• The pre workout muscle building pill that boosts strength and performance
  • 90% more muscle & double the strength with just 1 pill per day
  • Powerful musclebuilding results with PEAK ATP!
  • Increases anabolic signaling by activating the mTOR pathway
  • Perfect for stacking with whey protein and whey protein isolate!

This left me with a ton of energy in the mornings. I have been taking it about an hour before all of my workouts along with my normal routine of 40g of carbs and 40g of protein. I have also noticed a little more intensity in the gym and some extra strength. This is definitely a keeper!!!

I've been using this product coupled with Legion Pulse Pre Workout Supplement (drink) for the past 3 months now. I noticed an immediate surge in energy and stamina in my workouts. Immediate....like on day 1. Taken 45 minutes prior, I sweat bullets during my workouts...but the intensity and the "pleasurable discomfort" of pushing myself has increased. I start to feel the effects after about 10 minutes into an HIIT workout or cardio workout. I've gained muscle mass (intended) and decreased fat (not intended/desired for me). I would agree with John R's review dated 9/24/2018, you need to workout seriously for this to have any effect. This isn't a "help me get bigger/better by not doing the work" pill. (I don't think that even exists, but I feel people trolling these reviews are looking for that...perhaps I'm wrong.) My regime is CrossFit 6 days/week and about 20 miles of trail running/week. I give it my all on every CrossFit WOD. If you are committed to giving it your all in every workout and it's high intensity interval WODs, this product will help you in your gains.

I can say this is one of the few products I've tried over the past 20 years where I've seen and felt a noticable difference in energy, weight loss, and muscle gain. I use only one product at a time with break of at least 2 weeks between products without changing my routine. This way I can write a confident review and see what actually works for my body. This stuff works. I went from having to unbutton my pants to fit in them to cinching the 4th hole in my belt in 2 months time and I actually gained two pounds. That indicates a good trade of fat to muscle. I must say that I am a product tester, but not for muscle tech, they don't pay me or offer any compensation for a review. Honesty without mercy is how I got the job. Facts don't care about your feelings and neither do I.

I have been taking this product for about 3 weeks now and i am getting fantastic results, a marked increase in muscle mass. I stack it with protein and neurocore. I also maintain a protein packed, liw fat/carb diet. Although none of these products will work unless you put the work in at the gym. You get out what you put in, but this muscle builder helps a lot!!

One of the best products I've ever tried. It works from the first day you try it. I actually ordered a second bottle immediately after using it for a week to make sure I don't run out. It cut my workout time by 20 min and my recovery time between sets is down to 30 seconds. Im also lifting heavier than I've ever lifted before. I'm very impressed by how good this product works. Definitely a winner.

Just finished a very successful bulk phase where I added clear muscle and muscle builder to my stack - 6 months and thrilled with results. This product alone will not give you super gains; diet and workout routine/intensity is the key. Now that I am 3 weeks off (clear muscle 3 weeks, muscle builder 1 1/2 weeks) and continuing my other supplements (and eating like crazy) I feel I can talk to the effects these products had as sometimes you don't realize how they help until you stop. Muscle builder helped maintain energy and stamina through workouts. The last week and a half I have had a harder time with energy towards the end of workouts and feel its due to the lack of ATP this product provided. While I think it helped my workouts, I will say I don't think its valuable if you aren't going all out in the gym. Clear muscle I believe helped more with recovery, so together they provide a good duo if you punish muscle groups 2 or more times a week. I'll be adding both back into my stack in a few months when I begin a new cycle.

I started using this product for about a little over a week now and I have been having great results with it. This product really helped me push myself during my workouts and get that extra rep/set, and It also gives me added energy throughout my days and feeling great. I would highly recommend this product for those of you who have been feeling really tired through your days or have been hitting a plateau on your gains and need that extra boost to get over it.

Excelent product... I barely workout more that one hour but i do it intense and this product help to find the way i want to look...💪🏼

I like this product I could see a gain in strength and stamina and feel the extra boost to push out some extra reps!! There also was a great pump with this product I gained about 10lbs of muscle and went up about 20lbs on my max on bench and 20 on squats!! I would highly recommend this product to someone looking to put on some muscle and looking to boost there gains!! Great product!!

I haven’t been the most athletic person but this stuff works. 30 minutes after taking this for the first time I had one of the best workouts of my life. This paired with BCAA energy has helped me cut 3 minutes off my mile add 10+ reps to my curling sets, put 20 extra pounds on my bench press and more in just 5 days. Caffeine has no effect on me so I doubted this stuff would work. I had my doubts but this stuff has improved my workout.