• YOU NEED MORE COLLAGEN: Collagen is one of the most important nutrients needed to to ensure the health and vitality of your skin, hair, tendon, cartilage, bones, and joints. Around the age of 30, our bodies naturally begin to produce less collagen, and the first signs of aging start to occur.*
  • HOW TO TAKE: Consume in warm or room temperature water. Can also be added to Oatmeal, Yogurt, Soups or Sauces. *Helpful Hack: To enjoy in cold water without clumping, mix collagen in room temperature water first, then add ice.
  • REAL CERTIFICATIONS: Many companies claim to be, but our Collagen Powder is actually 3rd party certified by the Paleo & Keto Foundation, and non-GMO verified by the IGEN program.
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: This product is made from bovine which some individuals may be allergic. Please consult your Doctor before consuming. Collagen Peptides is a Protein and Individuals who consume an excessive amount of Protein in their diet may experience bloating and diarrhea.
  • 90 DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEE: If you don't see results within 90 days, simply return your product for a refund.^

So I bought this with the complete intentions of making it a component of bulletproof coffee and drinking it everyday, but that quickly waned as I got ill about a month ago and haven't been able to shake it, so I've just resorted to making sure I add a scoop of it to my regular cup of coffee everyday. Looking in the mirror, I noticed zero difference in my face and that's why I'm so glad I took a pic the day I had my first cup vs a few days ago. Granted the lighting is a little different, but the lines under my eyes, in my forehead, and my laugh lines are all less pronounced. To give you a better idea of the conditions surrounding these pics, I'm perfectly healthy on the left, and I have an active fever along with bronchitis and sinusitis on the right. Needless to say, I just placed my second order and I'll probably go back to my morning bulletproof coffee regimen, but you can bet money that I'll be having a scoop of this everyday!

I try new products monthly. My cupboards are full of 'miracle cures' that were useless to me. This product is the happy exception! From the first time I used it, I noticed a difference in my eating patterns and cravings. I've been taking this product for a few weeks and the effects have been transformational. It tamed my constant hunger and cravings for sugar to the point I have no interest in desert even when it's in front of me. I feel very satisfied with small, healthy, simple meals. No more processed food. No more diet soda. No more carbs and salty snacks. Thank you for this true miracle in my life!

It was a girlfriend that let me in on her little secret. I was commenting one day about how noticeably smoother, brighter and softer her skin looked. I mean, REALLY noticeably younger and more refreshed. If I didn't know her better, I'd have assumed she got botox, but she admitted she had been using collagen peptides for about 3 weeks. I couldn't place my order fast enough. When it arrived, I have to be honest, it was hard for me to consume. Most people say it has no taste and no odor, but it does have a unique taste that I don't really care for. On a side note, If I had a super power, it would be my strong sense of smell, so I'm sure that's connected to the off taste of the powder. My desire for smoother, younger looking skin overpowered the displeasure of drinking collagen peptides in my morning coffee... I faithfully drank 2 servings a day for about 2 weeks when I saw my first noticeable result, but it wasn't fewer wrinkles as I had hoped... In less than 2 weeks of daily collagen doses, I was totally without cellulite!!! As in GONE! I've had cellulite since I was 10 (thanks family heredity) Wearing shorts has always been a bit uncomfortable for me, never wanting to cross my legs knowing those cute little dimples would run the length of my outer thighs. As I've gotten older, the familiar rippled skin was visible even just standing, starting just above my knees. So you can imagine my absolute surprise when stepping out of the shower one day to perfectly smooth skin. Seriously, even as I write this, I'm looking down at smooth legs where bumpy legs used to live. And after about 3 months of continued use, I can say fine lines around my eyes have softened. Overall, the skin on my face does look younger, more refreshed, and smoother, but if none of that was a factor, I'd still recommend this product, because I love living without cellulite. I can't say this is a guaranteed side effect for all that use collagen peptides. In fact I shared this with my friend, and she never noticed a reduction of cellulite on her own leg, but I personally believe she had a better response of reduced signs of aging on her face than I did. Either way, if you've been on the fence about whether or not to try the product, I'd say, TRY IT!

It does exactly what it says! Tightens the skin wonderfully especially if you are losing weight.

I read a few reviews before ordering this product complaining that the container was not filled completely or that there were only x number of scoops in the bottle when there should be 41. I wanted to make sure I was getting what I paid for and weighed a scoop. The serving size per the bottle is an 11 gram scoop. A full level scoop weighs about 14 grams (not including weight of the scooper itself). To ensure that you get all 41 servings from the container make sure you are not using a level scoop each time, rather leave a little room at the top of the scooper - about 80% full. The specific review I saw stated they measured out 32 servings from their brand new jug, rather than 41. If level scoops had been used in this experiment, assuming an additional 3 grams per scoop means there was 96 extra grams of product used (32 scoops x 3 grams per scoop of overfill). 96 grams of extra divided by the 11 gram serving size is almost 9 additional servings (96/11 = 8.72). So the 32 scoops that were measured plus the 9 they would have had if each scoop was 11 grams exactly would have been 41 scoops total, the exact amount that is stated on the jar itself. I hope this helps anyone else out there that is concerned about getting what they pay for :)

I gave it a full month before leaving a review, just finished the last scoop yesterday. I put it in my coffee every morning, never noticed an aftertaste and it dissolved easily. But let me tell you, I would straight up lick it off the floor even if it tasted like cat litter because my hair and nails are so glorious. I don't hate my skin! I am mid 40s people, this is a game changer. Skipping the $35 bottle of oil of old lady and throwing more of this down my gullet.

I wish I had known of this product 20 years ago. Most of my aches are gone and the deep lines and crepe paper skin are fading away.

I received an email from Sports Research asking if this product met my expectations. My answer is.. not even close!! I started taking this about 3 months ago. I was having some skin trouble and after some research found that collagen might help so I went searching for something and came across this product on Amazon. I really dislike these powder supplements and only chose this one after reading a review from someone who mentioned she put it in her morning coffee and I thought "I can do that!". Worst case scenario would be it wouldn't help with the skin issue but I would have great hair and nails, no harm no foul. What I completely ignored were all the reviews about the joints. I have had osteoarthritis since I was 16 and have tried every product known to man and nothing ever helped. At 32 my orthopedic surgeon was going to replace both my knees and I not so politely declined. I am 47 now and for almost 2 decades I have been taking 800 - 8000 mgs of ibuprofen daily just to be able to move. Less than 2 weeks after I started taking this once a day in my morning coffee (thank you fellow reviewer!) I realized I hadn't taken a single ibuprofen in over a week. I hadn't been able to bend my knees past a 90 degree angle for I couldn't even tell you how long and now they move and work like normal knees with not even the slightest discomfort. I went from sitting 12 - 16 hours a day to "holy crap I can't stop moving". Excess weight is falling off like nothing, my overall health has drastically improved, and I am getting out and doing things I was never capable of before. Not living with the pain and excessive amount of ibuprofen has even changed my overall demeanor and outlook on life. I don't know what else to say. How do you review a product that literally gives you your life back? All I can do is thank the makers and the reviewer who made me want to try it. THANK YOU!!!!

After 15 plus years of battling IBS I felt i was out of options. Nothing helped relieve the dabilitating pain and cramping that accompanies the diagnosis. Adding to my situation, I struggled to find a protein I could digest without further intestinal upset. On an off chance I began using this product daily in my coffee. Within 2 weeks I no longer had stomach cramping, constipation or loud digestive sounds. By the 3rd week, my insatiable appetite had diminished drastically and the weight that I've been carrying began to drop off. After 6 weeks on the product I ran out and somehow put off reordering. Within the 2 weeks that I went without, my stomach cramping and original issues slowly returned. I know that's a lot of TMI but on the off chance someone else who has "tried it all" comes across this review will hopefully give it a shot and find the same relief I have.

I bought this for my joints, with the hope it would also strengthen nails and hair. Like everyone else, when mine arrived it was merely half full BUT having worked in manufacturing, I know how this goes. There MUST be room up there for the initial fill otherwise it is a mess to seal and ship. Going by weight, you have received exactly what you purchased. Regarding the water soluble thingie, I have mine every morning in my (hot) coffee, so I've never had an issue with the dreaded 'slimey monster' produced when you attempt to stir into cold or tepid liquids. I will say that there is absolutely no discernable taste, and I have an absolute fear of nasty tasting stuff in anything I'm consuming. I will suggest that the more squeamish NOT read the ingredients list, only because 'natural' can be very upsetting to those who wish to continue being ignorant of where their food and such comes from. I am a female who rides and trains horses, so...yeah...I have some painful joints. I've broken fingers...and have one permanently 'buttonhooked' that aches like fire when I use that hand too much. My knees have enjoyed a busy, athletic life to their detriment, and back and shoulders taken the brunt of several 'unscheduled dismounts' and much hard labor before and after. In fact, my entire body is just a 64yo trainwreck. I take many supplements in an effort to provide everything the body could possibly need in order to heal, soothe, and support it through the remaining years I've left. I believe this...SP Collagen Peptides...have given me a great deal of relief from some of the worst of it. I haven't taken anything for the usual pains in several weeks, and listen...it is springtime in Kansas and hard work is now going on! I actually bought this for my mother to take too. She has rheumatoid arthritis, and I felt this might also provide her with a better day. Sure...I have to remind her to take it daily...well...it seems that way. But she also feels like it is helping. I take several Sports Research supplements. I believe their Omega 3 is probably the ONLY correct form of that offered on Amazon. The price might seem high, but it is the triglyceride form, which is the ONLY type you should take. Their Vitamin D is correctly capsuled in coconut oil...another plus. The astaxanthin is one of the best I've taken (I'm outside all day in the sun and it helps reduce sun damage). CLA 1250, K2-D3, D3, L-Theanine...it is all good, and I have always felt I was getting the best value and product.