• 25 times more effective in odor removal than other national retail home air filters (based on a comparison of organic vapor capacity) for your furnace, air conditioner, or HVAC system
  • Active carbon layer acts as odor eliminator for pet smells, smoke, cooking, mildew and cleaning chemicals
  • Exclusive Filtrete Brand 3-in-1 technology from 3M attracts and traps unwanted air particles, letting cleaner air flow through
  • Filtrete 1200 MPR (Microparticle Performance Rating) equates to MERV 11
  • For maximum performance, change your filter at least every 90 days
  • For residential use only
  • The higher the MPR, the more microparticles - such as pollen, pet dander, smoke, bacteria and viruses - your filter will capture from the air passing through it
  • A dirty filter will slow down air flow and make the system work harder to keep you warm or cool - wasting energy. Sign-up for a filter change reminder program that works for you!

I have a rental property occupied by a heavy smoker for 20 years. When she left, I was frantic to get the stink out. I tried everything: new HVAC, painting all surfaces, new carpet & pad, essential oils, etc, Nothing worked. I was considering replacing the drywall as a final step, but read about this filter and thought I would try it first. Why not? I had tried everything else. Much to my astonishment, the odor was completely gone within 48 hours. I have noticed, however, if I go too long without replacing the filter, the odor returns, Also, the efficiency of the filter to collect dust and allergens is so high that the filter needs to be replaced every 2 months. An expensive routine, but worth it to get rid of the smell.

My only complaint with these is that they are too expensive. Besides that the filters work great and Eliminate all kinds of orders in the house. I had a chance to talk to my HVAC professional about These various types of filters. Just one thing you told me to keep in mine. As a filter gets more Complex and filters out more types of particles and odors; the more the filter will require your HVAC fan to push the air through it (i.e. more air resistance.). This in turn will reduce the lifespan of your HVAC system. He advised me that I should get the simplest filter I can get away with and use these as opposed to getting the most complex filter (IE HEPA) That there is on the market. The only exception being if I have a child or someone else in the house that has extreme allergies. He said even in those cases it is better to buy a separate Air filtering system then to install a high resistance filter in my HVAC. For the filter I am reviewing I have found that this is kind of the middle of the road filter. While it’s not the least resistance type of filter, it is also not the most deluxe. With this taken into account and the fact that it has activated charcoal to combat odors I can definitely recommend this model filter. If you do buy it I would recommend buying it in bulk in order to save money because the one and two packs of these filters are quite expensive on a price per filter basis.

First some facts that aren't listed in the product description, packaging or website. This is a pleated particulate filter that has activated carbon impregnated on one side so it both filters the air passing through it of particles and the carbon helps rid the air of odors. I contacted Filtrete and was informed that this filter has an equivalent MPR rating of 1000, MERV 11 rating, pressure drop of 0.24 and is 90% efficient at reducing particles 1 to 10 microns in size. My Experience: I got this filter because of some recent home improvement projects that created a lot of fine dust and odors (paint, cleaning solutions, building materials). I normally use the Filtrete MPR 1000 filters. Overnight there was a significant improvement in odors after using this Home Odor Reduction Filter. Concerning Dust: Your HVAC system is not a vacuum cleaner. Running it 24/7 with the best filter in the world will not eliminate the need to dust and clean your home. Much of the dust that settles in your home is too heavy to be sucked up into the air return. Especially if it's far away from the return. These filters work better on lighter dust floating around the air so you breath less of it. For example, I've cleaned pet hair out of the filters for my air purifier and even from the filters on my computers but have never seen any pet hair on my AC filters. The HVAC system just doesn't move air enough to lift pet hair 8' up to the ceiling. Think about it. When you dust a room you don't just stand in the middle of the room holding your vacuum cleaner hose up in the air so it can collect all the dust in the room. You have to pass it over every surface. Why would you expect the lower suction of an air return that's not even in the same room to do it? The filter will clean the dust floating in the air that doesn't settle and prevent it from recirculating. If you have serious allergies and just using a different HVAC filter isn't enough, you're going to need to get a good quality HEPA air purifier and try and reduce entry of allergens into your home. You're still going to need to dust and vacuum regularly so don't throw out that feather duster and french maid outfit just yet. Concerning Odors: Activated carbon has been proven to absorb all sorts of odors. The odors get trapped in the carbon like a sponge but just like a sponge there is a limit to how much can be absorbed. While this filter has significantly more activated carbon than other similar filters and will help reduce odors don't expect it to perform miracles. Work on eliminating the source of the odors first and let this filter help out when necessary. Have cats? Keep the litter box clean. Have pets, bathe them from time to time and vacuum frequently. Have mold? Kill and remove the mold and find and fix the moisture problems. Have foul cooking odors? Use your range hood when cooking. Smoke? Don't do it inside, better yet don't do it at all and wash all surfaces of your home because smoke particles get everywhere. You get the picture. This odor reducing filter can help with any odor problem you might have but you can't rely on it to be the only remedy. Pressure Drop: Most HVAC systems are designed around certain parameters. System pressure is important so that the system, especially the blower motor in the air handler, is not working harder than spec. Air filters are traditionally used to keep big dust particles from causing problems for the components of the system, not to clean the air for you. Pleated filters have more of a pressure drop than the cheap fiberglass filters and lower MPR filters (MPR 600 is 0.14) and the 0.24 of the Odor Reducing filter is among the highest of the Filtrete filters, equivalent to the MPR 2400 Elite Extra. Many people, including myself with a very old AC unit, use these types of filters to help clean the air without issue. If you have any concerns with an older HVAC unit you might want to contact your HVAC contractor to come to your home and analyze your system. Keep in mind that many do not favor pleated filters even before measuring static pressure and some will try to sell you an expensive electronic air cleaner, which to be fair many work really well. Since these pleated filters also keep the air passing through the air handler and ducts cleaner they can also help reduce maintenance costs though. As filters become clogged the pressure drop increases so it's important to change your filters regularly. How often depends on the air quality in your home.

I cook a lot of curry-based food. Unfortunately, the exhaust is not able to remove the stroing curry smell and the smell goes in to every room through the HVAC. Atleast, during the summer I can open the windows to remove the smell but in winters it is not possible to do this. I was looking for a odor-controlling filter for a long time and did not know if any such product existed until I came across this one on Amazon. I haven't seen it anywhere at the stores. I have been using this filter for the past 2 months and it does an amazing job in e limating the odors and spreading them in all the rooms. I would definitely recommend it.

If you smoke, have pets, fart or cook red meat these are your filters. I love smoking. I love my pets. I love eating BK and farting. I love a good steak. Makes the pad smell like cat food and ass. These filters keep it even. Odors don’t stick to the walls. The carbon evens out the nasty. Yup, these are expensive and I hope I can afford them after I’m retired and old. Otherwise, I feel for the suckers doing my hospice.

I'm a bachelor. I live with my dog. We're both old farts set in our ways. We are very lazy. We have very wierd odors, old men odors. Our house smells like you might imagine. These filters have changed our lives. Friends and relatives actually come to visit us now. We are very upset. Damn filters.

These work!!! We have always used Filtrete filters. When I saw these I thought I'd give them a try since we have 8 cats. We keep their boxes spic and span so it's not a issue. But the air is cleaner smelling since we installed this filter. 👍👍

I was told my the maintenance guy at my apt. complex with whom I'm friends that if you can see through your filter, it's crap. This conversation came about after noticing how often I was dusting my place and then looking around one day when the sun was shining in through the glass door, and my son and couldn't believe all the dust flying around in the air. When I took out the filters the complex supplied, I could literally see my son's face. I went up to Home Depot and found this. Looked through and saw nothing. Within a month, there was almost no dust on the table. It was believable.After 3 months, I accidentally bought the wrong 3M filter here on Amazon. I decided to try it. Ugh. Not good. The dust came right back. I immediately found these and gave those ones to my neighbor (at least they're better than the ones the complex gives us). These filters are wonderful, the amount of dust that they block truly is astounding, and I can't believe how long I've been breathing that in. Disgusting.

I’m super allergic to dust, sander and pollen. I can’t believe how much these catch! They’re worth the money!! I can tell when I start sneezing or having itchy puffy eyes with other filters. These really work!! I moved into a house that the previous owner had a white dog because of the hair I kept finding and a year later with the new carpets and floors professionally cleaned I found white hair trapped all over the filter! Like where the heck is it coming from??!!

I like this filter because it clearly looks like something that filters not just large or even smaller dust, but has material meant to even reduce odors, which in my house hold is sadly an issue with three kids, a couple/few pets and kids playing outside coming in and out a lot opening and closing the door or outright leaving it open allowing for the home to accumulate unpleasant odors of all types. Only problem is local stores don't carry these types of filters in my size reliably and for a reasonable price, hence me getting it on Amazon.