• 175MG OF CAFFEINE– help fuel your mind and body to train at the highest level*
  • 3G CREAPURE CREATINE – help support overall performance*
  • 1.5G CARNOSYN BETA-ALANINE – help support enhanced endurance*
  • 1.5G CITRULLINE MALATE – a precursor to nitric oxide*
  • BANNED SUBSTANCE TESTED – helps ensure you can trust what you are putting in your body
  • 6 DELICIOUS FLAVORS AVAILABLE – blueberry lemonade, green apple, pineapple, strawberry lime, watermelon, fruit punch

I'm in love with this pre-workout. It packs a great punch and gets me out and moving when I need it. The caffeine is a little high for the casual gym goer, but for someone who spends an hour or two at the gym every day or every other day it's perfect. If this is your first pre-workout, I might go with something with a little lower caffeine, just because this still makes me a little jittery on an empty stomach, and my body is relatively used to the high levels of caffeine. For reference, the 175 mg of caffeine is approximately equal to 2-4 cups of coffee, depending on your serving size. Also (because I saw a question on this in the comments section), I am a 20 year old woman and have no problem using this or any pre-workout, at the designated serving size, and sometimes twice daily. The only problem I have sometimes is that I have trouble sleeping early is I take this after 6pm (because caffeine), so I would recommend taking it before them. I purchased this from Costco for $30 for 60 servings, which is a great deal. Visit your local Costco before you buy this online! If this helped you out please leave a helpful vote/ Thumbs up! Thanks!

I was pleasantly surprised that it works. I got the Blueberry Lemonade because it was $5 cheaper so I expected the taste to be bad but it was really tasty. Not too sweet, and no burned rubber taste like some others have. One scoop seemed to work but a little too little for me. So the next time I starter taking 1.5 scoops and I could start feeling the goosebumps feel after about 15 mins, which I like because I know it’s working inside me. The pre-workout lasts pretty long time - maybe 3 hours. I stay at the gym about one and a half hours and my body still feels like it’s super cafinated for another hour after I leave.

Honestly, most preworkouts are pretty much the same when it comes down to their purpose.The caffeine can vary of course, but to me taste and flavor are really important. The Fruit Punch flavor is by far the best. I tried a pineapple one too that was pretty bad. I work out in the mornings, so I have a half a scoop of preworkout while I eat breakfast instead of coffee, then take a serving of ON Amino Energy to the gym with me and drink it while I work out. The 2 products work really well with each other. Otherwise a full serving of preworkout before the gym really helps get through a workout. I highly recommend this product and tatses great!

Worth it. Can change your attitude and ability going into the gym on off days where you don't feel like going in. Better than their platinum version in my opinion Has slightly lowish levels of supplements but I add to this depending on how much preworkout I use. One scoop is like a cup of coffee from Starbucks. Sometimes if I have a whole scoop it hits me a little too hard. Has a little cit mal, decent amount of beta alanine, 3 MG of creatine mono. It works!

Great product for the price. Good taste. It gives me some good energy which is especially awesome after work when I don't feel like going to the gym. It's not the strongest preworkout I've had, however, so if you're wanting something with crazy high stims then might want to look for something different.

Much better than most preworkouts. Very clean compared to others and you know exactly how much of each component is in each serving. Flavor is perfect. Essentially tastes like Gatorade Fruit Punch. It mixes very very well with water and goes down fairly easy. I like that I don't need extra water to get the overwhelming taste out of my mouth like most other preworkout blends. Has just enough caffeine to give you the jolt you need without making you feel jittery right after or have you feeling restless at night.

Gives me good energy to make it through long/heavy workouts later in the day. It's hard to train for strength or hypertrophy after an entire day at work; this pre-workout helps. I do not mix as directed though because it tastes nasty and I dont want to drink 16oz of water right before a workout. I mix it with about 3 or 4 oz of water and chug it quickly.

I've just recently started drinking pre-workout supplements before my workouts and let me tell you this product is my new HG! A friend recommended it to me and after HOURS (not kidding) of rigorous research on what creatine, beta alanine, etc were I finally found this product and it had all the right stuff in the right proportions! I get steady energy through my workout and don't have a crash after which I'm all about. I've recently started incorporating 4 sets of 12-15 reps and this gets me through the last few for sure!

HIGHLY recommended to all who dont need to be stimmed out of your mind. If you feel that you need to have pins, needles, and pure bull testosterone thrumping your face like 10000 bee stings, this is not your product. Flavor is phenomenal (watermelon), its mild, smooth stim to get you motivated to keep going in the gym. I compound this with an extra 1/2tsp of creatine powder and use an intra workout BCAA to keep up blood sugar levels, and energy over-all. Enjoy this product very much and plan to buy again.

Optimum Nutrition has been my go to brand for protein powder and creatine for years due to it's high quality no bs ingredients and competitive pricing. When I decided I'd like to try out using a pre-workout this was my first choice and I'm happy to report that it adheres to the high quality I've experienced in other products by Optimum Nutrition. Flavor: The flavor is really surprisingly wonderful, I purchased the fruit punch flavor and its a mild, smooth flavor with a nice amount of sweetness. I especially liked that the mix somehow managed to not have that weird aftertaste you often get with artificial sweeteners, despite have very little actual sugar(2 grams carbs) in the product. Effects: The effects of 1 scoop were moderate, but certainly noticeable and in no way "overpowering". After taking one scoop about ~15 mins later I began to feel much more awake and alert and also noticed a slight warm tingly feeling all over my body which was quite enjoyable (this is a side effect of taking beta-alanine). At the gym I noticed I was able to bang out a couple more reps than I would normally be able to, although a bit of this can likely be chocked up to the placebo effect. That being said I noticed a huge difference in my ability to do high intensity cardio with the pre-workout really giving me the focus and energy to go all out. Aftereffects: While I certainly noticed the rush of energy leaving me after my workout it was by no means a "crash" in fact I felt pretty good afterwards, no dizziness, lethargy, etc.. The only downside is that I workout around 9pm most of the time and sometimes the caffeine makes it hard to fall asleep at a reasonable time. Overall this is a great product at a very competitive price point that I absolutely recommend if you are thinking of trying out pre-workout and will definitely be buying again.