• Multipurpose Paper Bags: Size: 5.25" x 3.75" x 8", Halulu craft paper bags,handled bags,shopping bags, gift bags, merchandise bags, carry bags, retail bags,party bags.
  • Twisted handle for easy carry.
  • Square bottom for easy stand up.
  • Eco-friendly Bags: These bags can be recycled, reused and composted.
  • Durable DIY Paper Gift Bags: These bags are perfect for craft and DIY. They are plain brown and can be painted, printed and embellished as you may wish.

I was coordinating a big musical event and the high priced based I originally ordered were late. I needed something inexpensive and half way decent FAST! I was nervous about these bags b'cuz they were really plain and I wasn't sure of the quality. We'll let me tell you... The event was on a Saturday and I didn't even order these until that Thursday night. They arrived the next day Friday and were the perfect size and quality. I was SO thankful since my butt was on the line AND my budget was blown. The price was a "NO BRAINER"!

Used these bags for my business happy with will buy again

These bags are PERFECT! They arrived as promised, via Prime, and were exactly what I was looking for, as far as size and materials. The bags all came in a huge box that gave lots of room for the bags to arrive in perfect condition. I would DEFINITELY order again.

These bags have a slight smell to them, but it is not overwhelming unless you are using all 100 at one time and have your face buried in them for a while. While I was filling all 100 in a small space the smell was a bit much, but once I got them to their destination and passed them out, I didn't even notice the smell. The quality is good and the size is perfect. In each bag, I placed a small notebook, orange, fun sized candy bar, pen, can koozie, and granola bar.

Great quality! Worked great for goodie bags!

Beautiful, very cute. Slightly wider than the standard small gift bag and has a wider base which is great, fits more. I found these and am so happy! Using them for my wedding favor bags. They will have Jordan almonds, a packaged candle holder, and a cd. Finding a bag to fit a CDS width was the obstacle. These are perfect! Also they're roomy and wide yet not too tall.

My order arrived ahead of the delivery schedule. Bags were neatly packaged ,and the material is really good quality. I will definitely order again for future party favor bags.

I needed these for a show my club was hosting at the state level. I was in need of bags to fit a 5.5" x 8.5" sheet of paper, flyer and craft as well as be something I could customise on the main face. These stood up when opened making them easy to lay out for new visitors and they looked great. Wish they were a few dollars cheaper. Other than that we were all very satisfied with our bags. They were very useful, practical and attractive.

I bought these to stuff inside baby onesies (0 to 12 months) for a onesie decorating station at a baby shower. They worked perfectly so it was easier to hang the onesies by the bag handle with a clothespin and attach tags to them. Now I have many bags left over that I can use for small gifts or future baby showers. A great value and buy!