• Any time is Armour time
  • Delicious and convenient
  • Enjoy right out of the can
  • Convenient on the shelf or on the go
  • Great for picnics, camping and road trips


I like vienna sausages, always have-- but it wasn't until I accquired a rescue lab/shepherd mix dog who's a foodie that I realized the untapped potential of vienna sausages as nectar of the gods for canines. She will happily do things for slivers of vienna sausages that make her efforts with all previous treats pale in comparison. Wear a muzzle? Just feed teeny pieces of vienna sausages, and her tail will wag the whole time. Hold still while her nails are trimmed? Just keep the can in sight. Send her racing through the house on a multi-toy by name fetch & recall? Have a tiny scrap of vienna sausage ready, and she's ready to search every room top to bottom and bring you whatever you ask for. If she had oposable thumbs, I believe she'd take a crack at doing calculus for these tasty squishy little canned sausages. So yes--- vienna sausages are great, easy, tasty snacks for humans, but they are EPIC treats for dogs.

Love these little sausages. Enjoyed them in the military as an easy to pack and carry snack. Now I easily hide them in my toolbox and snack all day with a wary eye on who is nearby. They are just good filler that I got used to in the Army but I really do like them. Some more "sophisticated" tastes will not. Ordered more... If you are OK with MRE's, you'll like these. Recommended.

I mean, there's not a whole lot to this product. It's a mini can of mushy, formed meat-ish substance. But, let's be honest, if you wanted "quality", you wouldn't be sniffing around the Vienna Sausage page. All that aside, there was nothing wrong with this 6-pack. Came late, but that's more to do with Amazon than the product itself. If anything, maybe that speaks for the popularity of the item. I'll be buying more, in any case.

Eat a can of these and clear a room. Eat two cans of these and have a biological weapon of mass destruction. I eat these at work when my coworkers need punishing.

Tastes like a Vienna Sausage. We always had these on camping trips when I was a kid and I get that nostalgic feeling any time I eat these as an adult. I want my kids to have that same feeling when they grow up and eat Vienna Sausages so I bring them on camping trips along with my kids. These and the little boxes of cereal are a must have for camping trips.

My kids love this. I buy this for me. Must be childhood nostalgia. But I couldn't find the last shipment I received. Found it in my kid's room. Missing 4 cans. They love it.

I think the reason these are so cheap os because these cans carry a crazy amount of "ends" (the twisted looking end on a hotdog). I wasnt used to having vienna sausages with the ends but it didnt alter the taste. Maybe rinse off the liquid they are stored in because they are salty. I prefer Libby's but the the taste isnt that much off, its just the quality is a bit lower.

I love these little Armour Vienna Sausages . I use them in too make Egg Omelets. I just mash them up with a fork and add them when the scrambled Eggs are almost done. They also make a good sausage version of Corned Beef Hash. Just boil some red / white potatoes and cut them up and brown them in some butter. Then add your mashed up Vienna sausages when they are almost browned . Onions / Peppers are Optional .

My grandsons and youngest daughter love these. I used to buy them for them when they were little and bought them each a case for a small Christmas gift. It reminded them of having them when they were toddlers and they loved it.