• SMOOTH & FOCUSED ENERGY - Are you looking for something that gives you long lasting energy without the harsh side effects that many energy pills have? Our combination of caffeine (100mg) + l-theanine (200mg) works synergistically together to produce a smooth & clean energy that allows you to be your most productive self.
  • CALM SOCIAL SITUATIONS - Many of our customers have reported their “pleasant surprise” when taking this supplement at work, community events, and other social gatherings day to day. By promoting both mental focus and a calm, smooth energy, you’ll also love how at ease and “on top of your game” you can feel in social situations.
  • CALM SOCIAL ANXIETY - Many of our customers have reported their “pleasant surprise” when taking this supplement at work, community events, and other social gatherings day to day. By promoting both mental focus and a calm, smooth energy, you’ll also love how at ease and “on top of your game” you can feel in social situations.
  • NATURAL ALTERNATIVE - Every day, millions of Americans drink coffee and energy drinks to “stay productive” or “get ahead.” The problem is, most of what we choose is loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and several unhealthy side affects. With our Energy + Focus formula, you’ll enjoy the benefits of caffeine & l-theanine without the unhealthy ingredients, added calories, or added expense (did we mention this is way cheaper than your daily cup of joe?).
  • WHAT SETS US APART? At Zhou, we use only the highest-quality ingredients in an FDA certified facility following GMP (good manufacturing practices). Plus, we test everything at our lab in Utah, so you can be confident that you’re fueling your body with the very best.

Total score! I take this with the Neuro-Focus, I suffer from Chronic Fatigue Sydrome and have found this helps me a ton as I'm trying a more holistic approach from typical medications. No jitters and helps keep me alert and focused. I only use it on work days and avoid on days off to aviod building a tolerance to it.

I've tried a lot of these energy and focus supplement blends. What's great about this one is that it actually works. I'm 195 lbs, I take one capsule in the morning with breakfast and one capsule at midday with my lunch and I'm energized and clear-headed all day long. The mental clarity from the L-Theanine plus the energy boost from the caffeine helps me stay on task and focused all day long. Bonus, this supplement has eliminated the dreaded 2:30 pm slump. You know, where you've got to run out and grab some expensive, sugary coffee drink so you don't pass out at your desk? Yeah, not happening any more :)

Somehow these two ingredients together don't work for me. I find no effect from this combination at all. Update: Zhou representative contacted me and gave a full refund as part of their 100% satisfaction money back guarantee. Now, satisfied, that I am. I didn't have to worry about returning the used product and can use the refund to purchase something that does work for me. Very good! Update: 4/7/18 Tried this again, since it's been sitting in our cupboard w/o use. Surprisingly, got a great energy w/o jitters as the product promises. Not sure why it didn't work for me when I first bought it. Possibly, there was something else at play that was counteracting the effects. Lesson learned: try the product for an extended period, before writing the review.

I'm 88 years old with all that suggests and more. I've never been a morning person, but this pill gets me cranked up earlier than ever. The mental fog has lifted by the time I start my first cup of coffee & I actually get some mental work done before fatigue and the physical pain of my worn-out body again take over. It is not a long-lasting panacea but it brightens a part of my day.

Hi!! I just wanted to leave this review because I took this a few days ago, differently than I usually do. It was my first time taking two at a time, instead of just one. And it changed my entire day...And hopefully my life. I have ADHD, really bad. I'm also a mom of 5 boys. House work, meals, activities, keeping things in order is extremely stressful, and overwhelming for me. So yesterday, after I took it I found myself focused on one task after the next, and handling the random issues that came up with my kids, without getting distracted from what I was doing. I also made a master chore chart for daily, weekly, monthly, and annual chores. I made chore charts for each of my kids. I basically kicked a**!!!!! And while I was in the middle of making these lists, I stopped what I was doing, and recognized how much I had accomplished, how nice and neat my lists were, and how focused I was on doing them. I laughed, out, loud and knew it was the energy+ focus pills!!! I feel saved. And so SO grateful. I feel hope. Thank you SO much.

I take Energy and Focus along with Neuro-Peak and I have never been so focus everyday! At work I am able to be extremely productive throughout the day. When I leave I have energy still. It's been the supplement that helps me be the best me.

As a student taking 18 hours of classes and freelance working, time management is essential for me. I have had issues focusing in the past but wanted to try natural solutions before getting a prescription. Taking Energy + Focus, I have completely replaced the need to drink massive amounts of coffee. Now, all I need to do is take one of these awesome supplements and focus and energy come easy - without the crashing. I was sort of skeptical at first, but am really glad I tried it out. I'm definitely going to continue purchasing.

I use it every day and it has made a tremendous difference. I work in a middle school as a para educator with children with Autism as well as being a single mom of 2 young girls. Before I tried this product I was drinking multiple cups of coffee and 1-2 energy drinks a day. With this, there is no crash or jittery feeling and I haven't needed an energy drink since I've tried these. I feel good and alert. It's such a nice feeling.

After 10 years of drinking a red bull every day of my life, I quit drinking energy drinks about 5 years ago. I'd switched to tea and have slowly weaned myself off caffeine in recent months/years. However I've also been battling decreased energy, attention and focus at work and in life. I've been improving my health through diet, exercise and supplements - but something has been missing. I found this product and thought to give it a try. I'm glad that I did. This has absolutely helped me stay alert throughout the day, bringing focus to my work and life. All the while without feeling a crash or crappy afterwards. Def recommend for those looking for a caffeine focus, without the crap.

This is the absolute best energy product I've ever used!!! It is actually even better than what I expected! I have taken it for almost 2 weeks now, no side effects, and another benefit of it is that I am slightly less hungry!! I read the reviews before I bought it, and I can honestly say that it is worth every penny. I love it!!!!