• 3.5 Inches HAND HAMMERED TIBETAN SINGING BOWL SET - This is a full set of meditation bowl, wooden striker and hand sewn cushion. Made in the Himilayan Foothills By Nepalese artistans to create an ambience for emotional calming & healing.
  • ENHANCES YOGA, MEDITATION AND HEART CHAKRA CLEARING - The sounds generated by this Tibertan Singing Bowl is a type of energy medicine that promotes healing from stress disorders, pain, depression and most forms of dis-ease.
  • WONDERFUL TONES AND EASE OF PLAYING - Healing processes are initiated through entraining our brainwaves to synchronise with the perfect resonance of the bowls. Unique tones create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking and intuitive messages.
  • FITS IN YOUR HAND - The Meditation Bowl Set fits in the palm of your hand, looks great on your desk or shelf, and adds a fun and harmonious flavor to your decor.
  • “Beautifully crafted for a modest price. This authentic Tibetan singing bowl produces a strong vibration and warm tone to help center and enrich your life. I am very pleased with the packaging, production and results, and you should be too.” “This is a sweet little bowl with a beautiful big sound!” "This singing bowl has the most beautiful voice, and is the first of these instruments I've ever been able to make sing.”

Beautifully crafted for a modest price. This authentic, hand-hammered, Tibetan singing bowl produces a strong vibration and warm tone to help center and enrich your life. I am very pleased with the packaging, production and results, and you should be too. The premise of the singing bowl is to induce Theta brain waves. Theta waves are that in-between state of light sleeping, hypnosis and lucid dreaming, and of course meditation. The bottom line is, this instrument does work when used frequently with your meditation practices. Best of all, you won't break the bank buying it, it is handcrafted and durable, and the one I received was smooth and thoughtfully constructed.

Beautiful singing bowl! I ordered four as gifts for friends and was pleasantly surprised at the quality, given the price. I have a larger singing bowl that my mom brought home from Tibet, and these little guys sound just as lovely. They have a nice weight and their tone is quite pretty. I didn’t find any issues with mold as others have mentioned... not sure what happened there. Perhaps the seller had an isolated incident with storing them? Anyhow, the bowls came wrapped tightly in bubble wrap, including the striker. It made for a wonderful, thoughtful gift for Christmas/New Year. Signing bowls are touted to have great healing qualities, in addition to their use as a meditation aide. There are some great websites that explain their use in easing arthritic pain and helping with cancer therapy. Very intriguing.

I had a chance to compare a few singing bowls through a workshop and wanted to give this one a try. It seemed like a good $20 risk given the reviews. So happy I took a chance! The bowl sings easily and loudly, resonating for a good while after the friction stops. The tone is pleasing to me and sound to me the same whether struck or singing. I feel it in my chest but can't vouch whether it's truly a heart chakra tone or not. I might replace the mallet with one that's wrapped in leather since the one that comes with is wood only and can sound a bit rough before it warms into singing.

The bowl was solid and works well. Bright clear tone. Rings well. Easy to rub the wooden striker around the bowl and get it to sing.

UNLIKE what a few others have stated, this bowl gets VERY loud when using the proper technique. LIKE what others have said, it has a beautiful female voice, mine is D flat, and an awoken voice of E.....simply beautiful! I do recommend a suede mallet, but after you get the proper technique mastered, the chatter will stop, which is what keeps the others from saying it doesn't get loud 😎

I purchased a different singing bowl for myself and like it well enough. Then Amazon suggested this bowl. So I bought it as a birthday present for my cousin. Of course I had to test it to see what it sounds like. OMGosh it has a beautiful tone and is very easy to make it sing!! You can tangibly feel the vibrations in the air from it. And since I love it so much, I went ahead and bought one for myself =)

I'm absolutely new to singing bowls and this is my first one and looked at videos on Youtube to see how their used. So I'm gonna tell you my experience from day one of receiving it up until now, which will be useful to other first time users. When I first unpacked it I bugged out on how small it is. Now I knew it was gonna be small from the reviews on it before purchasing, but I just didn't realize how small until I actually got it in my hand. It's stark small. Even in my small hand it felt too small to use. I was trying to rotate the wood stick around the edge and was feeling awkward like this thing isn't made to be held, not to mention that I wasn't getting a sound from it. But this was really my inexperience and being a stranger, not the size of the bowl, which I gradually discovered afterward. It's a day by day thing. Now it comes with a little note on a card with a friendly greeting and a how to use it link to download, but I found the website address to be nonexistent or the address not given correctly. Numerous hits came up with none of them being the actual Ohm Store selling this bowl and offering any download, and I was a little frustrated with that. But I didn't panic and start thinking that I've just been gypped, and Googled how play a singing bowl to read something about holding and playing it. Which turned out out well. And so I suggest not bothering with the note. Don't aggravate yourself with that, on what will appear to be a wild goose chase. I hope that the Ohm Store will get around to correcting this feature. So now that I've obtained a grasp on how to hold and play it, I still found it awkward to hold and play. The only sound I could get from it was by striking it on the side. So I sat the bowl down on a bed table in front of me, and was able to play it that way. I could actually hear it singing with the striker stick circling the edge. And this had me convinced for awhile that the bowl is made too small to use in your hand. And I then realized that that way was a problem too, as the bowl was sliding around on the table. Which is what kept using it in my hand in my intention. So for day one's practice, I played it little in the only way that I could, on a table, and called it a day. And I took a couple of shots at it later on in the night on the table. For a total of 3 tries on day one. Now on day two, amazingly, I found that I was able to play it in my hand. Not well, but playing it. Now what happened? What was the difference between today and yesterday? The difference was acquaintance. I was a total stranger to the bowl yesterday and more acquainted with it today. So I found that you have to become attuned to the world of sacred sound. The effort you made on the first day isn't forgotten by the other side your connecting to. Okay, now on day two I'm playing it my hand, and it still felt awkward. And today, like yesterday, I put in a total of 3 tries and called it a day. Okay, now on day three, I decided to use the ring with the bowl in my hand, with my hand opened, fingers not touching the bowl. To give it some height that may allow me to circle the striker more smoothly. And to my surprise, I was playing that bowl much much better. In fact, the sound got louder and louder as I was circling, like a symphony, and I started feeling a very strong vibration in my hand that flowed up to my forearm. The difference as far as I can see, is acquaintance. Each day brings you closer to the realm of sacred sound. And I found the bowl to feel comfortable in my hand with the ring. Well that's all I have to tell you for now. I've been using it for 3 days. It's a great bowl, I love it, and are grateful to have it. Kudos to the Ohm Store for kicking out a wonderful work of art at an affordable price, and I highly recommend this bowl to everyone. Especially newbies. All in all, the tiny size of the bowl isn't an issue. It has nothing to do with the function and quality of the bowl, and if you are new at it, you will experience the same break in period with a larger bowl. In fact, the small size of the bowl makes it perfect to carry with you.