• ★ 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE – Get rid of the discomfort of joint pain & inflammation*, or your money back!
  • ★ REAL INGREDIENTS DELIVER REAL RESULTS: Our potent Turmeric Curcumin may help relieve joint & back pain, promote joint swelling relief associated with strenuous physical activity, reduce inflammation and skin dryness, boost brain function & memory, improve digestion and blood circulation, enhance immune and nervous system.* It promotes healthy joints, eyes, skin, hair, heart and mood!*
  • ★ POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT & ANTI-INFLAMMATORY*: Our Turmeric Formula (with BioPerine and Curcuma Longa with 95% standardized Curcuminoids) is the perfect daily boost and complement to a healthy and active lifestyle. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties not only may help ease joint pain, discomfort & inflammation, but also support overall health.* This high quality and first-class product works great for Women, Men and Seniors
  • ★ NATURAL & NON-GMO! No hormones, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients, no gluten, no wheat, no dairy, no sugar, no soy, no yeast. Our Turmeric Dietary Supplement is PROUDLY MADE IN THE U.S.A. in an FDA-Registered facility. This product is GMP-certified to ensure the highest quality and purity
  • ★ COMMON NAMES: There are many different ways people try to spell or pronounce Turmeric Curcumin. Here are some common misspellings: tucmeric tumeri turmericcurcumin tumeroc turemic turmer termeric turneric trumeric tmeric tumerica tumuric tomeric tumerico tuneric tumetric tumericx timetric turmeic tumerik turmerik tumerick turmericx cucurmin circumin cucumin curamin curumin cur-cumin cur cumin curculin curcuwin curcurmin curcuminoids curcuminoid longa bioprene pepperine peperine piperin

Suffer from Osteoarthritis in my lower back especially at night. I was popping Advils & Tylenols every night before bedtime. I first tried Turmeric with ginger and that upset my stomach and gave me diarrhea. but so far after about 2 weeks I'm getting real relief at night so far.

****Update April 2018**** We are still using this specific product and it is still working for my husband. Zero problems. ***Original Review Below *** After multiple stomach surgeries a couple of years ago, my husband has had an ongoing inflammation issue. He was miserable with side effects from the prescription drugs he was given for the inflammation. His GI specialist actually recommended that he try a daily dose of turmeric and see if it helped. For two years he's taken turmeric daily with the participation of his two GI doctors every step - they helped figure out his exact dose and have observed the progress every quarter for the last two years. He's been completely off the prescription meds for 16 months now and is feeling so much better. This particular brand has been the most consistent for availability, pricing, and quality. I've ordered it in multiple bottles every few months so we're never at risk of running out - seeing my husband pain free and without any weird secondary problems from prednisolone and the equivalent drugs is just the best feeling.

I waited until I finished the whole first bottle, before the review and I much say I love this product.I have arthritis and severe neck pain due to tension in my neck. After the first day or two, i noticed my neck pain was gone. Also other pains in my body had significantly subsided. However, I took 2 pills the recommend dosage right away and I got a major headache and this kept happening, so I decreased the dosage to 1 pill a day is all my body can handle. Also, this stuff really regulates the body, if you know what i mean. When that happens,you can loose weight, i did. I will purchase more.

My "patient" is bed/wheelchair bound, very little muscle mass, constantly complaining of back pain, and others aches from various surgeries to repair broken hips, ankle, and collarbone. She also has intermittent bouts of fibromyalgia. Since putting her on a 2 a day regimen of this supplement, her complaints have reduced by 80-90 %, and her consumption of ibuprofen by 95%. It has eased her suffering immensely and I am so grateful.

You know how you try a product and can't tell if it's really doing something or you're just wishing it would? Well I think this really does work! I'm at the end of a typical ugly January and haven't had a single crying jag which is almost unheard of. I can get out of a sitting position and start walking without a long pause because of pain and basically just have a better sense of well being physically and emotionally. And here I thought my best days were behind me.

This herbal med has given me a lot of relief from my arthritis as advertised. I began getting relief after about 10 days. My hands are still stiff in the morning, but no pain. No knee pain (or stiffness) any longer. My arthritis in the past was pretty painful, especially in the mornings and in cold weather. As a side note, I paid for (and continue to do so) this supplement, this is not a "paid" endorsement; I get a bottle monthly via my Amazon Subscribe and Save.Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine Joint Pain Relief - Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant Supplement with 10mg of Black Pepper for Better Absorption. Best 100% All Natural Non-Gmo Made in USA

I have a love hate relationship with supplements but this is the kind I will use. I can't stomach tumeric in my food. It's just too sour/bitter but it does wonders for my inflammation. I have hypothyroidism, psoriasis and eczema. I am so bloated my fingers look like sausages. With Tumeric my mood improves dramatically because it reduces the swelling so well. My craving for sugar is also reduced and my cognitive abilities have improved since the inflammation causes fog. I only take two a day with milk and there is no stomach upset. I am left feeling warm and sometimes a bit sweaty but that's a good side effect since low body temp is common with thyroid troubles. The black pepper has a thermogenic effect. Good for weight loss and maintaining a normal body temp. I will most definitely order this brand in the future. The product is exactly as it states and it absolutely does reduce inflammation as tumeric is meant to do if you take it every day. The capsules are slightly on the large side but if you take it with something thick, like milk, they go down without issue and you don't really notice. The capsules can be opened and contents put into a smoothie but be cautious, black pepper can leave you with a burning sensation.

I cannot speak more highly about this product! I started running almost 2 years ago, and it did get to my knees. It became so painful, and PT was not helping what I found out was osteoarthritis. I began taking this, not feeling hopeful at all, but within a few days, I noticed I could walk down stairs with no problem... tried other things in the past, but this has truly made a difference to me! I have since completed a Ragnar relay with no problems, which was huge! Make sure you check out any drug interactions, as turmeric can lower blood sugar as well as it thins blood...

I'm not all that into supplements, and don't know a lot about them. I've only been taking glucosamine/chondrontin for years, and it was giving me a certain moderate level of relief for knee pain. It took months to see any results at all. Another Viner recommended this to me, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed. 3 days. I woke up on the 3rd day and got out of bed and halfway to the bathroom then noticed I'd had no knee protest. I had to stand there a minute in shock. It's not quite 100%, but it's almost as good as. I do one in the morning, one after dinner. Standing still continues to be something that will tear up my knees in minutes, I haven't seen any change in that, but movement simply does not hurt any more. There's only the slightest bit of stiff feeling. Very happy with this stuff.

Tumeric Curcumin is a wonderful product. I have noticed positive changes in my body and mood. As an athlete and yoga practitioner, my soreness had been reduced significantly. What I didn’t expect is that my mood would be affected. By nature I am not a down or depressed person. However I started feeling an uplift on a daily bases and I didn’t know specifically why. Nothing in my life has changed significantly, so I couldn’t figure out to what or whom I could attribute this subtle shift. The only thing I’ve done differently, is taking 2 capsules of Vimerson Tumeric Curcumin every morning, Admittedly I’m more in tune with my body and mindset than your average “Joe.” I’m grateful to be feeling this good. Hard workouts and healthy food along with these supplements do the trick for me.