• More webpage templates & design elements
  • Fix items: Individual objects such as navigation bars stay still while scrolling.
  • Full screen objects that fit the height and width of the browser window
  • Improved animations for page transitions
  • Internet connection: Required for registering and validating the program, as well as for some program functions. Program requires registration.

The premium version comes with a nice selection of images and website templates. You can download a fully functional trial version from their website. www.xara.com See for yourself before you buy. I encourage everyone to try before you buy anytime it is an option. This has some very impressive features such as website import and an included graphics editor. Even a company logo could be made with this software if you are creative. One downside is that there are a lot of features. It will take time to learn them. The do try to sell you extra website templates, but I found the ones they include with purchase to be great. When you download the trail you can view the full list of images and templates, but can only use a few until you purchase the product. Items included in purchase, but not in trail are listed in red.


Purchased Xara Web Designer 10 Premium download a year ago. Have been offered the upgrade to Ver. 11 at the upgrade price. Trying to purchase the product at the upgrade price proved impossible! Xara sales would not upgrade after I furnished proof of purchase and my download log to their on-line customer service Rep. The Rep made me feel like I was trying to take advantage of Xara!! Would not by from this company again.