• You Will Receive 3 Brand New DMV Ultra Lens Removal Tools
  • Simple and Effective way to remove Hard and Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses
  • Colors is ORANGE for better visibility
  • 6 Packs and 10 Packs are Also Available
  • DMV Contact Lens Tools are Doctor Recommended

I have been wearing GP lenses for over 20 years. I would pop them out by narrowing my eyes. After many years of taking them out this way, my eyelids began to droop. My doctor recommended eyelid lifts. I had it done and after a few weeks (not enough) of healing I decided to try to wear my lenses again. The pain of trying to pop them out was horrendous. I wanted to wear my lenses to special events so I put them in again and went through the ritual of trying to take them out by using lots of eye drops and using my fingers to push them around until I finally got them out. At one point I thought about inventing something to stick to the lens and pull them out. Then I said "let me look online to see if something already exists". I did a search and low and behold I found these wonderful removers. Sometimes it takes a situation like mine to find out the products that are already out there. I love these removers!

I got them, they came in white. It doesn't matter, I have dark eyes, the white contrasts well with my pupils. This works if you know how to use it! I have this one and the DMV 45 angled remover. I like both. I only use for removal. Recently got multifocal RGPs and they are larger, and I am having a hard time to remove the one in the right eye... I use the plunger when I can't get it out.... I did not get it right the first time, or the second or the third. I had to try quite a few times to learn how much pressure I would need to grab a lens. I had to get over the fact that and when you hover the suction cup over the lens, that will block your vision on that eye..and that is weird. I just do it slowly and I use a magnifying mirror. You have to wet the suction cup. You need steady hands! If I don't grab the first time I wet again, and try again. My second week using it and I'm at a point where I grab on the first try or second try. My doctor said is Okay for me to use this, as long as I am careful, you don't want to stick this to your eyeballs by mistake, and you don't want to break your contacts in half when you are removing them from the cup itself.

I was expecting white based on reviews. Many were disappointed that they got white because it is easily lost. I received light purple still not as great as red but way better than white. Works great for my husbands RGB lenses.

I got gas permeable contacts for the first time and after struggling for an hour to get a contact out of my eye (the lid pull and blink wasn't working) I did some research and discovered these. Just be sure a put a drop of saline on the tip of the remover and maybe a drop in your eye for good measure, to make sure the contact is nice and wet, because it would probably hurt if you didn't from the suction. These are wonderful! Contacts out in 1 second! It's good to have a few on hand, in case you lose it or want to have some at home and when you're not at home.

Works great! I wear gas perm lenses and had problems not being able to get one of them out. I've worn contacts for 45 years and had never had this happen before. There were a couple of nights where I had to sleep with the lens in my eye because I couldn't get it out. I found these on Amazon and thought I would give them a try. Amazingly enough, they work perfectly! I have since replaced that lens and I'm not having problems anymore but I'll keep these on hand in case it happens again.

I just got scleral lenses which cover your entire eyeball and was provided a hard orange plunger to get them out. I've been having such a hard time getting them out. I ordered the DMV Ultra Hard Contact Lens Remover and received it today. When I looked at it, I thought there was no way this tiny plunger could remove my large contacts with such a tight suction. Well! Let me tell you!!! It was so simple, and I was so relieved that I don't have to worry each night and spend 15-20 minutes trying to get them out. The tiny suction cup gently removes these huge lenses. I will order a couple more just to keep them on hand. And they arrived in a nice plastic case.

The poor reviews...come on people...this is for HARD contacts, not soft. Also, you're not going to use this for daily use, I've had hard contacts for 20 years and they pop out easily. I don't care if this thing is $20, it's worth it! In my years of contact use early on my hard contacts would occasionally slip out of place. Ouch and ewww. Ouch because it hurts like a son of a gun as is suctioned firm to a part of your eye that it shouldn't be. Ewww because I feel like my contact is going to roll back into the back of my eye. I had purchased one of these last year and came back to purchase another one today as I unfortunately had to use it today. My toddler hit me in the eye by accident tonight, knocking my hard contact off and slid off the front of my eye and up. So I tried not to panic and grabbed my plunger out, after a few minutes I was able to work the lense down into the inner corner of my eye. There I was able to use the plunger to get it out. Yes this thing suctions greatly, make sure it's clean/dry and towards the center of the lense. If I didn't have this on hand I'd be forced to attempt to use my nails to get enough suction under the lense to get it off. I'd be luckily to not scratch my eye and damage it in the process. Long story short, what are your eyes worth to you? This product is well worth it to have and I'm getting another one for my purse "just incase". If you have hard contacts and ever dropped one in the sink/surface and couldn't pry it off without sliding it around - just imagine sliding it around o your eye. Not fun. This item is a must for any contact user! And no I didn't get paid for this review...if it helps someone survive the terror of a misplaced hard contact on their eye, I've done my good deed for the day!

I have wearing hard contacts for over 45 years! I switch to RGP's about 15 years ago. On occasion I would have an oops moment during the removal of my contact and it would slide either above making it very difficult to remove. If you have worn contacts you know what I mean. I had long forgotten about contact removers even though I remember my brother using one in the 60's. At any rate I just received my DMV Ultra Remover the other day and OMG! I just removed my right contact with the remover and it worked sooooooooooooooooooooo welllllllllllllllllllllllll! I wish I had purchase this years ago! Great Product...wish I had had them 40 years ago!

These have changed my contact lens-wearing experience. RGP lenses are enormously superior to soft lenses, but man are they a hassle to remove - and a risk, because the normal method of pinching your eyelids to 'pop' them out can easily cause the lens to go flying and get lost or damaged. Taking them out was just so much hassle, and if I didn't get them out right away and my eyes started to water it was hopeless. So, in defiance of everything I knew and everything my eye doctor told me, I wore my lenses for sometimes weeks at a time. With these, taking my lenses out is an absolute breeze, and takes literally a few seconds for each lens (not including cleaning time). It's a little bit weird taking this little rubber thing and sticking it in my eye - and I say that as someone who has worn contacts for three decades - but you just power through it, and it makes the process so easy that it is completely worth it. For best results, wet the suction end so it gets a better grip - I use water, but lens solution might be preferable for some. If you have trouble at all, make sure you're planting the cup firmly on the lens. Obviously you have to do this by feel and 'vibe' since you can't focus on something that close to you in the mirror, but it's not as tricky as it sounds. Sometimes it takes two tries to grab the lens, but that's pretty rare. Honestly, these things are so close to effortless than everyone who is leaving reviews saying they don't work I can honestly say is doing something wrong or trying to get out soft lenses with them. You *cannot* remove soft lenses with these, but you can pluck those out of your eye pretty easily with just your fingers. 10/10 would buy again. I don't know when I'll need to, because these are pretty sturdy. I've been using the same one for a month now and it's as good as the first time I used it.

Wow! I had surgery on my eyelids and could not take out my hard contacts by "flicking" them out. My doctor recommended these and I am sold! It is so easy to remove my contacts! Thank you for the reviewer who suggested a drop of eyedrops first. It works fabulously! I will never be without these again!