• 4 fun places for baby to visit: Puppy's home, the market, the zoo and the farm
  • Press the interactive phone button for fun phrases that add to the role-play fun
  • 9 lights and more than 120 songs, tunes & phrases
  • Includes Smart Stages technology with 3 levels of play that grow with baby
  • Add legs when baby's ready to move from sitting & playing to standing & cruising

There is nothing fancy about this table. It doesn't have all of the flash and pizzazz of the V-Tech toys, and yet it is perfect for my 9 month daughter. She loves to stand although she is not stable enough to stand unsupported so we purchased the table to give her something to hold onto and provide entertainment at the same time. It is the perfect height for her and keeps her occupied for awhile. This morning she actually used it to pull herself up to standing which was awesome (only the 2nd time she's pulled herself up) so she could play with it. One comment however is that it will definitely slide all over bare floors and does slide some on carpet. Because she is not steady on her feet, she leans heavily on the table so it does slide sometimes on the carpet. As a result, I'm always near her when she plays with it to make sure she doesn't wipe out and face plant if it slides forward too much. It is good construction and will be able to take a beating from the kiddo and well worth the purchase.

I bought this item for my grandsons first birthday. It is really cute and I like that it has 3 different levels to go on so they learn different things. It has so many different songs and things they can do so it is different each time for them. I like how it is like a table so he can stand up to it and play but it also can set on the floor to play. This item is very well made I really liked it and so did he.

I bought this product to entice my infant to sit and reach in various positions (PT homework). We left the legs off for now and she can play with it laying on her tummy or sitting next to it. There is a 'remote' in the middle that is fun to take out and put back. When she is able to stand, we will add the legs. My 3 year old also loves this toy and will sit with his sister and push the buttons. There are 3 settings depending on the age but all 3 are entertaining. For a very young child, there are a lot of fine motor activities like pushing keys, opening doors, rolling a cylinder, turning a dial, sliding an animal back and forth, and flipping a light switch on and off.

My daughter loves this. It’s a perfect height for starting to pull herself up and stand. There is an level that has English and Spanish which I really like. It says the word in English then provides that same word in Spanish. Has a little cell phone in the middle. Which is cool because what little kid isn’t attracted to a cell phone. Well worth the cost. She’ll probably continue to use well after her 1st birthday. When we set her down with her toys this is the first toy she will always go to. She’ll crawl over and pull herself up. Great for discovery and play but also helps her build her strength in her legs.

We love this product! We first introduced it to our son when he was 8 months old. All he wanted to do was stand and play upright, and this was the perfect solution. After playing with it for a brief time, he mastered turning light switches on and off, turning pages of books, and using the puncher grasp. We love the different settings for different ages so it will continue to grow with him. The table is meant to be rather light so it's not a pain to move around and store, but that means that occasionally when my son uses it to help pull himself up, the table topples over. It's worth it to us, as we're never far from his side.

I bought this for my 1 year old daughters birthday and she just loves standing at it and playing! There is enough going on to keep her entertained, but not too much to get overwhelming. And as a bonus my older kids seem to like playing with it too!

Prefect gift of a 18 month to 24 month toddler. It is a good assist to come to standing and something to support then while they do. It is stable so it will not move. Numerous colors and shapes and sizes to help them recognize. My godson celebrated his first birthday and just loves it.

Bought this when my baby boy was 9 months old bc he liked to pull up on furniture and walk while holding onto things. - Very sturdy (all my baby can push it now that he is 13 months) but would be hard to knock over - Lots of things to play with - If your baby likes peekaboo, get this. The barn door opens and it says "peekaboo" and changes pictures every time he opens it (horse, sheep, cow) - open the "front door" and it sings the abcs - turn the light on and it actually lights up - only was they could improve would be to make the phone electronic too. My baby boy is 13 months old (he walks now) and he still enjoys playing with this. It's good to have a mix of toys in your home but also a mix of the height of the toys (some they play with sitting, some standing, some to push or pull, etc) . Ideally buy this either before or right when baby is pulling up on things.

First toy ever we received that was fully wrapped in original packaging! Really appreciated the plastic wrapper because it kept the toy clean and only a quick wipe was allthat was needed prior to letting baby play with it. He seems to enjoy it and so far so good.

Our LO loves this thing!!!! It has tons of sounds and songs. It has 3 stages that allow you to change the sounds. In other words, each button will play a different sound/song for each stage. So this toy will certainly grow with the kid. It's easy to move around and is very sturdy. Our LO holds on to it while dancing and sometimes pushed it across the room. The legs have never come off and it has never flipped over. I noticed that it is especially great for visitors or babysitters to explore alongside of baby because it is a lot for them to explore as well. We purchased this toy a month or so after LO started pulling up. We probably could have gotten it right after he was sitting up.