• 165,000+ images and photographs. Add pizzazz to your project by adding incredible art and image elements.
  • 4,700+ Ready-made templates. Print Master Platinum includes easily searchable ready-made templates by professional designers to make your project quickly and easily.
  • Powerful new text-handling capabilities! Text can be attached to a line or used to fill a shape.
  • One-click Photo Editing - Edit photos, add text and create stunning artistic effects.
  • Perfect for Every Occasion - Choose from a gallery of spectacular design templates to capture life's special moments - birthdays, graduations, holidays, weddings, anniversaries and more!
  • Platform : Windows XP, Vista, 7, or 8 and OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10

I love this and now I have 8 and I love it. IT is fun to use.

I was used to Print Shop Deluxe, but when I upgraded to Windows 10 it ceased to function. So....after researching I decided to try this. At first it was so different, but now that I am used to it, I love it! Like all programs, there is a learning curve. It is a great program.

I liked the simplicity of use and it will help complete several decorative tasks we have in mind

More advanced than the Print Master that I was using, but I'm getting used to it. I strongly recommend the tutorials. It helps to remember that whatever version this is replacing needed time to get used to as well. I think I'm going to like working with this version.

Product as described. (Program not quite as user friendly as my old version of PrintMaster, so took a wee bit of a learning curve to figure out some of the changes.) Prompt shipment. Completely satisfied!

Loved Print Master for years. I use it at my job, where I first learned of the great things I can do with this program. The changes are taking some getting used to but I'll keep at it.

very good program. I make birthday and other greeting cards for fellow residents of an Assisted Living facility. Ever one signs on a blank page ( light color background. At a meal time we sing "Happy Birthday" and present the card. Older age being what it is, some times it's the only card a person will get. The cards are appreciated. I have several thousand jpeg photos to use for backgrounds, also textures in various colors for pages of text such as scripture or poetry etc. My printer will handle 105 lb card stock. Most cards are 7 x 5 half fold. The back page has my logo. Couldn't figure out how to put a picture here .

I am very happy with this PrintMaster program.

I use it all the time, I must admit it is not as good as previous versions, but still good value, lovely to be able to personalize cards for the ones you love.