- "GET PREGNANT EASIER THAN EVER": New Premom APP will help you make the best use of the ovulation test kit. No need to keep the old urine test result anymore! Simply uploading results to the app, then tracking the LH hormone level at your fingertips.
- SMARTER: Premom is powered by the most advanced algorithm that incorporates all your fertility signs including: ovulation test results, PdG test results, Basal Body Temperature (BBT) and period information for the best prediction.
- MORE RELIABLE: Your fertility signs varies every cycle as your body changes and may be missed easily. Premom minimizes the chances of missing LH spike or misinterpreting the LH result and maximizes the results efficacy for prediction.
- QUICK AND FUN: Dip the test, check the result and snap a picture. Premom will automatically align up your valid test results for a visible progression tracking. You can track and view your cycle and fertility windows prediction at any time.
- Other FEATURES AND SERVICE: Check Premom Integrated Basal Thermometer EBT-300 and other Ovulation Tests at Amazon by Searching "Easy at Home". 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed: experienced customer service are available for any questions that arise
Johnny Gamboa
Wouldn't Be Pregnant Without Them!
I have extremely irregular cycles and after 2 years of trying to conceive with no luck I purchased these. I got pregnant after the 2nd month of using these tests. I started testing twice a day (first pee and after dinner) from CD 10. I kept a log of my tests, along with my temperature and any notes. The month I got pregnant I had a negative in the morning, and a positive at night. We had sex once 3 hours after the positive test, and my temperature spiked 12 hrs later. For me, I would always have a test line appear and they would get darker each day until I ovulated. I would get "positives" for three days. My first positive test day the line will be darker than the control line. Followed by two more days where the test line was the same as the control line, but not darker. I got a faint positive on the Easy @ Home pregnancy tests 6 DPO with a 2 hr hold. Positive First Reponse at 8 DPO with FMU. I'm now 9 months pregnant. Thanks to these tests my husband and I finally get the bundle of joy we tried so long for!
Hurraam Khan
Worked the very first month!
I purchased this after trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant with a second child for almost six months. I’d been using a couple different tracking apps to make sure I didn’t miss my peak days but was having no luck. I even went to my doctor for a progesterone test at day 21 when I hadn’t had my kit show a positive reading yet - she wouldn’t have even seen me if I hadn’t been armed with the data from the kit. Low and behold while I was waiting on those results I finally got a positive reading at day 22. My cycles are a perfect 29 days so I would’ve never thought I was ovulating that late and it would’ve taken multiple doctor’s visits to determine that. I got pregnant my first month using the kit and was able to gift my extra strips to a friend who is struggling. I’m so glad I purchased this! My advice is to test at the same time of day, preferably late afternoon, dip for five seconds, and when the test line becomes as dark or darker than the control line then get busy!
Christala Valdez
Pregnant in the first month of using this product!!!
I am very pleased with this product. I received very consistent results from both the ovulation tests and the pregnancy tests. The ovulation line is very dark and easy to read, and the pregnancy test picked up 2 days before expected period ( I think this is amazing considering the price is so affordable too). I have been trying for 4 months and this was the first month using this product and now I'm pregnant. All I changed was that I used this product together with Pre-seed lubricant. I am unbelievably excited and hope others benefit from this product. I highly recommend it!!!
Nanagurup P. Yrol
A must have when's TTC!
These test work great at detecting your surge. I started testing way too early (and I knew it), but I wanted to see progression. The problem with testing early is that you can get a small surge and assume its ovulation time when it's actually not, so keep that in mind! If you follow these easy steps that I used, you won't miss your LH surge. First thing is get this test kit or one just like it with the test strips. Then find a pack of 10 or more clearblue digital smiley face ovulation tests (this is important!). I didn't want to spend a lot so I actually bought them from eBay for $18.99 for 20. Just make sure you get them from a trusted seller. Okay, the next steps is to download a period tracking app. I used Ovia and it's awesome and easy to use. Make sure you put in accurate information! Log the first day of your period and it will tell you when your fertile week is. It helps to have at least 2 months logged because you'll want to know how long your cycle is. I have 32 day cycles so I shouldn't have started the test strips til at least 10 days after the first day of my period, maybe even 12 days. I started at 8 (see photo). I was expected to be most fertile around 15-17 days after my period, and that's when I was! So Ovia worked great at detecting that. But what also helps is that Ovia lets you enter your symptoms and test data and can readjust your calendar to better predict when you'll ovulate based on that data. HERE is the most important part! When the test line (usually faint line) matches or gets darker than the control line (line that's always dark no matter what), you are at your PEAK surge. You should take a digital test NOW. If your test gives you a solid smiley face then you have up to 48 hours to have sex for your best shot at getting pregnant. Peak surge means you haven't ovulated yet, but you're about to. So have sex the day of your peak surge, and then test again the next day and if you're still at peak then have sex again that day. If you're at peak 3 days in a row then you still haven't ovulated and should keep having once a day until that test line fades. UPDATE: IT WORKED! I got a positive pregnancy test at about 4 weeks.
Evangelist Folarin Abimbola Ajasco
Success! Don't hesitate!!
Well as you can see by the picture, they worked! First month of trying with these and I'm pregnant!! Still can't believe it, we were already trying for about 5mo. and I finally just went ahead and thought I'd give these a shot. I knew it's what I needed because my periods are pretty irregular so I couldn't really rely on the app I was using either. In fact the app was a few days off. I could feel when I was going to ovulate and sure enough the lines started getting darker until I got that super dark one. I made sure to get some quality time with the hubby that day and boom! There's a bun in the oven! I didn't log anything after that day because I knew that was it but I'd recommend continuing until you actually see it fade back down. I just knew (by my symptoms) that it was the only that day that mattered. Anyway, after that I played the waiting game until I started getting closer to my period. I got a bit impatient to so did one test that was way too early so I tossed it because I didn't see anything. I waited a couple of days and tested again, that's when I saw the slightest shadow of a line (my husband thought I was crazy because he didn't see it). I put it on my little chart and continued to test, the line grew darker until finally I had a line that he couldn't deny was there! I would recommend these to anyone trying to conceive, seriously so easy to use!
Deysa Dubovecka
Dark, clear lines! Awesome product for price!
Saw that the other reviewers were testing, taping it down, and comparing the days so my Type-A self had to have these strips. Some things I learned through this process. 1. Take the test around noon: I saw the other reviewers mention that their Test line was not as dark as the control line. As you can see from my picture (CD 19-21), I got VERY dark lines, darker than the control line even, on my ovulation days. What worked for me is testing around noon after holding it in for a few hours. I read that it takes a few hours for LH to build up in your body and that your first morning sample will not have enough LH build up. I read you can do it til 2pm but can't vouch for that. 2. Be patient: I was getting really frustrated around day 16 when I continued to see light lines. (Was I ovulating? Which of these light lines is the darkest? Was I not ovulating? What is going on with my body? Repeat.) Keep at it. I finally got a dark line on Day 19 and it was so clear then that all the other days were not my peak days. 3. Dip for five mississippis: the other reviewers are right, dipping for five seconds is better and doesn't hurt the results. 4. Temperature: i saw no difference between "fresh" samples and samples that sit out until room temperature.
David Hiner
1st month and we're pregnant!
My husband and I had been TTC for ~1.5 years, and not preventing pregnancy for about 2 years. We had been told that we may have issues with conception long ago as my husband had chemo as a baby and experienced low sperm counts because of it. Still, we tried every month the good old fashioned way. I hadn't ever bought any sort of ovulation predictor for a few reasons. One, I just assumed my app on my phone (Ovia) was accurate (silly me) and two, I didn't want to take the "fun" out of it so to speak and three, those suckers can get expensive!! Finally, after the heartbreak getting worse and worse after each month passed when my period came or we got negative pregnancy tests, and seeing 2 fertility specialists (spending hundreds of dollars mind you) I decided that these were worth a shot before we tried IVF. Now I have to tell you, that my husband was put on a medication to help boost his counts also, but we have not rechecked to see if it actually worked or not yet. Anyway, I decided that these were good for the price so it was worth a shot, and I was curious to see if my app on my phone was accurate so I bought them. I saw the reviews from other women out there that made little charts to keep their sticks to track the results. LOVED it! I ordered these bad boys and immediately created my own chart to use complete with the date of test, a space for the strip, my CD#, and a little column for if we "tried" or not that day ;) The box instructions say to dip the strip in room temperature urine, but who has time for that?? I used little dixie cups to collect urine and it worked great. I would get a sample, let it sit for a minute or two and dip away. Then I would lay the strip flat on top of the cup and wait the 3 minutes. The first few times it was hard to really know what I was looking at. The control line always came up, but as the 2nd line started to get darker I found myself not being able to tell if it was lighter than the control line, darker or the same color. A positive LH test is when the control line and your 2nd line are either the same color or your 2nd line is darker. Once you finally get that same color line or darker you'll know. Another good reason to keep all your tests in a chart so you can see the progression. SURPRISE! my Ovia app was off by 3 whole days. Easy at home strips said I was ovulating on Tuesday/Wednesday and my app said my most fertile day was Friday/Saturday. Something to consider, these apps go by women with "normal" cycles. It never occurred to me that my cycle wasn't normal. And truly, how would my phone know what hormones were running through my body and when? Fast forward a week or so, and I found myself super antsy again to see if this time it worked. I read that you can take a HCG test ~10 days DPO (days past ovulation) I waited 13 just to be on the safe side, and 3 days before my missed period. I know youre suppose to take the HCG test in the morning but I took mine around 5:45pm. To my surprise, i got 2 pink lines! In complete disbelief I dipped a total of 2 more strips. All 3 were positive. I proceeded to then get in my car, head to the pharmacy and pick up 2 separate brands of pregnancy tests (ya know, to be sure!), chug some water, go pee and used one of each to compare. Positive and positive!! oh BABY! 5 positive tests! Then I retook another one the following morning... pregnant! Its very early on, and anything can happen. But I wanted to share our story because I know other women out there are struggling and frustrated. These tests are super easy to use and worth the money. I would recommend anyone who is trying to conceive to give these a shot. I have another friend who tried them too and her app was off by a whole week. Good luck ladies and gents, baby dust to you all! <3
Deepika Gurung
Easy to use and reliable
Arrived on time, instructions are very clear, easy to use. I started using the ovulation predictor strips 7 days ago and today I saw a positive result. It clearly works. UPDATE: To all trying to conceive women who want to do it the right way, Easy@Home is the kit and you should buy it ASAP. FYI, I am a regular customer and did not receive the kit at a discount rate or free, I just paid the full price. So now, let's start with the ovulation prediction set: It works like clockwork. Mine had double lines as soon as I had the lutein surge and we started frequent IC right away, until the day of my ovulation. The pregnancy test is an early pregnancy test, which means it is sensitive at 25 HcG level and can detect your pregnancy before your missed period. In my case, I sensed that implantation had happened (because of lower abdominal cramps, the fact that it was the 10th day after ovulation, coupled by one day drop in my basal body temperature). Cramps lasted about 4 days and on the 5th day (which is today) I took the pregnancy test. It had two strips, the control strip and lighter but very visible test strip, telling me that I am pregnant. I'm 41 and this was the first time every I tried to conceive. Me and my fiancee are pumped. Thank you Easy@Home for helping me navigate this process in the most accurate way possible :)
Hang in there! You may ovulate later than you think!!
Get these strips!!!!! My husband and I have been trying for just under a year and a half now. It has been an emotionally and financially painful battle. For the past 6 or so months, I've been trying to use the fancy digital Ovulation tests from First Response. Not only have they been totally unreliable, but they are expensive, and there is such a good change you miss your LH surge. Now here is the thing. This is my first month using Easy@Home, and I am currently on cycle day 19. I was soooo ready to write these little strips off, because I hadn't gotten a dark line yet, but had a faint line the whole time that wavered ever so slightly in darkness. I thought that my hormones just weren't sensitive enough for the tests. I have a 28 day cycle, and for the longest time I was ovulating on day 15-16 (although I feel now that I could be totally wrong about that, because as mentioned, those digital tests are not great). I only used the strips yesterday and today, because I thought, why not. I still have a ton of them. Much to my surprise, the line for the first time was almost as dark as the control line! Same with the two other tests yesterday. Just for fun, I did one this morning, and it was darker than the control!!! I also have cramps, so I knownthe ovulation is Coming!! I am so thrilled that these strips worked, and I am shocked at how late in my cycle I actually ovulate. I think my husband and I have been missing the timing all along. So if you are using these strips for the first time, keep going with them, and don't get frustrated!! Put them in a note book, and write the time and cycle day. I hope to be able to update this with good news shortly!!!
Catherine Johnson Haligah
So thankful I bought these!!!!
Okay so i have PCOS and hypothyroidism and my husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now with no luck even after 3 cycles of Clomid with progesterone. Before trying anything else I decided it wouldn’t hurt to give this a try to actually see when I’m even ovulating. (with PCOS I almost never have periods) with all of the apps saying between CD 16-21 I was convinced I was doing something way wrong. Well these showed me that I am ovulating BEFORE CD 16! So my husband and I have been too late when we try on day 16! These things are amazing!!!! Buy them! (I still don’t know if I’m pregnant but it was able to help me pinpoint what I was doing wrong so that’s a win in my book!!!) *************UPDATE*************** Omg you guys!!!!! get these get these GET THESE!!!!! It only took ONE CYCLE AND IM PREGNANT!!!!! I owe it all to these bad boys for helping me pinpoint ovulation!!!!! I’m still in shock and disbelief and so freaking excited I just got my blood test results from my obgyn and she confirmed!!!!! Do not hesitate!!!!! Check out the pics!