall, it worked for me and my little fur-balls, so I would recommend it. If you are having any doubts though, you should seriously speak with your vet because they are the experts on pets and how to get rid of the fleas/eggs.

We rescued a young cat who was obviously allergic to fleas and she had little hair, constantly scratched and chewed on her skin pulling her hair out. We purchased Advantage which killed the fleas and gave her a chance to grow her hair back. She has a full body of white long hair and has stopped scratching and chewing. We are very grateful for this product.

I have 2 indoor cats, so I rarely have to use flea treatment products. I have never really had a flea issue at my house until I watched a friends puppy. My indoor cats got fleas, and I immediately bathed them and put frontline on them for three months, and the fleas just kept coming back. I called my sister down south who told me frontline had not been working in recent years for her, and she told me to try this. I I used this for one month and the cats don't have a flea on them. I am very happy with the results. My house is back to being free of fleas.

Advantage 2 has always been my favorite flea product for cats. It works the fastest and is the most reliable in terms of long term flea prevention. I used it just recently on 15 cats and could not find a single flea after a month of using this product at the animal shelter I worked at. This is my product of choice for my own cats as well. I have never had any negative reactions to this product and it seems to last the entire month for me. Fleas that bite the cat are swiftly dealt with via this product. Application was simple and the cost was very fair for this product in relation to other stores such as Petco or Farm and Home. I recommend this product over Frontline which seems to be decreasing in potency as a veterinary technician and cat behaviorist.

I was dating a crusty dude, and I think he had fleas and gave them to my cat. I dumped the dude and got advantage II for my real baby (my cat). This killed the fleas and not my cat, like other brands almost have. So I'm happy with it and kitty is, too. I didn't share any with the guy (my ex) so I don't know if it works on humans or not.

I am a firm believer in the Advantage II product. We have 4 cats, two of which require the small cat dosage. Living in the flea capital of the world, it was just a matter of time before my fur babies got fleas. The are indoor/lanai kitties. When the fleas first hit we tried frontline plus. This proved to not be effective for our cats at all. We tried many natural remedies, again all of them failed. Alas, we stumbled upon Advantage II, and we have been flea free ever since! This medication does not prevent or treat tics. But if all you are concerned about is fleas, then I highly reccomend this product! The product was shipped well and received by the guaranteed delivery date.