• With Barbie Made to Move doll, you can do anything!
  • Capture the action with the ability to move and pose in ways -- guided by you -- that mimic realistic action -- from riding a bicycle and playing a guitar to doing gymnastic bends and sitting crisscross applesauce to owning a runway or taking selfies!
  • Barbie Made to Move doll has 22 "joints" -- in her neck, upper arms, elbows, wrists, torso, hips, upper legs, knees AND ankles -- for an incredible range of motion!
  • Sleek modern fashions are perfect for on-the-move fun
  • Includes Barbie doll wearing fashions

Back when I was customizing many Barbie dolls for my daughters and as gifts for others (I loved to customize a doll to look like someone I knew!) I would have loved to have had a truly well-articulated doll to work with. I had to boil and remold body parts to be able to position dolls in something other than a straight standing position with either straight arms or unnaturally bent arms. Thankfully, as I am now starting to collect dolls and customize them for my granddaughter, I have found the almost perfect articulated Barbie. Made to Move Barbie has articulation points at so many points, there is only one more I could wish for (her waist) but even without that, it is a fantastic doll for both play and to use to customize. I picked up the red-hair Barbie first but have now purchased several more. My plan is to have one of each for my granddaughter to play with and then to match body shades to other dolls so I can switch their heads on the articulated body. Then I can have fun customizing the dolls. So far, really like the red-hair girl best. My husband has actually made off with her so he can have his 1990's English Action Man (kind of a James Bond character) pose with her. Each day, I find Barbie and Action Man in different poses, so he is obviously having fun with her as well. Her articulation points are at neck, shoulder, elbows, wrists, upper torso (not at waist unfortunately), hips, knees, and ankles. Her hair is red and she has a few freckles on her lovely closed mouth face. Her eyes are brown, lips are a soft pink and she does not have nail polish. The doll comes with a stretchy aqua and orange top and black yoga pants and does not include shoes. The clothes stretch well with her. The only concern I have is whether or not Mattel will make clothes or shoes to fit her (her feet are flat but are too small to fit in other flat foot Barbie shoes.) If not, I can make the clothes and my husband can use our 3D printer to make her shoes. My concern is really for children who want to play dress up with her. I sincerely hope Mattel answers the call and makes proper clothes and accessories for this great doll. I also hope that they use this body type on many other dolls in the future. It is a fantastic doll with tons of versatility. You can see some of the fun we have been having with this doll once my photos show up. She practices yoga all the time and, as I mentioned, she likes to pose with Action Man as well.

This doll has shiny, layered long hair the color of a new penny. The way that it's parted makes it look thick and natural. Her freckles are fainter than in the stock photos, but clearly visible. She has brown eyes with very well painted highlights, eyelashes, and reddish-brown eyebrows. Her lips are pink. Her head tilts up and down and tilts to both sides. Her body is much more naturally proportioned than the average Barbie. Her bust size is average. She has a defined waist but not tiny. She has curvy hips and thighs. The only body parts really out of proportion are the feet. I'm sure they had to keep them small to fit into Barbie shoes already on the market. I read that because her ankles are articulated, she can wear heels or flats. The dolls have some weight to them. The elbow and knee joints are large and obvious but don't detract from the dolls' appearance. I bought two dolls. Both have one elbow that doesn't bend as far back as the other. DON'T TRY TO FORCE IT. It's apparently supposed to be that way for some reason. The dolls are jointed under the bust but not at the waist. This still allows for natural-looking posing. The hips extend out. The legs rotate to the side with the same type of joint as under the bust. Elbows, wrists, knees, and ankles bend. Hands rotate. Arms rotate in the same way as the legs. The tops can be pulled down over the hips and legs to avoid disarranging updos or curls. I have a sundress from a 2014 Fashionista. It fits these dolls. I would think that all Fashionista clothes would fit these dolls except for the Petite Fashionistas. I placed an order for one doll, then canceled it and placed a new order for two dolls. I knew that once I had one, I would immediately want another. I bought mine to redress and photograph. Finally, we have an expensive, fully articulated doll suitable for photographing and displaying! DOLLS DO NOT COME WITH STANDS OR ANY OTHER ACCESSORIES. I'm used to Monster High and Ever After High dolls. Made to Move Barbie is sturdier and moves very differently from MH and EAH. I had to undress one to figure out how the arm, bust, and thigh joints work. If you're buying this doll for a child, I suggest undressing it and showing the child how the points of articulation work. The only joint that seems like it could be fragile is the ankle joint. The dolls have no shoes, jewelry, buttons, snaps or other small parts that could be dangerous to a child. I hope this review answers all your questions. If it doesn't, please ask me about anything I missed.

Pros: This is my favorite Made to Move doll. Like the others, her articulation is amazing and now I wish all Barbies had Made to Move joints. I have all of them, but I think the redhead has the sweetest face. She's absolutely gorgeous. I really like that they gave her brown eyes. I was worried that her freckles might be too prominent, but they look great in person. Cons: Since I wasn't able to find this doll in stores, I had to order online. There is a very slight issue with the paint on her upper lip, but you would only notice it with a close-up photo. Her hair was a bit sticky straight out of the box and there were a couple small bits of glue in it, but a good brushing sorted it out. I wish her hair had been as soft out of the box as MTM Teresa's!

These made to move Barbies are amazing. You can pose them so easily, that it's hard not to want to play with them yourself! They are some of my kids' favorite Barbies (although inexplicably, they sometimes fall in love with the Barbies with the cheapest build quality, just because of the hairstyle, which I then have to re-buy when the leg splits up the middle. *sigh*) These are well made and are holding up well compared to other Barbies. Just keep your husband away from them, or he might pose them in naughty positions when the kids aren't around, just to be funny. :-O

The newer made to moves are a lot less cheaply made than when they first came out. The first ones, it wouldn't be long before the joints broke, and you were left with legless and armless Barbies! This particular Barbie has now been put through her paces, so I can write a full review. A big pro - the joints, for the most part, stay locked in place when you position them. For example, if you put her arm above her head like in the stock photo, it will usually stay there. The downside, we've found, is the ankle joints. While it makes it really nice for pointing feet in the right direction, it's quite difficult to get her to stand up. As you can see in the photo I've added, we have two of these; the red haired one is the one I bought on Amazon, and the blonde one came from a local store. Another pro; neither one of them have creepy smiles.

I am thrilled beyond belief with this doll! She is so striking out of the box that I am convinced this is the single best red-headed Barbie I've ever seen. The hair is a rich, natural looking auburn/orange with stunning highlights, complemented by her complexion and freckles. With the right outfit, she's display worthy. As with the entire line of Made To Move Barbies, her body is a durable, high quality plastic well suited to older collectors or for rugged play. Her skin tone is similar, but not quite identical to that of the "pink top" doll - I believe there are no two in this series that have identical coloration, which makes it so much easier for the purposes of head swapping. Although I'd be hard pressed to remove the head on this one. Pretty doesn't even begin to describe it. She *glows*. The standard pros & cons with the first wave applies also to the second. Her hair is on the oily side, though that can easily be remedied with talcum powder and a light shampooing. Their body shape is a bit bulkier, but clothes from the Fashionista line seem to fit these dolls perfectly. I'm not crazy about the articulated ankles, yet that is forgivable. Range of movement is unparalleled with all Made To Moves, the plastic is heavy/high grade, better even, then those old twisty waist dolls of yore. I dearly hope to see more of them in the future. And if you can only afford to buy one, I highly recommend the red head!

I received no compensation for the dolls, since I bought them out of pocket. The dolls are being advertised as the most posable Barbies to date. After careful examination, the articulation points were enough to think back to my Japanese doll parts. The dolls wear black yoga pants and a colored top that is an identifier on Amazon. The diversity of the line up included all the shades of brown they could show so far, but I hope to see more. Overall, this is a dream come true for a young woman who spent years playing with stiff dolls. I hope they produce more of these wonderful dolls. This doll gets a 100% grade. Give Mattel a cookie!

This is the most gorgeous Barbie I have ever seen. Granted she cannot wear the high heels as do other Barbies, but so what - she looks like an Irish tomboy - not a girlie girl like the blonde ones. I absolutely LOVE her & so will my Granddaughter when her birthday comes around (she will be 9). If she doesn't continue playing with her other Barbies when it is time for her birthday - I may just keep this gorgeous specimen for myself - at age 73 why can't I have another Barbie?

I mostly bought this to see what the hype was about and, frankly, I'm into it! With 22 joints, this definitely lives up to being Barbie's most posable doll. The only negatives I have are little nitpicky things so take it with a grain of salt. The joints are relatively stiff, so it takes some getting used to, particularly if you're worried you might accidentally break the doll. The shirt takes some effort getting on and off if you want to dress her up in other fashions. But, beyond that, I highly recommend if you collect, you want to play, or you want something similar to a bjd without the high cost.

Upon opening I noticed that the plastic wasn't molded very well. It's not the same high quality that MY Barbies were when I was younger. But my daughter doesn't seem to mind, and she's thrilled that she can actually pose and move her arms and legs, rather then having her sitting stiff legged in her chairs like her other Fashionista Barbie. There was one small defect tho, she had two left feet. Which meant her shoes didn't fit properly, and irritated my daughter immensely because they kept falling off. So a quick exchange with Amazon and free return shipping solved that problem. Overall I love this Barbie (and I'm slightly jealous because I didn't have one as a kid lol) She's beautiful! Her face is lovely, her hair is nice and soft and lays nicely. I'll be purchasing the whole lineup of girls from the Made To Move Barbies for sure!