• Lightweight, folding frame sets up in seconds, perfect for feeding or playtime
  • Detachable, dishwasher safe tray (BPA free)
  • Durable construction for indoor or outdoor use

If I could give this 10 stars, I WOULD! I get so many compliments on this little chair and it comes with us everywhere. I started using this when my son was 6 months old, he is now 11 months and still works perfectly. It is easily cleaned with a hose, a pool, a lake... or if you are feeling domesticated, a kitchen sink works fine too. It is super lightweight, foldable and perfect for on the go whatever. I recommend this product to people camping, traveling, or visiting family. It has straps that can safely attach to a chair or you can just plop it right on the ground. For the price, don't waste your money on anything like this at Cabelas, this is for eating and giving yourself a few minutes of peace while your babe hangs out. I used it at the pond when my family went fishing, and my son is a speedy crawler, so it kept him busy while the family fished.... just buy it.

Works well for what we needed. Wanted a lightweight, non-bulky travel chair for feeding. This fits the bill! The bag is a great size - smaller than our diaper bag. I just sling this on my shoulder with the diaper bag and we are good to go. The tray and chair are both small, but my chunky 9mo baby still has lots of room. Estimating maybe 18-24months? The seat belt is only 3poibt, but my baby hates having his upper body restricted so that's fine with us. The belt is secured along the seam between the back and the seat. It works fine, but it really isn't intended to contain any flying leaps! It just keeps them relatively contained. I would not step away from my baby in this - I've strapped it to a variety of chairs and of course it isn't as stable as a standard wide legged high chair. I've also used right on the ground for a picnic and it worked quite well. The back pocket on the chair is a nice bonus, and I use it a lot. The straps are way easier if you just leave them attached to the legs when you pack it up. The little side pouch on the bag holds a spoon, bib, and a food pouch or two very well. Very happy with this chair, and actually everything I've gotten from Summer Infant has furned out to be good!

Best ever! I bought these 2.5 years ago, when my twins were about 10 months old. The chairs went everywhere with us, visiting family, out to eat, camping, to the park, mall, extra high chairs for family visiting- limitless options! Folded up neatly in their bags threw them in the car or stroller and away we went. Easy to clean, I usually sprayed them down with oxy clean and threw them in the shower to spray them off and set them infront of a fan to dry. We loved them and have recommended them to others. We recently passed ours on to a younger cousin and they love it just as much as we do! We struggled going out to eat because so many places only had one high chair, broken seat belts, or disgustingly dirty high chairs. I knew where these came from and when they were last cleaned. Highly recommend!

Oh my gosh, where was this seat when my other kids were little?? I originally purchased this for a family trip to Mexico. Not only did we use it in multiple ways there, hotel, beach, restaurant, but since we’ve been home we’ve also used it dining outdoors and sitting around the fire pit. It is compact and light. I have a generous size diaper bag and it fits inside no problem. It hardly took up any room in my suitcase. The seat is a breeze to open & close, attach to a chair and is completely stable on the ground. The tray stays put, is a great size for food plus a sippy cup and washes up perfectly. Not to mention there’s is a pocket on the back which works great to keep a bib handy. My only disappointment is that we didn’t discover it until our last kid! Definitely keeping it for future grandbabies😊

So, we eat out a lot, probably more than we should, we know. We had no idea how much we'd like this chair until we saw one as a deal one day and just impulsively popped on buying one. Immediately, we began to realize the benefits and now we keep one of these chairs in each vehicle and have taken it on flights as we travel for vacation. It's become a must-have for us, and it has become one of our most talked about items we use and best discoveries we've made yet as newbie parents. We also have bought several for others who have had babies on the way. It's brilliant. Wait staff at restaurants are always amazed. Common problems with high-chairs in restaurants are numerous... Chairs are often unclean and buckles don't work frequently. They're too roomy and your baby/toddler wriggles and spins around and can be standing before you realize it. Restaurant style chairs are pretty standard, but table heights vary a little from place to place and are often higher than working height for baby. They often stick your baby at the end of a booth where's there's a lot of traffic from the wait staff or other patrons, which is especially bad in a busy restaurant. Experienced parents have all been through this, but us newbies tripped and stumbled to discover all these things. Sometimes, the wooden restaurant chairs are rickety and need some wood glue or screws to firm them up. If you look in the restaurant they are usually stacking them onto the other chairs, meaning that the bottom that was on the nasty floor brushes or makes contact with the working surfaces your baby eats at. Gosh, enough said right... let's just all agree that restaurant chairs can be just super-gross. We are surprised there are not more rules or enforcement in place by the health department or management at restaurants to dictate cleanliness surrounding these public chairs. We go through such efforts to clean and sanitize bottles and pacifiers and then stick our kids in these nasty chairs... makes no sense... SMH! Plus, there are so many illnesses that can be transferred from other snotty-nose babies using them... FLU season is especially scary. I know, I know, it can be good for babies to be exposed to germs to build their immune system, but we don't want to be haphazard about it either. We are no germ freaks, but we do employ some common sense tactics and this is one of them. This has either helped a lot or our baby has a super-good immune system. I'll just say that she has not been sick with a fever except for 1 time that she had a 24hr thing and that's it and she's 15 mos old now and we have had her out and about frequently since day 1. No cabbing up for this mobile family! It seems other kids we know about her age are constantly coming down with something. I know she'll get all the common illnesses, but I'd rather her get them as she's like 4 or 5, not 12 mos and 15 mos. She's even in daycare and has remained relatively illness free. I attribute much of that to this little chair, I really do. This chair provides a fairly consistent surface for you kid to eat on. It fits nicely in most booths, taking up the same space as might an adult. We don't buckle it in the booth. When using it on a chair, we usually just use one buckle, though it comes with 2, the little rubber feet really do most of the work to hold it in place on a wooden style chair. The tray itself becomes the eating surface instead of bothering with trays, bowls, etc. When done, we simply wipe it off into a plate of food with napkins, then we use a wet wipe to further clean it and put it back in it's little bag for the next time we use it. It's really very little trouble and we are fairly routine and quick about it since the first use. We carry little plastic utensils we can clean similarly and we then place them back into the zipper pouch on the side. We also carry disposable bibs in the pouch and the clips we use for them. The chair can get a little more dirty than a wet-wipe can handle after a while and it can periodically be placed in the dishwasher for a good wash if you just mind the proper settings and don't use heat drying. While a smaller object like this seems like it could have a smaller price to go with it, this is a huge value despite it's diminutive size. Can't say enough about this thing. Love it!

We have gotten a lot of use out of this chair! So easy to keep in the trunk and put my son in it at the park for his snack or on a picnic. My son is 16 months and without this he will either need to eat in someone’s lap (making it hard for that person to eat) or take off running through the park, mixing his snack with clumps or dirt and rocks. We typically put this on the ground or on a picnic blanket. We did figure out how to secure it to a picnic table bench (at our own risk) by turning it sideways and running the bottom strap under the bench and the back strap around the leg (see photo). The gap between the legs is almost too wide for the picnic table bench so it’s important to get a really tight install. Definitely not something you would want to do and then walk far away from your kid without supervision. He also has knocked himself over in it on a picnic blanket (not a big deal since the seat is so low to the ground). Another note is that the seat is low enough that if we set it in dirt or grass, my son will grab a big handful of dirt to mix with his food or drop food and then pick it back up to eat it. We solve this problem by putting it on top of a picnic blanket and then just wiping/washing the blanket later. The tray is small - we put food directly on it or in a bowl. The whole thing is small which we like because we can travel with it. We have tucked it inside the car seat bag when gate checking our car seat without issue (it doesn’t add much weight). The straps are probably the worst part since they don’t seem super comfortable, but at the same time they don’t seem to bother my son.

bought this last minute for travel as the thought of one of us having to hold baby for every meal was too much for me. this chair is great! we didn't try it on a chair b/c sitting it on the floor worked great. baby is in a phase of pushing feet down to propel self up, so we made sure to sit it against a step or wall or backstop so it couldn't tip, but I'm not sure the chair would anyway. the tray table pops in the dishwasher, the chair unfolded and folded is a small profile, and the only complaint is the actual fabric doesn't come off to be washed, but few things like this do. much happier we bought this rather than a clip on high chair as so many tables have aprons and other things I feel could impede the use of a more expensive clip-on/lobster chair. thanks summer infant!

This is actually the second one of these we bought. We still have the first one and have loved every minute of it since we bought it over a year ago. I thought when we bought the first one that the tray probably wouldn’t fit in the bag. But it does. That, my friends, is a freaking win. I also like that you can use the tray— if the table if very high or low— or you can not use the tray— if the table is a good height for your little one. The tray can be washed in the dishwasher but is also easily wiped down with a washcloth or whatever you use to wipe up your kid. The straps can maybe be a tiny bit confusing at first (??) but nothing a rocket scientist can’t figure out (kidding.. they’re pretty easy to get the hang of after a minute of staring at them and after a while you can do it with your eyes closed) also cool about this chair is that you can use it as a camp chair. Or just to feed your little one on the floor and keep them contained. As an added bonus literally everyone who has ever seen this chair comments on how cool it is. Not to mention the number of times we’ve encountered a host/hostess kind of freaking out about how they will accommodate our small human and then we get to heroically swoop in with our small portable high chair. One huge con—- seriously, if the makers of this chair are reading this PLEASE GIVE US A SOLUTION!— you can’t clean the actual chair portion. Gross I know. I’ve fantasized about hitting it with a pressure washer but settle for wiping it with a soapy washcloth (sort of like putting a bandaid on a broken leg sometimes) Overall I still think you should buy this chair.

We travel a lot, we go to places that don't necessarily have have high chairs available. We throw it in the suitcase, car, or just simply over our shoulder and go. We even bring it places that do have highchairs because my daughter likes to feed herself and the tray is great for that! We've attached it to fancy restaurant chairs, bar stools, picnic tables. Pretty much any style of sitting situation the straps can adjust to fit and be secure. The bag it comes with has a convenient pocket that we keep bibs and wipes in. The customer service w/ summer infant is stellar! I have several summer infant products and i can't recommend them enough!

Despite the negative reviews, so far this seat seems awesome! We will be traveling by plane next month and I needed something compact to bring with us, and this seat is absolutely perfect. I plan on using it both as a high chair and a play chair to attach toys to and let her have a place to sit in. She's been sitting in it for the last 15 minutes and seems comfortable and content. It's a pretty pink also and seems very sturdy and well-made. I'm not sure why others said they had a hard time attaching the tray, as it's super simple as long as the seat is in its fully extended and locked down position. Very very happy with my purchase!