• Stress Control: Spire's patented respiration sensor measures your breathing patterns all-day to help you keep control and manage stress
  • When You Need It: If your breathing becomes tense or erratic, a gentle notification gives you actions you can take to help you relax
  • Calm Down: Unlock the calming power of your own breath with visual exercises and guided meditations
  • Keep Track: Follow your health progress through activity, steps, calories, and more
  • Know Yourself: Learn where and when you're tense, calm, or productive
  • Built to Last: Washer-resistant, charges wirelessly, and lasts 10 days on a single charge
  • Scientifically-Proven: Spire is recommended by 1,000s of health professionals worldwide

I wondered if this thing would be good for alleviating my meltdowns-- nipping them in the bud, literally. And it is. This is the behavior mod I always needed. It slightly buzzes against me -- this little smooth pebble-- when it senses my breathing is tense. That's my cue to do a few moments of structured breathing. --No big deal, it could be 30 seconds. You inhale, exhale-- you can do patterns, whatever. They have a little 'bubble' screen that turns color as your breathing rate calms down. It also notices dedicated periods of "calm" and "focussed concentration." It's been unerring for the last 48 hours since I put it on my jean belt loop. The occasIons I get "pre-crabby" -- I need to wake up. The stress builds until I-- believe it or not: lash out. The horror. I have to do something besides be "sorry." And mortified. Or, I go the other way and withdraw into a ball of suffer. Either way, I'm too old to be on the emo-seesaw. * The funny alert moment my breathing became restricted... was when I read the news, the wretched headlines about you-know-who and you-can-guess-what. Ding-ding-ding! Interestingly, WRITING my own news and editorial is calming. It's fascinating. Also, I got tingled when I sat too long in a bad position. I just got up and felt better. I wouldn't have noticed w/o the tingle. I have intended to "take a breath" or meditate for 30 seconds my whole life and I never could actually do it. I'm no "woo." This prompt is ingenious for people like me Cool beans, right?

This is a great product and it calculates so much more than another product that I tried Heartmath (don't waste your time and money on that product). The Spire is so awesome, it's a must have if you have a hard time controlling your stress.

I knew I was a 'shallow' breather, meaning I do not naturally breathe from my belly, but the spire does help remind me To take deep breaths. Retraining your body to breathe differently is obviously a big job and I could probably just set timers throughout the day to breathe deeply, but the Spire definitely helps me to be aware when I am tense, focused, or sedentary for long periods of time. It also helped me realize that the only time I register a 'calm' is while eating or talking to a good friend. :-) Insightful! Even while reading a book for fun (a favorite activity of mine), I get 'focused', not calm....also insightful. I am enjoying my spire, but admit that I probably could have achieved the same long-term results by simply scheduling deep breaths or mindfulness meditations throughout my day. Blessings!

I've had this product since March 30, 2017 and I can already say that it was money well spent. I have asthma and tension headaches. I even tend to hold my breath when stressed without even realizing it sometimes. Since I've had this product it has made me SO AWARE of my breathing! I've had breathing issues so long that the way I am is normal to me and I do not recognize an issue until it is extreme. With this product, it helps me recognize I'm not taking deep enough breaths ALL the time. It has already reduced the amount of tension headaches and caused me to reduce my stress because I am actively aware of the spire and I don't want it to alert tension so when I know I may be heading into a possible tense situation I have began to self talk and deep breath in order to prepare and handle things emotionally and physically better. I've also recognized that sometimes the way I sit can contribute to reduced air flow to my lungs, who knew?! I've worn it every day since I purchased it. My only recommendation for ladies, wearing it on your bra does not always allow the system to get a good reading. Your movement can cause the spire not to pick up the reading sometimes (or the cut of the bra). I suggest clipping it on your pants or skirt.

Going to the doctor’s office produces a tremendous amount of anxiety for me. I usually down a Pepto chewable or two before walking in the door, my hands feel clammy, my stomach is upset; I am miserable and scared. Sitting there for over an hour, waiting to be x-rayed, I was starting to freak out. The Spire stone was buzzing, telling me I was in a tense streak (2 minutes or more). I had no headphones; I couldn’t Boost (Spire has audio sessions that guide you through getting from tense to calm) without looking like a complete idiot. So, I decided just to sit there, look at the breath wave and try to achieve a calm streak. (See the pic) Couldn’t hurt, right? Up and Down, Up and Down. 2 minutes in I hit the streak. Once I hit the streak I just focused on continuing it. It became more of a game. At 30 minutes, I realized I wasn’t freaked out at all any more. I was…Calm. I logged an additional 39 minutes after the x-ray, sitting in the examination room waiting for my results. Hello! After the x-ray while WAITING for the “bad” news I logged 39 MORE minutes of Calm. I bought my Spire as an anti-jerk device in meetings (you’re tense buzz buzz); instead it helped me regain control when at my most fearful. I’m not suddenly less afraid of going to the doctor, but for the first time I feel much better equipped. Transformed is a better word. Thank you for making Spire.

I've been using Spire for about 3 weeks now and I've been debating about how to review it. I've decided to give the product 5 stars. If I could, I'd give it 4.5 but that's not an option, and I genuinely believe it deserves more than 4 stars. I won't describe what the product does, if you're reading this then presumably you already know that and you're trying to figure out if it actually delivers. I'll list what I really like about the product, and what I want to see change. Positives: - getting real-time notifications when I'm not breathing properly is simply huge. I was just on a phone meeting and got a notification on my iPhone that it had been awhile since I'd taken a deep breath. Sure enough, Spire was right. It was just a nice little nudge, a reminder, to get back to doing what I know is important, full and functional breathing. - being able to track through my day when I was calm, when I was in focus, when I was tense, it's really helpful information. Spire can do better on this count and I'll talk about that in a moment. The data presentation and tracking is not as dialed in as I'd like it to be, but is it better than what I was doing pre-Spire (which was, namely, nothing)? Oh heck yeah. - alerts are great. You set them up within their parameters and now the app gives you real time feedback. If I've been tense for 3 minutes, Spire will tell me. If I've been in an extended period of calm or focus, I'm going to see that, too. And that's helpful for determining what I was doing/thinking/focusing on to create that state. - the boosts. Those are recordings you can listen to in order to increase a sense of calm, or focus, increase energy, etc... It's a nice library of resources. And they have a nice 'foundation pack' teaching you some elemental breathing techniques along with getting to know your device and the app. - last but not least, I like having such a modest device to track my steps. I don't wear a pedometer, I don't wear a fitness watch, so it's nice to have Spire do this for me. - some of the problems others have noted have not been a problem for me at all. I wear it on my waistband and initially thought it would bug me. And it did bug me, absolutely. For about 45 minutes. After that I literally forget I have it on. It's just not an issue. Connectivity is not an issue, either. Setup has been easy and it stays connected to my iPhone 6+ without issue. Things I'd like to see improve: - there are times where I feel like I'm tense but Spire doesn't recognize it as such. I get that my perspective is a thought while Spire is measuring actual breathing patterns. I suppose this means that even when I emotionally feel tense, I'm still doing a credible job of breathing well. Cool. I do wish I had the ability to adjust the sensitivity of the algorithm, or increase the 'challenge level' so that it takes more to register as Calm, but that's a relatively minor quibble. - I cannot stand the way the foundation pack in the Boost section handles unlocking the next boost after you've listened to the prior one. Instead of making it immediately available, it waits until 9am the next business day. So if I listen to one boost Friday afternoon, I don't get the next one unlocked until Monday morning. That's just a brain dead design. - could be easier to get more actionable data out of the app. For example, when I just had a Calm streak or a Focus streak, I'd love to be able to add a tag noting what I was doing during that streak. That would be helpful from an analysis perspective. And good news, these last two issues? They are directly remedied in the next version of the Spire app. They are in beta testing on it and I took a look at it, and while it's still rough around the edges it has great promise and it directly addresses these two points. Bottom line: I think the device and the app are very useful as presently constructed. I emailed some thoughts, criticisms and suggestions to the company and was impressed to receive a detailed and thoughtful response from one of the company's founders and chief science officer. We've had a nice dialogue such that while I'm impressed with what the app can do right now, I think where it's going is simply going to get better and better. So, do I recommend this for purchase right now? Yes, I absolutely do. I genuinely believe this is one of the few wearable technologies that doesn't just give you a bunch of data that is essentially meaningless, but can actually improve the quality of your life in important and meaningful ways.

I have been using the Spire for a few weeks and am finding it an amazing asset to my mental health. I get a buzz when I am becoming tense and suggests I take a break. With the stats page I can go through each day and tag what I was doing when I became tense and it facilitates me moving from reentering a stressful situation. For someone who has been under psychiatric care for a long time, and also on medication, being able to identify and address stressful situations has been a god send. I think it might be good for children as they would be able to challenge themselves with the length of time they can concentrate

I was looking for an activity tracker when I came across the Spire on Amazon. The idea that it could help me manage stress and help me focus was very appealing to me, so I decided to give it a try. I've now had my Spire for 3 months and I use it every day! I have never used a tracker before - every time I've tried to use a pedometer, it didn't work out - I forgot to wear it or the step measurements didn't seem accurate, etc. I'm surprised at how easily using the Spire became a habit. I feel like this product is well-priced for all of the benefits it provides and I'm so glad I purchased it. I mainly use it to monitor my tension. It has worked well for that for the most part. I have it set to buzz me when I'm tense so I can take a deep breath and reboot if you will. I have ADHD and I thought maybe this device would help me learn to focus better at work. I was interested to see that I am actually focused a lot more than I assumed. I guess maybe it's that thing where once I focus on something, I'm uber focused. In any case, it actually made me feel better about myself! ;) I have not used the activity part particularly yet - you set your own daily steps goal, Spire tracks your steps and the app shows you where you are at towards your goal. It does seem extremely accurate. On work days, I have very few steps. It makes you realize how sedentary our lives have become!!! I am very pleased with how well it stays connected to my device and the charging system is a breeze. I wear it on my bra strap under my arm. The soft, rubber coating looks like a pebble. I forget that it's there. It shows no signs of wear after 3 months of daily use. I have done at least one calm exercise - they are like miniature guided meditations. Unfortunately, I don't make a lot of time to use that feature. Finally, I wanted to mention that one of the Spire developers contacts me for my feedback, which I think is a very good sign of things to come. They obviously care deeply about their product and are invested in its future.

I am writing this in-depth review due to the lack of comprehensive reviews at the time of posting. Thus far, it seems that this is one of those "love it or hate it" devices. Hopefully, this review will help you decide if this is the device for you. ** Who is this device for? ** I purchased Spire because I was looking for a way to analyze my stress levels throughout the day. As a full-time college student and part-time worker, I experience my fair share of stressful moments. I was looking for a device to monitor my stress so I can learn my triggers. Spire tracks your daily steps, but I wouldn't consider this a fitness tracker by any means. ** Comfort/Device Aesthetics ** Spire is gorgeous. The back of the device is soft and I never feel it rubbing up against my skin during daily use (most of the time, I completely forget I'm wearing it). I typically attach Spire to the inside of my jeans (right where the front belt loop is). Placement of Spire is incredibly important to get accurate readings, so I suggest you play around with the placement until you get it right. The included charging pad is completely wireless; to charge Spire, you simply place it on the wireless charging pad. The clip is strong enough to latch onto your clothing with ease. The device is also "washer-proof", so if you forget to take it off your clothing, it won't get destroyed. ** Functionality ** The real question that you're probably wondering.. DOES IT WORK?! Well, let me tell you my experience with Spire (and why I absolutely love this device). I'll admit that the first day I used Spire, I was completely unconvinced that it was correctly tracking my breathing patterns. Day 2 comes around. After leaving my morning class (which Spire told me I was focused and to keep up the good work), I got stuck in some traffic on the commute home. After about 15-20 minutes of sitting in bumper-to-bumper congestion, my Spire began vibrating. I checked the iPhone app upon arriving home, and Spire told me that I was in a state of tension for 20 minutes. The app presented me with several options for reducing my tension including (but not limited to) a quick relaxation boost exercise and an extended guided-meditation. After finishing the guided-meditation, Spire told me I was now in a calm state. These experiences happen nearly every day. Spire gets it right 9 out of 10 times and always provides recommendations for getting me into a calmer state-of-mind. ** Final Thoughts ** This is not a fitness tracker or a quick-fix to to achieve a less stressful lifestyle. This is, however, the best (and only?) device out there to help accurately measure your level of focus, calmness, and tension. I have been using Spire for several days and it has helped me achieve a calmer state-of-mind.

This little device has changed my life. It warns me when I am tense, relaxed, when I need to move and the minutes I have been focused. In addition it counts my steps and provides feedback about the calories I had burned. I really love the boots, these are mini exercises to improve breathing, staying focused, reduce tension stay calm, etc. I purchased the couple's pack my husband and I both love it!